UK's 'secretive Sharia Law Courts' Probe Scrapped

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UK's 'secretive Sharia law courts' probe scrapped Aug 01, 2011
It s about time people know Sharia law is in effect in the UK, but a strong opposition is growing, alarming UK citizen of the dangers of this scourge on their society.
Let s see if the UK is going to scrap these sharia courts ... 33124.html

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Re: UK's 'secretive Sharia law courts' probe scrapped Aug 01, 2011
The UK Government in 2008, sanctioned the powers for a Muslim Arbitration Tribunal to rule on cases ranging from divorce and financial disputes to those involving domestic violence.

The Muslim Arbitration Tribunal run the courts, and have taken advantage of a clause in the Arbitration Act 1996, Under which, the courts are officially classified as Arbitration Tribunals for Dispute Resolution and have no more powers than any other Arbitration Tribunal or Committee.

The rulings of arbitration tribunals are binding in law, provided that both parties in the dispute agree to give it the power to rule on their case, English Common Law prevails and either party can opt out of the dispute resolution process at any time, so in the UK, if a Muslim woman wants an equal share of her fathers inheritance, she will get it under English Common Law, if she chooses to be subject to the Muslim Arbitration Tribunal, she will get a half share.

So in reality, the ‘Sharia Courts’ in the UK, which Muslims and the media are eager to label them for their own propagandist and inflammatory reasons, are a far cry from a Sharia Court in a Country where Sharia Law prevails. ... 749183.ece
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Re: UK's 'secretive Sharia Law Courts' Probe Scrapped Aug 05, 2011
^Thanks for clarifying the situation for herve Dillon.

There are equivalent Jewish courts in operation too.

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Re: UK's 'secretive Sharia law courts' probe scrapped Aug 05, 2011
If they have no power, why bother having them.

Dillon , you have to understand, this cult is like a cancer, you let it implant somewhere, at the beginning it is insignificant, no big deal, but dont pay attention and 20 years later they are in power, and it is too late, and before you know it, it ends up in progroms and everybody wonder why. History showed that over and over .
It is good the UK woke up and is looking to scrap those medievalistic courts.
If they want sharia they can always go back to they country.
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Re: UK's 'secretive Sharia Law Courts' Probe Scrapped Aug 06, 2011
^^^ Sounds very fimilar to Anders manifest, like I said herve you're one dangerous individual and if tommorow I hear you went cuckoo and stepped over the line, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised. Prime candidate for going off the deep end.
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Re: UK's 'secretive Sharia Law Courts' Probe Scrapped Aug 06, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:^^^ Sounds very fimilar to Anders manifest, like I said herve you're one dangerous individual and if tommorow I hear you went cuckoo and stepped over the line, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised. Prime candidate for going off the deep end.

No munchkin! I would stand next to Herve on the London Underground any day! Now if your friend Shafique got in my carriage, I would be off at the next stop, sharpish. He's scarey! :bom:
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Re: UK's 'secretive Sharia Law Courts' Probe Scrapped Aug 06, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:^^^ Sounds very fimilar to Anders manifest, like I said herve you're one dangerous individual and if tommorow I hear you went cuckoo and stepped over the line, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised. Prime candidate for going off the deep end.

did i scare you?
You got it all wrong dude, I am only dangerous to the criminals, weirdos, fanatics and extremists, my heart beats 57 b/s average, I am way too calm to step over any line.
So according to you, anyone who says islam is a cult, is dangerous? too bad for you, you cant be jailed for that in the modern world. freedom of speech, you cant say that in dubai, you would be jailed
So I rub it again to your face, islam IS a cult, and falls under the definition of a cult, there is no god, no allah, and you starv yourself for nothing
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Re: UK's 'secretive Sharia Law Courts' Probe Scrapped Aug 06, 2011
No mate, the hate you spurt sounds exactly like the loony ravings of Anders and he was just an ordinary loon until sometime back. You on thr other hand have a military background and probably armed and damgerous. Plus a huge chip on your shoulder against the arabs which you equate to muslims and to top it all off an anti semite.

So wheter you like it or not, admit it or not. If I were to bet out of all the members on this forum who is going to go batshit crazy. It would be you !

