The Smurfs Are 'anti-Semitic

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Re: The Smurfs Are 'anti-Semitic Jul 19, 2011
LOL - your desperate attempts at back-pedalling are funny.

In the other thread you can see what I actually wrote and what I based it on.. if it wasn't memory or comprehension that let you down, perhaps it is just blind hatred. :D

Anyway - my little smurf - this thread is about some weird french views about cartoon characters.


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Re: The Smurfs Are 'anti-Semitic Jul 19, 2011
shafique wrote:LOL - your desperate attempts at back-pedalling are funny.

In the other thread you can see what I actually wrote and what I based it on.. if it wasn't memory or comprehension that let you down, perhaps it is just blind hatred. :D

Anyway - my little smurf - this thread is about some weird french views about cartoon characters.


What back pedalling my little flip flopped friend?
I don't do hatred, it takes up too much energy. You should know all about that, the amount of time you spend on your anti semitic topics.
I prefer to sit back and chill with a glass of chardonnay :drunken: Alas, even with my beer goggles on, I couldn't find you attractive. Lucky you eh? :D
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Re: The Smurfs Are 'anti-Semitic Jul 19, 2011
shafique wrote:You quote me above answering a direct question. I even made it easy for you, I gave you a short answer and a long answer (to gertrude's question).

Let me ask you a question in return then:

Why are loons allergic to facts?


Fact is: the koran says that Jews are the enemies of Allah, and descendants of apes and pigs, right?
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Re: The Smurfs Are 'anti-Semitic Jul 19, 2011
^Fact is, loons are gullible.

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Re: The Smurfs Are 'anti-Semitic Jul 19, 2011
capsicum wrote:

Fact is: the koran says that Jews are the enemies of Allah, and descendants of apes and pigs, right?

but didn't Charles Darwin also state that humans evolved from being apes and is being taught at schools :?:
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Re: The Smurfs Are 'anti-Semitic Jul 20, 2011
general_A wrote: but didn't Charles Darwin also state that humans evolved from being apes and is being taught at schools :?:

Yes mein general, Darwin said that ALL humans evolved from the apes ancestors
It is the quran that teaches that only jews and unbeleivers come from apes and pigs, not the muslims .
muhammed says in his papers that “Ye are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind"

@al shafique the hamas: the quran does says that jews comes from pigs and apes, you pray your book 5 times a day, so you are the gullible, because it is you who beleive it is true, I dont, instead I beleive the opposite , that muslims fill the bottom places of the world.
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Re: The Smurfs Are 'anti-Semitic Jul 20, 2011
herve wrote:
general_A wrote: but didn't Charles Darwin also state that humans evolved from being apes and is being taught at schools :?:

Yes mein general, Darwin says that ALL humans evolved from the apes ancestors
It is the quran that teaches that only jews and unbeleivers come from apes and pigs, not the muslims .
muhammed says in his papers that “Ye are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind"

so it doesn't bother them that Darwin said it, but all hell brakes loos when it's mentioned in the qur'an?
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Re: The Smurfs Are 'anti-Semitic Jul 20, 2011
general_A wrote:
herve wrote:
general_A wrote: but didn't Charles Darwin also state that humans evolved from being apes and is being taught at schools :?:

Yes mein general, Darwin says that ALL humans evolved from the apes ancestors
It is the quran that teaches that only jews and unbeleivers come from apes and pigs, not the muslims .
muhammed says in his papers that “Ye are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind"

so it doesn't bother them that Darwin said it, but all hell brakes loos when it's mentioned in the qur'an?

When Muslims say Jews are apes and pigs it's used in an offensive manner.

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Re: The Smurfs are 'anti-Semitic Jul 20, 2011
al shafique, do you beleive jews comes from apes and pigs?

-- Wed Jul 20, 2011 8:56 am --

general_A wrote:
so it doesn't bother them that Darwin said it, but all hell brakes loos when it's mentioned in the qur'an?

