Double Bombings In Norway - Two Dead

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Double bombings in Norway - two dead Jul 22, 2011
I've posted on this forum of previous terror plots targeting Norway - in response to Muhammad cartoons.

Now it appears terrorists have managed to bomb the building the Prime Minister resides in Oslo(It seems there was a second explosion shortly after the first according to some news reports and video). ... 05239.html

And just with Sweden's first suicide (martyrdom) bombing a few months ago, I realized with Norway that it was simply a matter of time before terrorists managed to stage an attack.

Edit: Unconfirmed reports that gunman attacked summer camp, four allegedly killed in the attack.

OSLO – A massive bomb rocked government buildings in the Norwegian capital Friday, killing several people, and there were reports that a man dressed as a policeman opened fire with an automatic weapon at a young people's camp on a nearby island, signaling potentially coordinated terror attacks.

Sky News said the reports from the island of Utoya had not been confirmed by police but suggested four dead and others injured at the camp, which is affiliated with the country's Labour Party. ... ki2YwDATQM

Update: BBC is saying seven confirmed dead and two seriously wounded in Oslo bombing. Gunman has also been allegedly arrested.

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Re: Double bombings in Norway - two dead Jul 22, 2011
Al shafique the hamas supporter will probably tell you it is the irish boys
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Re: Double bombings in Norway - two dead Jul 23, 2011
^^ Yes I've no doubt we'll get the usual suspects trolling their predictable and irrational Christianophobia!

Overnight developments now are 80 dead and still counting, 7 from the bomb blast in Oslo and the remainder shot by a gunman dressed in a police uniform on Utoeya, an island youth camp in Norway.

Police in Norway are questioning a 32- year-old Norwegian man in connection with both attacks, the same man that was arrested on the tiny Utoeya island where police say he opened fire on teenagers.

The current theory is the attacks are not related to Islamist Extremism but are domestic.

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Re: Double bombings in Norway - two dead Jul 23, 2011
I am still shocked by crimes like these. What posesses people to want to do this kind of thing? Those poor people.
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Re: Double bombings in Norway - two dead Jul 23, 2011
It appears the man has strong extreme right symphaties. We seen more of this by people who are completely alienated from society.
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Re: Double bombings in Norway - two dead Jul 23, 2011
The news is that he must have been plotting this for years. He bought a farm as a cover for buying huge amounts of fetiliser for the bomb, which looks as if it was just an attention diversion for the mass shootings.

How do people become so alienated? There must have been a lot of hatred festering in his head.
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Re: Double bombings in Norway - two dead Jul 23, 2011
herve wrote:Al shafique the hamas supporter will probably tell you it is the irish boys

Loons and their fantasies.

I'm quite comfortable in my stance of condemning all acts of terror - whoever commits them. Why mention my name in relation to an act of terrorism by a Christian in Norway? Loons, eh :roll:

The proportion of terrorist acts by Muslims in Europe has just reduced yet again.

Here's the terrorist:

Describes himself as a Christian and conservative on Facebook page attributed to him.

"We have no more information than... what has been found on [his] own websites, which is that it goes towards the right and that it is, so to speak, Christian fundamentalist."

Shocking stuff.

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Re: Double bombings in Norway - two dead Jul 23, 2011
shafique wrote:Why mention my name in relation to an act of terrorism by a Christian in Norway? Loons, eh :roll:

He probably also played computer games. I didn't hear that he shouted God is Great or that he took "orders" from the Bible. Him being a Christian doesn't appear to be a motive at the moment. We have heard you smooth talking many terrorist attacks by Muslims, however, who did took orders from the Quran.
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Re: Double Bombings In Norway - Two Dead Jul 23, 2011
^My question was about head-loon herve - why mention my name when Norwegians are killed?

The fact that you also want to mention Muslims and the Quran etc - shows how twisted you guys are.

But, once again, we see that facts and loon fantasies don't make good bedfellows.

I predict people will argue that this Christian is not a terrorist - but is 'only' mentally unstable etc. Let's see what excuses are offered up.

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Re: Double Bombings In Norway - Two Dead Jul 23, 2011
shafique wrote:I predict people will argue that this Christian is not a terrorist - but is 'only' mentally unstable etc. Let's see what excuses are offered up.

