I just want to make sure that no one rents a car with GTR Rent a car
Here is why:
I came down to visit my friend who moved to Dubai from Denmark and wanted to rent a Nissan GTR, so I searched google and found GTR Rent a car
I called them to ask for a price on renting it for 1 day and they gave me a price for 1800 AED + salik charge.
I went down to the company and rented the car, with a (5000 AED deposit-block on my friends Dubai creditcard).
I noticed when I got the car that it had some scratches here and there, so I told the rental guy about them and he showed me a piece of paper where he had already written down some of the things I found.
I then told him to write down the other things that were missing on paper, so I would be sure that they wouldnt claim me for anything when I returned the car.
He then said "Yes, I will do that right away" and went inside the shop to write it down (I believed him).
I took of in good faith with the car and noticed right away that the cars streering wheel was not centered when driving straight and that the gearbox was somehow already fu**** up after just 12.000 km done.
I didnt go back to tell them this, because they should have noticed this themselves, when just parking the car.
Anyway, the car drove pretty good considering those two things and best of all it looked awesome!
I came back to deliever the car the day after like we agreed and the guy that handed me the car wasnt there to take it back, but alot of other guys were and they went outside to check out if I had done any damage to the car (which I hadnt)
They claimed that I had scratched the bottom of the car, one of the rims and made a dent in the front bumper.
I got a bit angry by them accusing me of this, because 2 of the things they claimed, was already on then car, like I told him to write down when I picked up the car, but he didnt.
The last thing was under the car and was not something I could have spotted when I picked it up (because it was dark).
I then demanded they called the guy who delievered the car to me, so I could speak with him and I had to explain 10 times on the phone that this was already there, but he then said ok at last and I could bring back the car, without having to pay for the damage they claimed I did.
I then went inside to pay the 1800 AED + 90 AED for salik, so 1890 AED in total.
He had some trouble with my card the first time and the transaction was cancelled, I got the receipt for this, no problem.
He then tried again and the 1890 AED was drawn from my account, got this receipt too.
I then went home and thought that everything was okay, but was a little pissed off that they accused me of doing damage to the car, especially because I used to cars with big rims and that are just as low or even lower than the GTR.
This all happend on the 9th of May and 2 days after I could see that they had drawn the money from my account twice (I saw this online).
I emmidiatly called them and told them that they had accidently drawn the money, but they said I had to call them back in a couple of days, because they couldnt see anything yet on their account.
I then waited a couple of days and went to the store to speak with them (this was easier).
I brought a women I know in Dubai who speak arab and she spoke with them, so they could understand me better.
They then called their bank and said they would send a document (in arabic) confirming they should transfer back 1 x 1890 AED to my account.
My friend (the women) confirmed this with their so called bank manager on the phone and I went home again.
The same day as I was going home I received 1800 AED back on my account (should have been 1890 AED) but I thought, fudd it, it's better than nothing and took the plane back to Denmark.
2 days after I arrived home I saw ONE MORE transaction on my account of 1890 AED from the rental company, so I called them right away and told them about this.
They said that they would contact the bank again and find out more and then get back to me. (they never did)
I then called them again and they said they would check again right away and call back. (they didnt)
I then emailed them on their contact mail and asked them if they had any news regarding this issue.
I got a reply back from the receptionist that I should contact Mr.Mahmoud directly, but no email address was attached for him.
So I replied back asking for this, because it wasnt on their homepage.
I got a reply back that I should email him on a yahoo email, so I did.
I got a reply right away that there was no email account called that at yahoo, so I mailed the receptionist/secretary again asking for the right email.
She now gave me a new email address (a gmail)
I have mailed this account several times, but still no reply, so im guessing it's a fake account, because I tried emailing the receptionist/secretary again asking if he could just reply from her computer (because they sit right beside eachother) but I havnt gotten a reply from her either after and this is over a week ago.
The big problem is now is that I tossed away all the receipts after I received back the 1800 AED on the 14th (because I thought everything was ok), but I still have the arabic document which he wrote to his bank manager.
I have tried to claim back the money in my own bank, but because I only have the document in arabic, that is pretty hard and they are not even sure that it's enough

So please, if anyone is considering renting a car with GTR Rent a car, DONT!