Does it bother you that Darwin says you come from an ape?
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Re: The Smurfs are 'anti-Semitic Jul 20, 2011
herve wrote:
general_A wrote:
so it doesn't bother them that Darwin said it, but all hell brakes loos when it's mentioned in the qur'an?

Does it bother you that Darwin says you come from an ape?

not a bit, does it bother you though?
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Re: The Smurfs Are 'anti-Semitic Jul 20, 2011
general_A wrote: [so it doesn't bother them that Darwin said it, but all hell brakes loos when it's mentioned in the qur'an?

It is not the same, there is a huge difference that you seem to ignore
Darwins and modern science says that Humans are the result of evolution, we all come from the same source.
The quran says that god created humans (muslims) on one side and the less than humans on the other , apes , pigs, and jews
Hence the discriminating and racist nature of the quran.
So mein general , do you beleive that only jews come from apes and pigs, and not you?

-- Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:04 am --

general_A wrote:
herve wrote:
general_A wrote:
so it doesn't bother them that Darwin said it, but all hell brakes loos when it's mentioned in the qur'an?

Does it bother you that Darwin says you come from an ape?

not a bit, does it bother you though?

Not at all, it s evolution.
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Re: The Smurfs are 'anti-Semitic Jul 20, 2011
herve, what did I tell you about Loons being gullible?

If someone said:
I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.

Would you say that the people are indeed sheep, snakes and doves? :roll:

For someone who hates Muslims and Islam, you spend a lot of time misinterpreting Islam and working up your anger. Chill out man. The mooslims are not out to get you - you can put your burqa away now.

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Re: The Smurfs Are 'anti-Semitic Jul 20, 2011
herve wrote:It is not the same, there is a huge difference that you seem to ignore
Darwins and modern science says that Humans are the result of evolution, we all come from the same source.
The quran says that god created humans (muslims) on one side and the less than humans on the other , apes , pigs, and jews
Hence the discriminating and racist nature of the quran.
So mein general , do you beleive that only jews come from apes and pigs, and not you?

-- Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:04
herve wrote:

Does it bother you that Darwin says you come from an ape?

not a bit, does it bother you though?[/quote]
Not at all, it s evolution.

then why is it offending to them if indeed it was?

the jews that were mentioned in the quran werent evolved from apes and pigs, rather it was some of their ancestors who were reincarnated as pigs and apes, not that they evolved from them. all humans were created the same.

-- Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:26 am --

event horizon wrote:
When Muslims say Jews are apes and pigs it's used in an offensive manner.

i couldn't see the links, having trouble with the internet. anyhow, if someone believes in that evolution, then he shouldnt be offended by it when others who dont, point the finger at them and say that it is you who evolved from apes, they should be proud then :D

like i said to herve, the jew's ancestors mentioned in the quran were reincarnated as pigs and apes, and not evolved.

-- Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:35 am --

ok i made a little mistake up there, in the hadith it explains that some of the jews (few in numbers) who were murderers and rapests were 'turned' into apes and pigs, but all died within three days. couldnt eat, drink nor breed

so there you go
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Re: The Smurfs are 'anti-Semitic Jul 20, 2011
mein general..... nobody gets offended by a muslims when he calls someone an ape or a pig, that is just a joke looking at where the names come from. if a muslim called me a pig, he would make laugh day, no offense there. more like "look who is calling" :lol:
The point is rather to show that islamic texts ARE racist and discriminating, and therefore no mooslims can pretend not to be antisemitic or not racist.
There is racism and segregation ALL over the quran
against the jews of course, the blacks the unbeleivers, women, menstruating women and so forth.
So when a mooslim (anti semite, racist and segregationist) starts a topic saying that the smurfs are anti semitic, that is hilarious, desinformation, and misdirection.

As of being offended by a muslim, here is a good example why there is no offense taken:
when a white calls someone "arab, muzzie, rag head, ground kisser whatever" it is an insult,
But when an arab calls someone "white, frenchy, frog, racist whatever" it is NOT an insult, nobody cares.
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Re: The Smurfs are 'anti-Semitic Jul 21, 2011
So one Frenchman studies the smurfs can calls them anti-semitic, a rogue loon Frenchman then concludes that it is all a Mooooslim conspiracy. :roll:


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Re: The Smurfs Are 'anti-Semitic Jul 21, 2011
Told you about the French !
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Re: The Smurfs Are 'anti-Semitic Jul 21, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:Told you about the French !

