Jokey, Jokey

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Jokey, Jokey Aug 15, 2011
Thought I would take another direction from the current threads.

This reminded me of BM and Herve.

No Racist attacks intended...

There was once a sheep farmer who needed help with the difficult task of castrating some of her inferior male sheep to keep them from breeding with the females. She hired a French guy who didn't speak English, but was a very good worker.

After the first day, they had successfully castrated 14 sheep and the French worker was just about to throw away the 'parts', but the sheep farmer yelled, "No! Don't throw those away! My husband fries them up and we eat them. They're delicious and we call them 'sheep fries'."

Later that day, the French hired hand came in for supper and indeed, the 'sheep fries' were tasty.

The next day, they castrated 16 sheep, and the following evening they all settled down to another supper of 'sheep fries'.

The third day, however, when the sheep farmer came home, she asked her husband where the French hired hand was.

He said, "You know, it was the weirdest thing! I told him since there weren't very many 'sheep fries' this evening, we were also going to have French fries. Then he screamed and ran like hell."

Your turn.............

Bora Bora
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Re: Jokey, Jokey Aug 15, 2011

A guy went in for a blood test and the nurse pricked his finger to get a sample and the guy started crying loudly !
The nurse felt sorry and put his finger in mouth like one does with small children. Instantly the guy started to smile ear to ear.

Whats the matter ? the nurse asked. I have a urine test next !

Ok not that funny but thats all I could think of in conjunction with "sheep fries"
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Re: Jokey, Jokey Aug 16, 2011
Don't give up the day job munchkin :?

Bora, I'm not sure what you are implying! That I would like to eat Herve?

Oh la la :D
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Re: Jokey, Jokey Aug 16, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:Don't give up the day job munchkin :?

Bora, I'm not sure what you are implying! That I would like to eat Herve?

Oh la la :D

:lol: Not implying anything BM. You two popped into my head when I read that joke!! I know your taste in food is of a higher standard!!! :)
Bora Bora
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Re: Jokey, Jokey Aug 16, 2011
Oh I'm partial to a bit of french cuisine Bora!

Ohh that accent :love4:
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Re: Jokey, Jokey Aug 16, 2011
Thanks BM, French cuisine is the best. and by the way, french fries are not french actually.

and to stay on topic here is my joke

I was at the post office when I saw a blond talking into an envelope. I asked her what she was doing and she replied,"I'm sending a voice-mail"
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Re: Jokey, Jokey Aug 17, 2011
Well, this man goes into this rather upscale restaurant , and orders a soup.While the waiter is serving him , the guy notices that the waiter's thumb is fully immersed in the hot soup. He calls the waiter's attention to this, and the waiter says "I had a thumb injury, and my Doctor advised me to keep it warm to dull the pain."
"Why dont you stick it up your a.s.s?" the man asks angrily.
"Thats exactly what I do," says the waiter with a smile, "when I am not serving soup!"
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Re: Jokey, Jokey Aug 17, 2011
What makes men chase women they have no intention of marrying?
The same urge that makes dogs chase cars they have no intention of driving.

promise next one will be better :)
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Re: Jokey, Jokey Aug 17, 2011
Billy was watching TV.
Next day Billy comes downstairs and asks 'Dad! What is Love Juice?'
Billy's dad looks horrified and tells Billy all about s.e.x and why a woman's virgina gets wet.
Billy just sat there with his mouth wide open in amazement :shock:
Dad asks 'so what were you watching?'

Billy replies 'Wimbledon'
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