I donot see anybody making excuses. Too much projection again!
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Re: Double Bombings In Norway - Two Dead Jul 23, 2011
^You do understand the meaning of the word 'I predict' don't you? ;)

(I'll be happy to be proved wrong and have everyone admit that the bomber and shooter is as bad a terrorist as any other terrorist who bombs and shoots civilians)

I see here that the guy praised Gert Wilder's party, the EDL, Pam Geller etc... he's one of your guys it seems. ... g-breivik/

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Re: Double Bombings In Norway - Two Dead Jul 23, 2011
shafique wrote:he's one of your guys it seems.

No, he is as far away from me as any terrorist. You on the other hand, still recognize the worst Muslim terrorists as Muslim, deserving of Muslim funeral for example.
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Re: Double Bombings In Norway - Two Dead Jul 23, 2011
herve wrote:Al shafique the hamas supporter will probably tell you it is the irish boys

No mate, seems like he's one of your kind and if the intial reports comming out are credible seems to be a fan of EH's Guru Bob and Spam Geller with a nice little phobic blog of his own going on. ... Geller_Fan

A lot of humble pie will have to be eaten by the media and your ilk. With in minutes of the attacks it was being linked to Norways possible involement in A'stan, Jihadis, Al Qaeda, the brown man who lives down the road etc etc.

As for FD usually spilling nonsense behind the guise of a serious and well informed personna, might not have done it for his faith or lack of but certainly did it for his hate, the same hate you, eh, hervy, veggie etc etc all share, even visits the same watering holes ( Guru Bob, Spam Geller etc etc ) You my friend are more like this fool than you'd like think or admit.

Anyways a highly condenmable act of terroism of the highest order with a very high fatality rate. My heart goes out to the family of those who lost their lives in this act of needless violence and the people of Norway. God Bless.
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Re: Double bombings in Norway - two dead Jul 23, 2011
^Good points DDS.

Dillon wrote:Yes I've no doubt we'll get the usual suspects trolling their predictable and irrational Christianophobia!

By your own definition of trolling, the only trolls in this thread are the Islamophobes who fell into the trap of believing their own hype rather than trusting the stats which showed where the true risk of terrorism comes from (stats are quite clear - terror attacks in Europe are by a large margin carried out by non-Muslims).

I see no irrational Christianophobic posts in this thread - but I do see Islamophobia (which is always irrational, by definition).

That the guy does seem to share the right-wing views of some posters here, it will be interesting to hear whether herve, eh et al can bring themselves to condemn this terrorist bomber and shooter or whether we hear some weasly excuses.

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Re: Double bombings in Norway - two dead Jul 23, 2011
DDS, you can project all your hatred towards me, but its not gonna work.
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Re: Double bombings in Norway - two dead Jul 23, 2011
Well, let me make it crystal clear that my sympathies are to the victims of this heinous terrorist bombing and shooting attack.

Whilst the guy is right-wing Christian European dude - I don't believe that he's representative of European Christians and certainly would not blame his terrorism on the violent verses in the Bible.

However, it appears that the guy is an Islamophobe, and supports right wing nutters such as Wilders, Geller et al - and there I will lay some blame - spewing hate about others will lead to some of the weaker willed members of your group to carry out these hate crimes IMO.

All groups have numpties who will go out and kill. Some are more successful than others - and in Europe, the non-Muslims are much more successful. That's just the stats - there are Muslim numpties too. I condemn all the terrorists, regardless of skin colour or religion.

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Re: Double bombings in Norway - two dead Jul 23, 2011
shafique wrote: I condemn all the terrorists, regardless of skin colour or religion.

No you don't, you showed sympathy towards children wanting to blow themselves in Israel and even stated that killing a jewish family serves too highlight the "occupation". You support a jew-hating terror organisation, Hamas, that has no problem killing children with children.
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Re: Double bombings in Norway - two dead Jul 23, 2011
shafique wrote:it will be interesting to hear whether herve, eh et al can bring themselves to condemn this terrorist bomber and shooter or whether we hear some weasly excuses.