What did you tell us? I must have missed that ground breaking statement!!!!
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Re: The Smurfs are 'anti-Semitic Jul 21, 2011
shafique wrote:So one Frenchman studies the smurfs can calls them anti-semitic, a rogue loon Frenchman then concludes that it is all a Mooooslim conspiracy. :roll:



Being an anti semite and a racist, you have no say in calling anyone an anti semite and a racist. It is in fact a poor attempt at trying to point the racist finger to someone esle but to the muzlims. As if it is going to work anyways, you are joke trying.
The more you post the more people see how corrupt your posts are. continue you are doing a good job.
For instance, lots of people never heard of Robert Spencer until you started bashing on him, as a result more people read his articles and discover the true face of islam

In addition desertdude does not even know what he is talking about, according to him, I am an antisemite, the next day i am not, and i am an anti muzlims. which is it dude?
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Re: The Smurfs are 'anti-Semitic Jul 21, 2011
herve wrote:mein general..... nobody gets offended by a muslims when he calls someone an ape or a pig, that is just a joke looking at where the names come from. if a muslim called me a pig, he would make laugh day, no offense there. more like "look who is calling" :lol:
The point is rather to show that islamic texts ARE racist and discriminating, and therefore no mooslims can pretend not to be antisemitic or not racist.
There is racism and segregation ALL over the quran
against the jews of course, the blacks the unbeleivers, women, menstruating women and so forth.
So when a mooslim (anti semite, racist and segregationist) starts a topic saying that the smurfs are anti semitic, that is hilarious, desinformation, and misdirection.

As of being offended by a muslim, here is a good example why there is no offense taken:
when a white calls someone "arab, muzzie, rag head, ground kisser whatever" it is an insult,
But when an arab calls someone "white, frenchy, frog, racist whatever" it is NOT an insult, nobody cares.

you forgot to mention sand n1gger.

can you prove to everybody here that i am a racist? and deny that you are one? frenchy
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Re: The Smurfs are 'anti-Semitic Jul 21, 2011
general_A wrote: can you prove to everybody here that i am a racist? and deny that you are one? frenchy

I just have to ask you If you are a muslim, if you are muslim, you are a racist, simple , because you worship the quran, and the quran is blatantly racist.
Just like someone who worships Mein Kempf would be a nazi.
Now if you want me to prove the quran is racist, i am going to have a feast. :lol: and may be i should start a thread.
And no , I am not a racist. My issues are not with races, my issues are with mass delusions and superstitions, and specially with the ones that turn to be malevolent cults responsible for the deaths of innocent people.
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Re: The Smurfs are 'anti-Semitic Jul 21, 2011
herve wrote:if you are muslim, you are a racist, simple

Most potent and significant statement by anyone on the forum, that proves beyond any reasonable doubt that you are nothing but a bigot and full fledged Islamophobe.

Anybody engaging in any further discussion with you is nothing but wasting his or her time.
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Re: The Smurfs are 'anti-Semitic Jul 21, 2011
herve wrote:
general_A wrote: can you prove to everybody here that i am a racist? and deny that you are one? frenchy

I just have to ask you If you are a muslim, if you are muslim, you are a racist, simple , because you worship the quran, and the quran is blatantly racist.
Just like someone who worships Mein Kempf would be a nazi.
Now if you want me to prove the quran is racist, i am going to have a feast. :lol: and may be i should start a thread.
And no , I am not a racist. My issues are not with races, my issues are with mass delusions and superstitions, and specially with the ones that turn to be malevolent cults responsible for the deaths of innocent people.

thats it? im a muslim therefore im a racist? :D

and you say that you are not? i thought you hated arabs :D a bit contradicting dont you think?
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Re: The Smurfs are 'anti-Semitic Jul 21, 2011
general_A wrote: thats it? im a muslim therefore im a racist? :D

and you say that you are not? i thought you hated arabs :D a bit contradicting dont you think?