Hope they get put you in the loony bin before that.
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Re: UK's 'secretive Sharia law courts' probe scrapped Aug 06, 2011
Dubai World tried that and failed. because just like them your accusations are non sense and baseless.
And I am not anti semite, i think by now you should know it is the other way around :lol:
You hate opposition, you hate it when someone exposes the truth about islam.
By the way, can you indicate me what arab nation or arab is not muslim.
How about you, are you first a muslim then a national from whaterever country, or first a national , then a muslim.
shafique says it all the time , he is muslim first, then British by convenience and for the food coupons.

I will publish my next book in about 4 months, I ll keep a copy for you, you will love it :lol:
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Re: UK's 'secretive Sharia Law Courts' Probe Scrapped Aug 06, 2011
Sure, lets see what you got now. I'll wait four months if you can last that long without going bonkers.
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Re: UK's 'secretive Sharia law courts' probe scrapped Aug 06, 2011
You hate opposition, you hate it when someone exposes the truth about islam.

When did you become an expert on Islam?? Hating an opposing view is nothing compared to hating people or a religion.

By the way, can you indicate me what arab nation or arab is not muslim.

You could avoid showing your ignorance if you did some research. Are you familiar with a country called Lebanon? Lebanese are Arabs. They also have a large Christian population. Are you familiar with Egypt, where there are Egyptian Coptic Christians? Are you aware of the fact that there are Arab Jews?

You claim that you were screwed by one person, who happened to be an Arab, who happened to be a Muslim, so you tar and feather Arabs and Muslims.

I have to say Herve, life can't be good for you harboring so much hatred. I can't imagine you being happy about anything because you let your hatred run your life and it will eventully ruin your life. I can also imagine you can't be pleasant to be around. More than likely the only thing you talk about with people is what happened to you, how you hate Arabs, how you hate Muslims. You need to find a way to move on Herve. If you lost friends since you returned to the US maybe it's because hate can be like a cancer and eat you alive until you are just plain rotten inside and no one wants to be around you because they are tired of having to be subjected to what was an obsession that turned into a cancer with you and causing a huge stink every time you open your mouth.

People can pay to have their own book published Herve, which may be the case with you. You do know that you can be sued for slander and defamation of character if you write things about people that aren't true or fabricate facts? Your anger could come back and bite you on the a.s.s.
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Re: UK's 'secretive Sharia law courts' probe scrapped Aug 06, 2011
I worked in Lebanon, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, UAE, Pakistan, Afghanistan, over 15 years so please dont lecture me about arabs and muslims.
I have no hate at all, honestly speaking I dont give a $hit, I enjoy my life in a free country, and I actually have more friends now than before.
When I talk about arabs ,muslims and the UAE it is because I am being asked, and everytime, I strongly recommend they go to another country. Or it is to re establish facts
May be you buy all the BS from Shafique, but people visiting DF should read different opinions

BB, DW tried the slander and defamation, in court, it did not work. You know little about the publishing business dont you. A manuscript goes through editors, publishers, proof reading and so forth, to avoid these problems. Even more now than before, with more writters publishing bad stories about what islam and the middle east , arabs are multiplying lawsuits with no cause, in a attempt to scare, an financially drain publishing houses and authors, so that books criticizing the middle east dont get published.

I dont know about people who write, publish and print and do everything on their own, yes it is possible, but it is risky for the reasons you mentionned.

Remember when i mentionned in my book the prostitutes on Sultan's boat. not only my book goes on, no slander, no defamation of character what so ever, and you can imagine the rage on their side reading that in a published book. They made so much noise about it, that now there is an actual video tape, of sultan being grilled during a deposition about that, and he looks pretty guilty. and It s public record.
The US is not the UAE, sueing for defamation can backfire pretty badly and make it worst for the plaintif if there is any truth in what is published.
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Re: UK's 'secretive Sharia law courts' probe scrapped Aug 06, 2011
I have no hate at all, honestly speaking I dont give a $hit, I enjoy my life in a free country, and I actually have more friends now than before.

Really? No hate?

When I talk about arabs ,muslims and the UAE it is because I am being asked, and everytime, I strongly recommend they go to another country. Or it is to re establish facts
May be you buy all the BS from Shafique, but people visiting DF should read different opinions

You don't give opinions Herve, you spit out hatred.

BB, DW tried the slander and defamation, in court, it did not work.

Yes, yes, yes. We have heard it all before. Actually we have heard it over, and over, and over.