I'll be putting my chips on the weasly excuses and what aboutery as you can see the master is already at it.
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Re: Double bombings in Norway - two dead Jul 23, 2011
Geert Wilders calls the shooter a sick psycho. And I agree with him. Not a numpty, but a sick psycho. Whereas poster Shafique and others call Hamas suicide children bombers resistance fighters. Thats also psycho!
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Re: Double bombings in Norway - two dead Jul 23, 2011
How can someone not hold the Koran accountable for its hate speech when Muslims cite the Koran as cause for their actions but at the same time hold politicians and bloggers responsible?
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Re: Double bombings in Norway - two dead Jul 23, 2011
Flying Dutchman wrote:Geert Wilders calls the shooter a sick psycho. And I agree with him. Not a numpty, but a sick psycho. Whereas poster Shafique and others call Hamas suicide children bombers resistance fighters. Thats also psycho!

Well said FD. The man who carried out the shootings was sick, the kind of person the world could do without.
There are no excuses made for him as far as I can see here. Unlike the Palestinian terrorists who are just hard done to, it would seem.
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Re: Double bombings in Norway - two dead Jul 23, 2011
Looks I bet on the right horse.

What aboutery : 3 Weasly excuses : 0
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Re: Double Bombings In Norway - Two Dead Jul 23, 2011
Well at least no one is excusing the actions of the Christian, European terrorist. They can't resist whataboutery, can they!

However, I predict herve will dispute that the terrorist is a terrorist. He's a loon's loon that french guy. Wait and see.

But, my sympathy is with the victims of this right wing Christian terrorist.

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Re: Double Bombings In Norway - Two Dead Jul 24, 2011
shafique wrote:Well at least no one is excusing the actions of the Christian, European terrorist. They can't resist whataboutery, can they!

However, I predict herve will dispute that the terrorist is a terrorist. He's a loon's loon that french guy. Wait and see.

But, my sympathy is with the victims of this right wing Christian terrorist.


You are indeed one sick bastard who would use a situation like this to push your views. My sympathies lie with anyone who comes into contact with you.
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Re: Double Bombings In Norway - Two Dead Jul 24, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:You are indeed one sick bastard who would use a situation like this to push your views. My sympathies lie with anyone who comes into contact with you.

Conveniently you forgot to mention the sick bastards who started and then went on to push their phobic agendas without so much as a word of condemnation or sympathy for the victims of this tragedy.

Objectivity, you are not an example of.
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Re: Double Bombings In Norway - Two Dead Jul 24, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:
Bethsmum wrote:You are indeed one sick bastard who would use a situation like this to push your views. My sympathies lie with anyone who comes into contact with you.

Conveniently you forgot to mention the sick bastards who started and then went on to push their phobic agendas without so much as a word of condemnation or sympathy for the victims of this tragedy.

Objectivity, you are not an example of.

You are another one, a sick bastard.
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Re: Double Bombings In Norway - Two Dead Jul 24, 2011
death tolls have reached over 90 as i saw in the news
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Re: Double Bombings In Norway - Two Dead Jul 24, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:
desertdudeshj wrote:
Bethsmum wrote:You are indeed one sick bastard who would use a situation like this to push your views. My sympathies lie with anyone who comes into contact with you.

Conveniently you forgot to mention the sick bastards who started and then went on to push their phobic agendas without so much as a word of condemnation or sympathy for the victims of this tragedy.

Objectivity, you are not an example of.

You are another one, a sick bastard.

And you are what you are, a windbag full of hot air blowing out both ends
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Re: Double Bombings In Norway - Two Dead Jul 24, 2011
To be fair to BM - she was the first one in this thread to express sympathy for the victims of this terrorist attack - before her, eh, herve and Dillon all posted about how they expected this type of terrorist attack to attack (in eh and Dillon's posts) or just spewed out loon rubbish as usual (in herve's post).

FD wisely waited to find out whether it was the work of Muslims and was the first to point out it wasn't.

The non-loons all expressed sympathy for the victims and none of them decided to blame all Christians or the Bible's violent verses etc for the actions of this right-wing, Islamophobic, terrorist.

I did predict that people will argue that this terrorist is not a terrorist - and so far I have been proved wrong. However, we still haven't heard from herve.

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Re: Double bombings in Norway - two dead Jul 24, 2011
He is a terrorist, and his actions fall under the definition of terrorism, so get lost al shafique, you are wrong again.
And I dont beleive for 1 nanosecond in your sympathy for the victims, you are an hypocrite, condoleances in public, celebrating in hiding.
Remember the bearded men chanting in the street post 911 attack, but they all offered condelances at the same time. I dont buy it, not from you, not from any of yours.
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