Terrorists Attack 10 Year Old Child

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Terrorists attack 10 year old child Aug 21, 2011
How low can the terrorist colonists in Occupied Palestine go - now they have gone and beaten up a 10 year old child.

Many Israelis are disgu.sted by this new incident by these extremist 'settlers' - or 'Kahanist terrorists' as a commentator calls them.

I trust that even the fanbois won't be able to find an excuse for this crime. But I do predict they won't be able to resist a 'whataboutery' argument. ;)

Note to fanbois - these guys are terrorists. Militants engaging soldiers in a firefight aren't. Learn the difference.

A ten year old Palestinian child was seriously injured after being beaten in an apparent attack by settlers near the West Bank outpost of Ramat Migron.

The Israel Defense Forces received a report of the incident on Saturday afternoon. The boy, who was found suffering from head injuries and cuts to his head, was sent to Ramallah hospital by the Red Cross. He told security forces that his attackers were wearing masks.

Police and military forces that arrived at the scene opened an investigation and chased after the suspects. So far thirteen people suspected of involvement in the incident have been apprehended.

The police stated that they are treating the incident with the utmost seriousness in order to find the other assailants and bring them to justice.

http://www.haaretz.com/news/national/we ... d-1.379682


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Re: Terrorists attack 10 year old child Aug 21, 2011
Kahanist terrorist is a religious slur. It's no different than if Muslims referred to Sunni al-Qaeda terrorists as Ahmadi sleeper cells.

Seeing as you're unfamiliar with Judaism's diverse religious traditions, I'll chalk this up to another gaffe by O Wise One.

these guys are terrorists. Militants engaging soldiers in a firefight aren't. Learn the difference.

What about Palestinian Arab Muslim terrorists who directly target civilian cars on Israeli highways?
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Re: Terrorists Attack 10 Year Old Child Aug 21, 2011
Eh - do you disagree that these are Kahanist terrorists? (it is not a slur if it is accurate)

(And I was right, loons can't resist an opportunity for 'whataboutery' arguments!)

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Re: Terrorists Attack 10 Year Old Child Aug 21, 2011
shafique wrote:Eh - do you disagree that these are Kahanist terrorists? (it is not a slur if it is accurate)

You claim to know more than the press. Any ID yet on the people with masks?

The boy, who was found suffering from head injuries and cuts to his head, was sent to Ramallah hospital by the Red Cross. He told security forces that his attackers were wearing masks.
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Re: Terrorists Attack 10 Year Old Child Aug 21, 2011

So far thirteen people suspected of involvement in the incident have been apprehended.

The Haaretz article is quite clear that the authorities are blaming the colonists - do you know otherwise? They had to 'chase after' the terrorists!

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Re: Terrorists Attack 10 Year Old Child Aug 21, 2011
O Wise One wrote:Eh - do you disagree that these are Kahanist terrorists? (it is not a slur if it is accurate)

Yes, I disagree that they are Kahanist terrorists.
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Re: Terrorists Attack 10 Year Old Child Aug 21, 2011
What type of terrorists are they then?

The USA lists Kahanist Terrorist groups (there are quite a few of them) - and are deemed as terrorists:
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline ... slist.html

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Re: Terrorists attack 10 year old child Aug 22, 2011
shaf, I see they are listed, but it is not a terrorist list. Do you have any relevant link to support your "deemed to be ", or is it one of your spin.
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Re: Terrorists Attack 10 Year Old Child Aug 22, 2011
Al Qaeda is NOT Muslim. The Sunni Muslim countries are already fighting Al Qaeda.
We don't care if they think they're Muslims, it has been stated clearly million times by our man authorities and governments that Al Qaeda are a bunch of terrorists and it only shows how ignorant a person is that claim that Al Qaeda is a Muslim group.

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Re: Terrorists attack 10 year old child Aug 22, 2011
Not muslims? huh.....christians may be????
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Re: Terrorists Attack 10 Year Old Child Aug 22, 2011
I hurd that al qaeda smoke dope and have remote parties in the mountains. maybe they are trying to protect what left of the dope in Afghanistan and the US insist to take control of what the next 10 years of opium harvest , everything and anything is possible.
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Re: Terrorists Attack 10 Year Old Child Aug 22, 2011
symmetric wrote:Al Qaeda is NOT Muslim. The Sunni Muslim countries are already fighting Al Qaeda.
We don't care if they think they're Muslims, it has been stated clearly million times by our man authorities and governments that Al Qaeda are a bunch of terrorists and it only shows how ignorant a person is that claim that Al Qaeda is a Muslim group.

