Are We Living History And We Don't Feel It?

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are we living history and we don't feel it? Aug 10, 2011
I was thinking generally about what is happening in the world for the past 11 years, since 2000.

is the world making a black history for the future? did anyone try to wrtie or think of what has been happening and read it? how do you rate it? when we read histoy of before 1900 we sure have opinions, now if we are reading the present of now as history how do you think of it?

do you believe in what goes around comes around? is the world structure changing, whether we like it or not, can you predict how 2020 or 2050 will look like? in the past people never thought there will be changes but it happened.

do you think the Earth is fed up with its guests and changing the structure of it?

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