County Islam??? - Newest Emirate In The UK???

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County Islam??? - Newest Emirate in the UK??? Jul 28, 2011
I can imagine me and BM driving along, her with a boot full of vino, me puffing away and making a wrong turn!!! ... ities.html

Excerpts below:

Islamic extremists have launched a poster campaign across the UK proclaiming areas where Sharia law enforcement zones have been set up.

Hate preacher Anjem Choudary has claimed responsibility for the scheme, saying he plans to flood specific Muslim and non-Muslim communities around the UK and ‘put the seeds down for an Islamic Emirate in the long term’.

In the past week, dozens of streets in the London boroughs of Waltham Forest, Tower Hamlets and Newham have been targeted, raising fears that local residents may be intimidated or threatened for flouting ‘Islamic rules’.

‘There are 25 areas around the country which the Government has earmarked as areas where violent extremism is a problem.

‘We are going to go to all these same areas and implement our own Sharia-controlled zones.

‘This is the best way for dealing with drunkenness and loutishness, prostitution and the sort of thug life attitude you get in British cities.’

Hint, hint: Leave the country!!!

The former lawyer added: ‘This will mean this is an area where the Muslim community will not tolerate drugs, alcohol, pornography, gambling, usury, free mixing between the sexes – the fruits if you like of Western civilisation.

Read the text on the illustrious Choudary - seems he got tired of living the Western life. :lol:

‘We want to run the area as a Sharia-controlled zone and really to put the seeds down for an Islamic Emirate in the long term.’

Isn't there some country with an island in the middle of the ocean that can give it to these nutters???

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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate In The UK??? Jul 28, 2011
Ah, Anjem - our cuddly nutter - always good for a laugh. The US have the Westboro loons, we have to put up with old Anjem.

I see he is at it again.

It is worth reading again what Mehdi Hasan had to say about the nutter last year:

Is there anything Anjem "Andy" Choudary won't do for the sake of a cheap headline? As Inayat Bunglawala wrote on Cif almost a year ago, Choudary and his gang deploy "a simple formula – hold up some offensive placards designed to get people's backs up and call a local reporter to come along and capture some footage – that has reliably generated acres of media coverage for them in recent years".


Is Choudary an Islamic scholar whose views merit attention or consideration? No. Has he studied under leading Islamic scholars? Nope. Does he have any Islamic qualifications or credentials? None whatsoever. So what gives him the right to pontificate on Islam, British Muslims or "the hellfire"? Or proclaim himself a "sharia judge"? Will he even manage to round up enough misfits to carry the 500 coffins with him? I doubt it – Choudary and co couldn't even persuade enough people to join a "march for sharia" that they had proudly planned to hold in central London in late October, and, at the very last minute, had to humiliatingly withdraw from their own rally. Pathetic, eh?

The fact is that Choudary is as unrepresentative of British Muslim opinion, as he is of British anti-war opinion. ... on-bassett

As Hasan says 'Please don't listen to Anjem Choudary: He has no Islamic qualifications or credentials'

Or at least, don't take him seriously. Laugh at the nutter.

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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate In The UK??? Jul 28, 2011
Sadly Shaf, he probably does have people who take him seriously. Those are the people who need to be told how to think because they can't think for themselves.
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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate In The UK??? Jul 28, 2011
Its not a very large group and I'm sure they are been watched intensively. AC is a total moron to say the least
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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate In The UK??? Jul 28, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:Its not a very large group and I'm sure they are been watched intensively. AC is a total moron to say the least

Of course it's not a large group, but he is not alone in that sort of thinking. There are many radical fanatics out there with followers.
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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate in the UK??? Jul 28, 2011
More than that, there are certainly people who take his views seriously, regardless of him as an individual. Significant percentages wants British law replaced with another, foreign system of governance and many more want free speech further restricted and violators dealt with as criminals.

And, of course, there are many out there in Britain advocating what Anjem says publicly in the confines of houses of worship and community centers who are more than qualified to give such opinions.

I recall a report that half of all UK mosques are run by Deobandis.
event horizon
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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate in the UK??? Jul 28, 2011
I bet Shaf's glad his house is in Surrey! That way he can continue to eye up the blondes without fear of retribution. :D
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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate In The UK??? Jul 28, 2011
Bora Bora wrote:
desertdudeshj wrote:Its not a very large group and I'm sure they are been watched intensively. AC is a total moron to say the least

Of course it's not a large group, but he is not alone in that sort of thinking. There are many radical fanatics out there with followers.