I keep the rest of the politics for you.

What has shaykh Osama bin Laden said that was un-Islamic?
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Re: Terrorists Attack 10 Year Old Child Aug 22, 2011
You meant to say the recently dearly departed. ;)
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Re: Terrorists attack 10 year old child Aug 22, 2011
gertrude wrote:shaf, I see they are listed, but it is not a terrorist list. Do you have any relevant link to support your "deemed to be ", or is it one of your spin.

The link is on the page - right under the title:

U.S. List of Known Kahanist Groups and Aliases

From Presidential Executive Order 13224:
http://www.treas.gov/offices/enforcemen ... terror.txt

Edit: Link isn't working - but a quick search of the Treasury website gave the document's new address:
http://www.treasury.gov/resource-center ... /13224.pdf

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Re: Terrorists attack 10 year old child Aug 22, 2011
Al shafique ...I dont see any lists in your link that list Kahanist Groups as terrorist organizations.
Try again...
Did you check on US state department?, by the way you will find there that HAMAS is listed.
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Re: Terrorists attack 10 year old child Aug 22, 2011
We're still waiting to hear from eh about what type of terrorists these guys were.

Herve - here you go:
75 FR 504 - In the Matter of the Review of the Designation of Kahane Chai (aka American Friends of the United Yeshiva Movement aka American Friends of Yeshivat Rav Meir ...)As a Foreign Terrorist Organization pursuant to Section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, ...

Therefore, I hereby determine that the designation of the aforementioned organization as foreign terrorist organizations, pursuant to Section 219 of the INA (8 U.S.C. 1189), shall be maintained.

This determination shall be published in the Federal Register.

Dated: December 22, 2009.
James B. Steinberg,

http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/search/pagedet ... 2010-01-05

https://www.epls.gov/epls/search.do?deb ... &xref=true

So - the Kahanist Terror groups are even considered a terrorist threat to the USA.

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Re: Terrorists attack 10 year old child Aug 25, 2011
shafique wrote:Herve - here you go:
75 FR 504 - In the Matter of the Review of the Designation of Kahane Chai (aka American Friends of the United Yeshiva Movement aka American Friends of Yeshivat Rav Meir ...)As a Foreign Terrorist Organization pursuant to Section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, ...

Therefore, I hereby determine that the designation of the aforementioned organization as foreign terrorist organizations, pursuant to Section 219 of the INA (8 U.S.C. 1189), shall be maintained.
So - the Kahanist Terror groups are even considered a terrorist threat to the USA.


Well...the chief of police does not seem to share your biased theories about terrorist threats al shafique supporter of hamas. Do you know better than NYPD and CIA?
Because in the US, the TERRORIST threat is MOSLIM
proof is with CIA help, NYPD moves covertly in Muslim areas.

http://news.yahoo.com/cia-help-nypd-mov ... 19915.html
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Re: Terrorists Attack 10 Year Old Child Aug 25, 2011
LOL - The US government considers Kahanist Terrorists to be a threat to the USA and herve is in denial - even when official government statement is provided! :roll:

Herve - you do realise that this thread is about a real incident and not about your fantasies, don't you?

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Re: Terrorists attack 10 year old child Aug 26, 2011
spin again al shafique the hamas supporter.
It is not about me, i don't deny anything, i was just pointing to you a link that contradicts your post.
The CIA and NYPD are infiltrating moslims groups, not jewish groups, are THEY in denial, or are they pursuing the REAL terrorist threat, that is MOSLIM.
It is not a fantasy it is right here
http://news.yahoo.com/cia-help-nypd-mov ... 19915.html
news like that mush itch you bad,
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Re: Terrorists Attack 10 Year Old Child Aug 26, 2011
LOL, talking bout itches, hows yours Hervypoo
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Re: Terrorists Attack 10 Year Old Child Aug 26, 2011
herve lives in a fantasy world where the list of Kahanist Terrorists does not exist - but I'm at a loss why he's bringing his fantasies to a thread about a terrorist attack on a 10 year old child in Occupied Palestine! :roll:

A very poor attempt at smoke and mirrors. The French intelligence service must be so glad he no longer works for them! :D

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Re: Terrorists Attack 10 Year Old Child Aug 26, 2011
shafique wrote:The French intelligence service must be so glad he no longer works for them! :D

Hahahahahahaha !!

Excellent ! :lol:
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Re: Terrorists Attack 10 Year Old Child Aug 27, 2011
Do you think he's hiding in a burqa and licking his wounds? :)

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