You know little about the publishing business dont you. A manuscript goes through editors, publishers, proof reading and so forth, to avoid these problems. Even more now than before, with more writters publishing bad stories about what islam and the middle east , arabs are multiplying lawsuits with no cause, in a attempt to scare, an financially drain publishing houses and authors, so that books criticizing the middle east dont get published.

Herve, your manuscript must have been overlooked by editors, proofreaders, and so forth. I believe your wife was your editor and proofreader? Clearly not her profession. I suggest she doesn't give up her day job.

I dont know about people who write, publish and print and do everything on their own, yes it is possible, but it is risky for the reasons you mentionned.

Because you don't know people, doesn't mean it doesn't happen. There are hundreds of small publishing firms.

Remember when i mentionned in my book the prostitutes on Sultan's boat. not only my book goes on, no slander, no defamation of character what so ever, and you can imagine the rage on their side reading that in a published book. They made so much noise about it, that now there is an actual video tape, of sultan being grilled during a deposition about that, and he looks pretty guilty. and It s public record.

Looking guilty and being guilty are two different things. And why he would be "grilled" about that? Where's the crime? They don't have prostitutes in France? How many of those boat outings did you attend Herve?

The US is not the UAE, sueing for defamation can backfire pretty badly and make it worst for the plaintif if there is any truth in what is published.

You admitted to fabrications in your book Herve. Are you saying that because the book is written in the US, you can defame someone, even if the book is circulated internationally? Example: a British newspaper can tell a string of lies about someone who lives in America, and that person can't sue??
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Re: UK's 'secretive Sharia law courts' probe scrapped Aug 06, 2011
I agree with Herve to a point, in that countries like the UK and other European nations have to stop this and now, otherwise yes, you are going to get an uprising of people like the Norwegian nutter. There has been a great feeling of discontent for a long time now. You can only push people too far before they start fighting back.

These kinds of courts have no place anywhere but countries who implement and stand by Sharia Law. It's a dangerous trend that will only lead to major issues in the not too distant future.
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Re: UK's 'secretive Sharia law courts' probe scrapped Aug 06, 2011
My wife is a writer, she write news and scripts, so she qualifies to be a professional. She edited my book before I sent it to the publisher, who edited it again, and then gain, there was still a few bugs when it was sent to the printer. The last version on kindle has been corrected.
I changed dates and names to protect friends and people who were involved in my escape, I dont call changing names and dates a fabrication[/b], there was no fabrication whatsoever, my story is true. may be in the local news they presented it in a different way, BB dont beleive the local news, they are censored and doctored.
BB when you accuse someone, you better be clean yourself, especially when the accusations are not true.
Sultan accused me of having an affair with my secretary, which was not true, but in response i told the court, this man got some balls to accuse me of something like that when he indulges himself with prostitutes on his yacht every single day. So my lawyer questionned him about hiring prostitutes, the legality of it in the UAE and so forth. When sultan told the court that he did not want to respond to those questions, that was it. no... he was not guilty, it is not a crime in a civil suit, the court would not even care of what he does on his boat, but his credibility went down the toilet, and he looks like a fool on the video, not good for him....
I dont know, i would say i went on his boat 70 80 times, dont remember.
You can sue internationally a writer for slander of course, you dont get it. What i am telling you, is that slander is rare, because of the verifications during the publishing, and because it can backfire. and it is difficult to prove
In the UAE, it is different it would be a death sentence for what i wrote.
from my point of view Even when DW called me a fraudster, and the news papers in dubai called me a fraudster i could not sue for defamation. so it is not that easy, either way.
Remember when I wrote that shk mohammed has the balls to throw in jail anyone who fathers a child out of wedlock. But he did it !! no problem with him huh?, he is above the law? now, if it is not true, He did not sue me for slander.
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Re: UK's 'secretive Sharia Law Courts' Probe Scrapped Aug 06, 2011
Oh FFS Hervy get on move on, sick and tired about hearing your same crap over and over again. Are these the only two topics you can ever talk about. Your hate and your Dubai story.

You must be an extremely boring person in real life, but then again thats part and parcel of being french so that can be expected, miserable gits the lot of you are.
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Re: UK's 'secretive Sharia law courts' probe scrapped Aug 06, 2011
thats part and parcel of being french so that can be expected, miserable gits the lot of you are.

Nice accent though! :bounce:
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