War On Terrorism!

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war on terrorism! Aug 04, 2011
the above link is something which I don't believe but I am sure the cost of war in Afghanistan and Iraq is higher than imagination.

I think war on Iraq is big lie and unnecessary at all, just made things worse....
War on Afghanistan can be explained, but I still think it is a big big mistake, and after 10 years where are we? did they eliminate what is called terrorism? did they manage to control Afghanistan or North Pakistan? the answer is NO, more money spent, more souls passed away, and the world didn't become a better place.

what if, half of this fortune was spent on education in Afghanistan! on health care! I mean what if the plan was to change the Afghani or Taliban present! if the focus was to change the human way of thinking not to stand in a fight?

most of people think that most of terrorists have had brain washing, so what if the money was spent to clean this brains rather than to fight their bodies?

one thing to add, what countries do manufacture weapons! from where did all these terrorists got that bunch of weapons! why there weren't a plan to find the source and shut it first?

my question, do you think the war option is the best in such cases ( taking into consideration where we are after 10 years) or does the mental solution can take place?

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Re: war on terrorism! Aug 04, 2011
Mahmoud! You think too much!

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Re: War On Terrorism! Aug 04, 2011
Ten years down the line they have created more "terrorists" than they have captured or killed.
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Re: war on terrorism! Aug 04, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:Ten years down the line they have created more "terrorists" than they have captured or killed.

They? who are they? and do you have any supporting articles to your rather irrational statement?
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Re: War On Terrorism! Aug 04, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:Ten years down the line they have created more "terrorists" than they have captured or killed.

Actually, Muslim support for suicide bombing, terrorism and terrorist groups has declined since the war in Iraq.

My guess is that any terrorists would have been 'created' regardless. Certainly it would seem that there would be more people prone to becoming terrorists in the Muslim world today if not for the invasion of Iraq.
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Re: War On Terrorism! Aug 04, 2011
lol :D seems it is not the good day for mental solution :)
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Re: war on terrorism! Aug 05, 2011

When it comes to terrorism and loony theories (like eh's 'guess' ) - it is relatively straighforward to check out the facts about who is actually carrying out Terrorist acts around the world, and who the victims are, and what 'excuses' the Terrorists are using.

Using this yard-stick, we find that the loony theories proposed by Guru Bob and his like are nothing more than Bible-camp scare stories. 'Guessing' that there would be the same number of terrorists/attacks if there weren't the invasions, civilian casualties etc is a pretty ballsy example of faith over reason. (Faith in the Islamophobic creed that Moooslims - as herve puts it - are evil).

Cheer up dear loons - the reality is not as you've been brainwashed. :)

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Re: war on terrorism! Aug 05, 2011
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Re: War On Terrorism! Aug 05, 2011
^Oh dear, when faced with a challenge to look at actual acts of terrorism, we have the usual spin. Dissapointed but not surprised! ;)

It would be interesting to compare the above results with the Gallup poll results in the other thread - and indeed, compare the responses there with the views of the most extreme religious fanatic posting on these forums:

(Hint, it is not a Muslim fanatic)

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Re: war on terrorism! Aug 05, 2011
Support for terrorism in the Muslim world has decreased since the Iraq war, not gone up.

How is one to explain the claims that US foreign policy will make more terrorists if their support has dried up?
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Re: War On Terrorism! Aug 06, 2011
^eh - it is quite simple.

This thread examines the aspect of the Iraq and Afghan invasions which related to the goal of reducing terrorism to Europe and the USA. The argument was that if we don't invade, there will be a greater threat from terrorism in the future.

Now, the premise was that the Taliban was giving aid to terrorists plotting against the west. Iraq many Americans believed that Saddam was somehow responsible for 9/11 or linked to Al Qaeda :roll: (when they weren't).

So, the question doesn't now become what polls about what Muslims think about terrorism (and note that you're not comparing like-for-like polls, asking the same questions) - but rather whether the premise for invading Afghanistan and Iraq have proved worth the cost in lives of Iraqis, Afghanis and coalition troops.

Is there really a lower threat from attacks on Westerners as a result of the invasions? Has it been worth the deaths and injuries of all the young men sent over there and all the civilians killed, injured or disrupted?

We know that Halliburton et al have benefited to the tune of billions of dollars - but was it really worth it?

Are you really going to argue that the US foreign policy has reduced the numbers of 'terrorists' that want to kill the invaders of their country, and if you hadn't invaded there would be more of these? Really?

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