You're right, there are many other radical groups outhere with followers aswell like the EDL, BNP etc etc. Best is not to give them a platform that they so crave and let them revel in their own fantasies.

AC wants a lot of things to be done and say a lot of drivel aswell, just because he does, does not mean its going to happen. Reports like these are more fear mongering than anything else.

Reminds of a fitting quote by Jon Stewart during his rally to store insanity "If we amplify everything, we hear nothing"
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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate in the UK??? Jul 28, 2011
And you wonder why the BNP gets so much support.

Will it mean that Muslim men who target young vunerable white girls will need to venture further afield :shock:
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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate in the UK??? Jul 28, 2011
You guys realise that he's nothing but an attention whore and has no credentials??

At least the Westboro congregation are led by a guy who claims to be a Pastor (and they have a church), Anjem is just one for publicity stunts.

England has always produced such eccentrics - we even have "Monster Raving Loony Party" that was led by the late Lord Such. (Note that they weren't Loons, just officially Loony). Anjem however takes himself seriously, even if everyone else doesn't.

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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate in the UK??? Jul 28, 2011
I think you will find there are many white people who will take him very seriously indeed. You may not wish to acknowledge this but I can assure you, they do.
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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate in the UK??? Jul 28, 2011
It's laughable at best. How about we round up AC and his little gang and send them over to Saudi or Yemen and see how long they last, before they're crying to be let back into the UK.
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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate In The UK??? Jul 28, 2011
^I agree - we managed to deport Omar Bakri (remember he was the one calling for the overthrow of the UK government whilst claiming housing benefit!!! ) - but unfortunately, Anjem is British! :roll:

That some people take this fool seriously says more about them than Anjem. It's like those people who take the Westboro loons seriously.

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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate In The UK??? Jul 29, 2011
shafique wrote: we managed to deport Omar Bakri

WE? You are worth reading just for the humour factor Shafique.
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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate In The UK??? Jul 29, 2011
^Don't let facts get in the way of your prejudices and preconceptions, will you BM. Your head may hurt.

Bakri was not your fellow Englishman. Unfortunately Anjem is. We, as in English/UK citizens via the UK government, could legitimately deport the former, but can't the latter. Capisce?

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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate In The UK??? Jul 29, 2011
shafique wrote:^Don't let facts get in the way of your prejudices and preconceptions, will you BM. Your head may hurt.

Bakri was not your fellow Englishman. Unfortunately Anjem is. We, as in English/UK citizens via the UK government, could legitimately deport the former, but can't the latter. Capisce?


My head feels fine thanks. What prejudices? That someone living in Mauritius with a long straggly beard, who is anti white and anti semitic, claims to be British because he has a British passport, which we give away with coupons from the back of cereal boxes?

You will never be recognised as an Englishman by the people who count, and that's the English.

What exactly is the problem with being Mauritian?
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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate In The UK??? Jul 29, 2011
You're saying I should deny my birth right?

That, dear misguided old lady, is not something an Englishman would do. (But as you asked, there's absolutely nothing wrong with being Mauritian as well.)

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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate In The UK??? Jul 29, 2011
shafique wrote:You're saying I should deny my birth right?

That, dear misguided old lady, is not something an Englishman would do. (But as you asked, there's absolutely nothing wrong with being Mauritian as well.)


What birth right? That your mother happened to be in England at the time? Well that makes me the mother of a Cypriot and a German if we I played by your rules. My kids are English through and through and would never claim to be anything else.
The Emiratis have it about right, you aren't Emirati unless you are Emirati. That's the way proper English people think about being English anyway.
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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate In The UK??? Jul 29, 2011
shafique wrote:You're saying I should deny my birth right?

That, dear misguided old lady, is not something an Englishman would do. (But as you asked, there's absolutely nothing wrong with being Mauritian as well.)


For some reason I thought you were born in Mauritius
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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate In The UK??? Jul 29, 2011
^Nope - my parents were though (back when it was a British Colony). Both parents were in the UK since they were teenagers and are naturalised British citizens. I was born and raised in London.