You cant pretend not to be a racist and pray 5 times a day with a book that is racist.
I dont hate arabs, not at all. I have arab friends, many have renounced to your cult, and they are very good friends indeed.
My beef is against muslims, not arabs, I think muslims should be confined to their lands, and stay out of sight of the free world, because of irreconcilable differences and the danger they represent because of islamic terrorism.
You do realize that if people have to go through airline extensive security checks is because of muslims.
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Re: The Smurfs are 'anti-Semitic Jul 21, 2011
herve wrote:
general_A wrote: thats it? im a muslim therefore im a racist? :D

and you say that you are not? i thought you hated arabs :D a bit contradicting dont you think?

You cant pretend not to be a racist and pray 5 times a day with a book that is racist.
I dont hate arabs, not at all. I have arab friends, many have renounced to your cult, and they are very good friends indeed.
My beef is against muslims, not arabs, I think muslims should be confined to their lands, and stay out of sight of the free world, because of irreconcilable differences and the danger they represent because of islamic terrorism.
You do realize that if people have to go through airline extensive security checks is because of muslims.

yea right
well then maybe, just maybe, if all non muslims went back to their land then just maybe, muslims will stay out of their land, i dont know, i'm just saying. why cant muslims go to other countries and non muslims can do otherwise? the matter is that you have to live with it, weather you hate it or not, it is how it is now and is going to be like that for a long time to come. the more you hate, the quicker that you are going to get older.
thats just a piece of advice.

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Re: The Smurfs are 'anti-Semitic Jul 21, 2011
herve wrote:...........
And no , I am not a racist. My issues are not with races, my issues are with mass delusions and superstitions, and specially with the ones that turn to be malevolent cults responsible for the deaths of innocent people.

I was in a bad mood today, but the above from Herve made me laugh a little. Specially that bit about "the deaths of innocent people". I marvel at the amount of hypocrisy spreading across the planet earth.
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Re: The Smurfs are 'anti-Semitic Jul 21, 2011
zonker wrote: I was in a bad mood today, but the above from Herve made me laugh a little. Specially that bit about "the deaths of innocent people". I marvel at the amount of hypocrisy spreading across the planet earth.

ohhhh, so the 3,000 deads on 9/11 were not innocent people?
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Re: The Smurfs Are 'anti-Semitic Jul 23, 2011
I think zonker was referencing the many more hundreds of thousands of civilians dead around the world who weren't killed by Mooslims. What's the latest count of civilian deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan - you can express it as a multiple of those killed on 9/11 if you wish - I'd say it at least 1000 times? Whatdoyathink?

As for herve's loon denials that he's a loon - that's funny too. 'Mooslims should go back to their own lands'.. I wonder where this famed moooslim land is then. Where would fellow Englishman and Muslim Cat Stevens/Yusuf Islam go to, I wonder? :D

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Re: The Smurfs are 'anti-Semitic Jul 23, 2011
shafique reinforcing his sick logic:
US troops = terrorists, and muslim terrorists = freedom fighters
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Re: The Smurfs are 'anti-Semitic Jul 23, 2011
Where would fellow Englishman and Muslim Cat Stevens/Yusuf Islam go to, I wonder?

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Re: The Smurfs Are 'anti-Semitic Jul 23, 2011
shafique wrote:I think zonker was referencing the many more hundreds of thousands of civilians dead around the world who weren't killed by Mooslims. What's the latest count of civilian deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan - you can express it as a multiple of those killed on 9/11 if you wish - I'd say it at least 1000 times? Whatdoyathink?

As for herve's loon denials that he's a loon - that's funny too. 'Mooslims should go back to their own lands'.. I wonder where this famed moooslim land is then. Where would fellow Englishman and Muslim Cat Stevens/Yusuf Islam go to, I wonder? :D


So there are 3 million dead in Afghanistan and Iraq, all killed by Coalition and Nato forces?

Stick to pretending you know stats. Math isn't your strong suit.
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