Dubai Music Scene

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Dubai Music Scene Jul 20, 2011
Hi all.

What do you think about the music scene here? I'm not talking about bands from outside the UAE who come to perform here (Because if I was, this post would be more of a rant). I'm talking about (good) bands that have started in Dubai and are still gigging here.

I'm asking this mostly because I have yet to see any diversity here, as far as I know, the music scene is split into Emo/Hardcore/Thrash bands, shitty remix DJs and one or two alternative bands that I personally know. I know there are a few other bands who don't fall under any of those labels, but they are all cover bands who are usually playing at pubs/clubs. (because what else does a cover band do? :lol: )

Might be an arbitrary subject in times like these, but we could use a break from all the recent (more serious) news

So, my questions to you are:

1- What do you think of the local music scene?
2- If you think that the music scene is exactly how I described it, what do you think is the reason?
3- Can you please prove me wrong?


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Re: Dubai Music Scene Jul 20, 2011
Sorry, I don't know much about the Dubai music scene. I always saw non-UAE bands that came to put on concerts.
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Re: Dubai Music Scene Jul 20, 2011
I think chocs would be the right persom to answer this, but AFAIK there a few artists and bands who have had some mediocre success with some connection to Dubai for example Karl Wolf. There was an awesome band that use to play at Marco Polo Hotel and I think they were doing something but nothing really worked out. Other old skool dude is Glenn Miles and his Family who now runs DMC. The other south asian fellow Sukhbir and etc etc.
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Re: Dubai Music Scene Jul 20, 2011
There has always been a pretty good music scene in the UAE albeit underground mostly. There are great bands playing in many venues across the country, mostly cover bands, but still.

The Musci Room is now running Rock Nation which is actively trying to give local bands a chance to showcase their talent. The last night they did there with 9 bands playing was fantastic.

Of course you're always going to have the Juliana Downs (love those guys) aqnd the like who're pushing the scene but it could do with a bit more of a boost.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Dubai Music Scene Jul 20, 2011
Chocoholic wrote:There has always been a pretty good music scene in the UAE albeit underground mostly. There are great bands playing in many venues across the country, mostly cover bands, but still.

The Music Room is now running Rock Nation which is actively trying to give local bands a chance to showcase their talent. The last night they did there with 9 bands playing was fantastic.

Of course you're always going to have the Juliana Downs (love those guys) aqnd the like who're pushing the scene but it could do with a bit more of a boost.

I've heard some really good cover bands here (saw one in Club 7 who did a helluva Pink Floyd cover).

However (and I hope there are more people here like me, so I don't come off as a complete a$$hole) I'm generally more of a music elitist and I usually disapprove of bands such as Juliana Down :P

I'm talking total diversity here, Experimental, post-rock, drone, psychedelic, IDM etc. etc.
I'm not a hipster, I'm just better :P No in all seriousness though, I appreciate the info about The Music Room.

Do you know how I can find most of these underground gigs?
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Re: Dubai Music Scene Jul 20, 2011
Sorry dude, you're not likely to find that sort of stuff here. It's mainly music for the masses.
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Re: Dubai Music Scene Jul 20, 2011
Damn :(

Well thanks anyway.
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Re: Dubai Music Scene Jul 20, 2011
Drone ? WTF, does that sound as horrible as it's name.
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Re: Dubai Music Scene Jul 20, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:Drone ? WTF, does that sound as horrible as it's name.

It's an acquired taste...actually, more of a superior taste. *prepares flameshield*

Come at me bro.
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Re: Dubai Music Scene Jul 21, 2011
Well I clicked on your sound cloud link and whaddya know it does sound exactly like its named. Can't say I like it. Music to me has to be more than just long drawn out strings and saws with some pitch manipulation. I would classify it more of an extended sfx than anything else or the soundtrack to some eerie scene in a move

Oh did like the other tune though, although it took its own sweet time to get warmed up, but once it got started it was not bad at all.
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Re: Dubai Music Scene Jul 21, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:Well I clicked on your sound cloud link and whaddya know it does sound exactly like its named. Can't say I like it. Music to me has to be more than just long drawn out strings and saws with some pitch manipulation. I would classify it more of an extended sfx than anything else or the soundtrack to some eerie scene in a move

Oh did like the other tune though, although it took its own sweet time to get warmed up, but once it got started it was not bad at all.

That's mostly what drone is about, not your knowledge of theory but your knowledge (and of course wittiness and creativness) with FX. Like I said, it's more of an acquired taste, but you have to be mad to listen to MY drones for reference :lol: I've been doing this for less than a year, hardly any good yet...hell I've only recently been successful at making ambience.

