Cheer up luv!

the message board for Dubai English speaking community
Chocoholic wrote:How about just sodding off hey. So you start a post just to make personal attacks - well done you complete loser!
Stalking me round another forum for info? Well done BM, give yourself a huge pat on the back for that one - FYI your info is incorrect - only did it once! Remind me how many forums you've been booted off again?
Dillon, you're a gutless wonder, much like Sage (who seems also to have got bored and disappeared) riding around on BM's coat tails as usual, same as Drew and the rest of the sad little group of minions.
Twats like you two can love off and die for all I care.
Do you know what? I'm done. After 6 years on the forum I just cannot be bothered anymore with idiot people round here.
See ya.
Chocoholic wrote:How about just sodding off hey. So you start a post just to make personal attacks - well done you complete loser!
Stalking me round another forum for info? Well done BM, give yourself a huge pat on the back for that one - FYI your info is incorrect - only did it once! Remind me how many forums you've been booted off again?
Dillon, you're a gutless wonder, much like Sage (who seems also to have got bored and disappeared) riding around on BM's coat tails as usual, same as Drew and the rest of the sad little group of minions.
Twats like you two can love off and die for all I care.
Do you know what? I'm done. After 6 years on the forum I just cannot be bothered anymore with idiot people round here.
See ya.
Chocoholic wrote:How about just sodding off hey. So you start a post just to make personal attacks - well done you complete loser!
Stalking me round another forum for info? Well done BM, give yourself a huge pat on the back for that one - FYI your info is incorrect - only did it once! Remind me how many forums you've been booted off again?
Dillon, you're a gutless wonder, much like Sage (who seems also to have got bored and disappeared) riding around on BM's coat tails as usual, same as Drew and the rest of the sad little group of minions.
Twats like you two can love off and die for all I care.
Do you know what? I'm done. After 6 years on the forum I just cannot be bothered anymore with idiot people round here.
See ya.
symmetric wrote:I'm very annouyed with such hostile attitude in the forum against Chocs. She might not be a close friend of mine, but we both (along with all of you) share the same online community, and I believe we all share sweet & bitter moments/memories as we meet on this forum on daily bases, specially the old members such as Chocs!
I remember Chocs since the first day I joined DF, along with Bushra, Liban, and others. This place is more close to them than others who recently joined, and its very annouying having to see Chocs being attacked so randomly in this ugly way.
You guys owe Chocs a BIG apology!
symmetric wrote:I'm very annouyed with such hostile attitude in the forum against Chocs. She might not be a close friend of mine, but we both (along with all of you) share the same online community, and I believe we all share sweet & bitter moments/memories as we meet on this forum on daily bases, specially the old members such as Chocs!
I remember Chocs since the first day I joined DF, along with Bushra, Liban, and others. This place is more close to them than others who recently joined, and its very annouying having to see Chocs being attacked so randomly in this ugly way.
You guys owe Chocs a BIG apology!
drewpeacock wrote:All, I think the way that Sym put his words we should all give some slack all around.
I appreciate that we all have differences, but you can't really kill someone by putting the CAPS lock on, can we?
I know sometimes Drew can be an absolute pain, but it's obvious that DF can become a part of a life, for good or for bad so can we all try a bit harder.
Shoot me down if you want but remember I'm only an avatar!
drewpeacock wrote:Exactly interpreted BM.
Sometimes it can be difficult to understand what someone has written as words have no tone.
I think we should all have a teeny bit more patience with each other.
symmetric wrote:I'm very annouyed with such hostile attitude in the forum against Chocs. She might not be a close friend of mine, but we both (along with all of you) share the same online community, and I believe we all share sweet & bitter moments/memories as we meet on this forum on daily bases, specially the old members such as Chocs!
I remember Chocs since the first day I joined DF, along with Bushra, Liban, and others. This place is more close to them than others who recently joined, and its very annouying having to see Chocs being attacked so randomly in this ugly way.
You guys owe Chocs a BIG apology!
Bethsmum wrote:Its always a shame to see anyone leave
desertdudeshj wrote:Bethsmum wrote:Its always a shame to see anyone leave
No its not.
desertdudeshj wrote:Bethsmum wrote:Its always a shame to see anyone leave
No its not.
benwj wrote:I know she has said it many times before, and over more trivial matters, but the relentless attacks on Chocs passed being acceptable a long time ago and I am surprised that she has lasted this long.
Many members have come and gone but I admire chocs commitment to stick with it for so long. She has been an valued member over the years and it would be a shame to see her go.
general_A wrote:what happened? did chocs really leave
busa wrote:I bet that if we all met in real life, it would be a mass hug fest.
Bethsmum wrote:I'm not sure what you mean by your reference to me being champion 3 times in a row. It's never been a competition for me Sym. I just post what I want without the fear of upsetting anyone, just as you used to, if i remember rightly. It wasn't that long ago that you were wishing death to all of my relatives in Israel. Did I hold it against you? No. This is an internet forum and we are all free to say what we want.
When Chocs called me a Nazi, I'm afraid she over stepped the mark. If your history is as good as you make out then I'm sure you will be able to understand me when I say I can never forgive her for that remark. Nevertheless I continued to absorb her accusations that I was an alcoholic and her threats to send unsolicited goods, including condoms, to my place on JBR.
She has chosen to leave (if we can believe that) of her own accord. No one has driven her off.
I can only deduct from her posts that she has serious mental issues and I wish her well with those problems.
busa wrote:I bet that if we all met in real life, it would be a mass hug fest.
symmetric wrote:I call for a meeting!
We should all meet together sometime, I suggest winter
symmetric wrote:I'm very annouyed with such hostile attitude in the forum against Chocs. She might not be a close friend of mine, but we both (along with all of you) share the same online community, and I believe we all share sweet & bitter moments/memories as we meet on this forum on daily bases, specially the old members such as Chocs!
I remember Chocs since the first day I joined DF, along with Bushra, Liban, and others. This place is more close to them than others who recently joined, and its very annouying having to see Chocs being attacked so randomly in this ugly way.
You guys owe Chocs a BIG apology!