Will You Take The Move And Resign Or Not!

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will you take the move and resign or not!

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Wait to find another job, no timeline just wait?
set a deadline and resign on it, whether found new job or not?
Total votes : 3

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will you take the move and resign or not! Aug 06, 2011
I am copying BB post, if you allow me BB :) Ramadan Kareem ;)
why not look for another job?? One of the worst things a person can experience is having to get up 5 days a week, going somewhere you don't want to be, and working for or with people who you don't want to be around - hate has to make it even worse. It is very draining and you hardly can perform at your highest potential under those circumstances.

I knew I was ready to leave a job when in the first thing in the morning I dreaded going to the job - for one reason or another. Once I recognized it I started looking for another job before I got too depressed and knew I would interview badly and possibly lose out on a good job.

of course the decision will be different from one to another (thats why it is a poll), some people will have to take all the $#it if they have installments or responsibilities, etc..

but assume you are free of that what will be your action?

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Re: will you take the move and resign or not! Aug 06, 2011
I'm a bit confused as to what you're asking mahmoud. Is it that if you hated your job so much, would you resign before finding another one?
My answer would be that I wouldn't resign before I had the offer of another job.
I always think it better to be in employment when being interviewed for another job. I know if I'm interviewing someone, or considering interviewing someone, I always look to see where they are currently employed.
If someone had resigned because they just didn't like the job, it would raise a couple of questions in my head.
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Re: Will You Take The Move And Resign Or Not! Aug 06, 2011
exactly what I meant BM,
and you picked to wait for another job, no matter when it comes...

but not much people resign just because the didn't like the job, but for instance if as BB example, if you are getting into depression because of it! will there still be questions raised!

personally I don't believe much in most of interviews, these days it is more like organized lies..
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