And thank you :) That was my attempt at mixing up neo-psychedelic music with post rock...lotta trippy vibes and crescendos.

AEDIT: Wait, pitch manipulation? :?: I don't use pitch manipulation. :?
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Re: Dubai Music Scene Jul 21, 2011
Must be bad samples then
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Re: Dubai Music Scene Jul 21, 2011
-.- Troll

I don't use samples.
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Re: Dubai Music Scene Jul 21, 2011
Crappy instruments that have been sampled badly, not PCM and not sampled at 44.1khz with bad loop points, then ?
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Re: Dubai Music Scene Jul 21, 2011
Oh no I think my VSTi use PCM.

But I usually try to drone with my guitar instead. (Real instrument, NOT a VSTi)

If I could afford it, I'd buy better software.

-- Thu Jul 21, 2011 3:53 pm --

Sh*t my bad. When you said samples I thought you meant 'loops'.

I raged a little hahaha.
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Re: Dubai Music Scene Jul 21, 2011
Cough..bit..cough...torrent...cough. Ahem excuse than nasty cough. Better software you say ? :D
Anyways Icenick ( think he's been run off the forum ) was saying Ableton is pretty nifty, haven't used it myself so can't say.
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Re: Dubai Music Scene Jul 21, 2011
That would require space on my computer, and countless hours of waiting for the...umm...Software to 'arrive'

I haven't used Ableton Live yet too, I'll be sure to check it out though if I can get a new computer. I'm actually a little pleased with my software (I forgot that I got an update last week and it's been running wonderfully since then). I use Mixcraft, which is good since it's not too complicated for someone with no engineering or producing experience (or knowledge) to use.
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Re: Dubai Music Scene Jul 21, 2011
Good things ( or in this case software ) shall come to those who are patient ;) Try waiting for a 40gb Blu Ray to "arrive" :D

I used Magix Music Maker in the past and its pretty funky, also has video functionality so if you wanted to release "videos" of your tracks to put up on youtube etc etc it does that aswell.

-- Thu Jul 21, 2011 6:52 pm --

BTW would you consider the sound track from Tron Legacy as somewhat drone-ish ? I think most of it pretty decent.
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Re: Dubai Music Scene Jul 21, 2011
Dayum, 40 GB? I don't think I'd be able to wait, I'd probably try to spring up some cash and just get it...I'm pretty impatient :p

Oh yeah I've heard of that, I'll check it out...I'm not really a 'video' person, but that sounds interesting.

Nah that's not really drone, it's more electro/score music. Drone is a really vast term that I would find incredibly hard to explain, it's best if I show you :)

Btw, which instrument do you play? Or are you an engineer?
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Re: Dubai Music Scene Jul 22, 2011
I dunno just too weird for me and not something I'd listen to if I wanted to listen to music if you know what I'm saying. Like I said earlier most of it would make a good movie soundtrack.

As for your other question. I'm bit of both or atleast used to be. I played the drums, did some sequence composing, little bit of remixing, little bit of DJ'ing nothing on a professional level mind you, although tired to cut a record once but back in the day there wasn't much going on here musically, if you think today is underground back in the day was a nightmare. You'd had to stretch yourself to get a gig at a wedding party or battle of the bands ! :D

As for now, might tie up with a new record lable friend is starting up if I see any potential there.
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Re: Dubai Music Scene Jul 22, 2011
Yeah it's an odd genre, I haven't met anyone in Dubai who's a fan of Drone and/or Post-rock yet. It seems as though I'm the only elitist here :lol:

Wow, that really does sound like a nightmare. :p I'm currently trying to get involved with GYEM (Global Youth Empowering Movement) to maybe further expand the music scene here, and maybe even start a band or something.

There probably is potential in a record label in Dubai, it seems as though there might be high demand for that nowadays with so many bands/artists looking to get signed and not enough indie labels etc.
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Re: Dubai Music Scene Oct 06, 2013
I am so glad I found this thread.

I'm moving to Dubai in 2 weeks to start an Audio Production course at the SAE Institute, and I've been DYING to see if there are actually any musicans that don't just play your average crap. (I've been stuck in Doha and Oman for the past 7 years, and the best thing I've seen there is ametuers going overboard with fuzz on Smells like Teen Spirit)

I myself play guitar, however I'm pretty crap at it, seeing as I only started 3 years ago, and I'm a righty with a left wrist that never fully healed after I fractured it on both sides last year. But whatever, I'll say it's part of my "artistic flare".

I would LOVE to start a band really stands out from the crowd, and hopefully the course I'm taking will allow me to use the studio in my spare time.

Anyways, I hope this thread comes back to life soon enough, I'd be interested to know if much has changed since 2011
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