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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate In The UK??? Jul 29, 2011
It pretty petty that you have to keep on proving over and over again that you're English to these fools, but ofcourse anybody not white and christian is to them.
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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate In The UK??? Jul 29, 2011
An Englishman just laughs at the folly of fools. ;)

Laughter is good though. :D

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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate In The UK??? Jul 29, 2011
shafique wrote:^Nope - my parents were though (back when it was a British Colony). Both parents were in the UK since they were teenagers and are naturalised British citizens. I was born and raised in London.


For some reasons I thought you were holding a Muslim passport, you don't actually show your love for the Queen and the UK
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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate In The UK??? Jul 29, 2011
Muslim passport? huh?

gertrude - you're weird.

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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate In The UK??? Jul 29, 2011
gertrude wrote:
shafique wrote:^Nope - my parents were though (back when it was a British Colony). Both parents were in the UK since they were teenagers and are naturalised British citizens. I was born and raised in London.


For some reasons I thought you were holding a Muslim passport, you don't actually show your love for the Queen and the UK

So it's not only me that's noticed Gertrude!
Shafique thinks he's a cut above the rest of us for some reason. Refering to the white feral underclass and the amount of white English girls who are pregnant in their teenage years.
It really makes my blood boil the way we give these immigrants a leg up and they repay us by bad mothing us.
The damn cheek of the little man!
He doesn't even have the good grace to thank us.

-- Fri Jul 29, 2011 7:25 pm --

desertdudeshj wrote:It pretty petty that you have to keep on proving over and over again that you're English to these fools, but ofcourse anybody not white and christian is to them.

Well I hope you have better manners when you suceed in worming your way in somewhere munchkin!
Seeing as your Farsi is so good you might like to consider Iran :D
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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate In The UK??? Jul 29, 2011
shafique wrote:Muslim passport? huh?

gertrude - you're weird.



-- Fri Jul 29, 2011 11:53 pm --

shafique wrote:Ah, Anjem - our cuddly nutter - always good for a laugh. The US have the Westboro loons, we have to put up with old Anjem.

I see he is at it again.
As Hasan says 'Please don't listen to Anjem Choudary: He has no Islamic qualifications or credentials'

Or at least, don't take him seriously. Laugh at the nutter.


Are you saying that you are against any application of SHARIA in UK laws? or are you against just this scum
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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate in the UK??? Jul 30, 2011
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate In The UK??? Jul 30, 2011
Veggie: I'm not against the current UK system which allows Jewish family courts and Muslim family courts. I'm therefore agreeing with the Archbishop of Cantebury on this issue.

As for Anjem - I don't agree with this particular English nutter, and there are many other English nutters that I similarly disagree with - eg the EDL, BNP and other extremists.

I'm not aware of any real Muslim cleric in the UK (remember nutter Anjem has NO credentials - which makes him just like event horizon when it comes to pronouncements on Islam) calling for all of the UK being subject to Wahabbi interpretations of Sharia law. If you produce any, I'll denounce them too. Can't be fairer than that.

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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate in the UK??? Jul 30, 2011
So, al shafique is in favor of sharia law in the UK, I kind of knew that, family law for starter, where women have less rights than men. Do you remember what i said before, these moozlims, sneak in, get a passport, then work to change the laws of their host country to adapt them to their standards.
So I am sure he is against the Bill introduced last June by Lady Cox to ban Islamic courts from dealing with family and criminal law ... -from.html

Several times, this fraud, this impostor called me a coward, well HE is the coward, I am public figure, when I write it s under my name, not hiding behind an avatar, people have seen me.
Why al shafique does not show himself, give his real name, his picture to see how courageous he is. I know who he is, but I can't say it here, I d be banned.
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Re: County Islam??? - Newest Emirate In The UK??? Jul 30, 2011
LOL hervey boy is not happy.

Just because you WANT to believe I am lying doesn't make it so.

As I said, I'm not aware of any real cleric calling for Sharia to apply to the UK for everyone. Only unqualified nutters such as Anjem, event horizon and your good self seem to be convinced Muslims want this. :roll:

herve - Bora has already pointed out that you lied in your book. We know you wore women's clothes to illegally exit the UAE. But that is not why I called you a coward. It was for your posts here - specifically:

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