Jewish Terror

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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011
Should we conclude if you don't condemn this Jewish Terror centre that you support their actions?

I guess, by your logic, the answer should be yes. I happen to condemn all who carry out acts of terrorism. No problems stating this fact.

I can't decide whether you are just ashamed or scared.


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011
shafique wrote:Should we conclude if you don't condemn this Jewish Terror centre that you support their actions?

I guess, by your logic, the answer should be yes. I happen to condemn all who carry out acts of terrorism. No problems stating this fact.

I can't decide whether you are just ashamed or scared.


Not scared, lol, by you? is this a joke :lol: I saw what you look like.
it s just that you dont deserve a response because you support hamas
Again are not condemning hamas as a terrorist organization, condeming the act is a different ball game, you know it, but I exposed your game.
since you dont condemn hamas, you support them hence You are not entitled to any conversations on terrorism, involving jewish, irish or chinese

When you respond to this:
Hamas = terrorist organization: YES
Hamas = terrorist organization: NO
Which is it?
i will respond to you
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011
Scared or ashamed?

The question was quite simple.
Should we conclude if you don't condemn this Jewish Terror centre that you support their actions?

I repeat, I condemn all (ALL) acts of terrorism. Can't be clearer than that. Now - why are you reluctant to condemn the subject of this thread?

Are you obsessed with Hamas?

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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011
shafique wrote:I repeat, I condemn all (ALL) acts of terrorism. Can't be clearer than that. Now - why are you reluctant to condemn the subject of this thread?

Are you obsessed with Hamas?


It is NOT clear at all, you do NOT respond to the question
Hamas = terrorist organization: YES
Hamas = terrorist organization: NO
Which is it?
until then , every one here will assume that you support hamas, and therefore you should be outcast
AGAIN, you seem to ignore that condemning an act of terrorism is completely different than condemning a terrorist organisation, i told you that 3 times already
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011
Still avoiding the question.

I condemn all acts of terror.

Why don't you condemn the subject of this thread.. are you obsessed with Hamas?

(Trust me, you'll get tired before I do - this thread is not about Hamas, so your evasion is very funny)

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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011
shafique wrote:Still avoiding the question.

I condemn all acts of terror.

Why don't you condemn the subject of this thread.. are you obsessed with Hamas?

(Trust me, you'll get tired before I do - this thread is not about Hamas, so your evasion is very funny)


YOU are avoiding the question, you dont deserve a response until you respond to the question
Hamas = terrorist organization: YES
Hamas = terrorist organization: NO
Which is it?
until then , every one here will assume that you support hamas, and therefore you should be outcast
AGAIN, you seem to ignore that condemning an act of terrorism is completely different than condemning a terrorist organisation, i told you that 3 times already

Trust me, you'll get tired before I do
Oh I know mister fundamentalist taliban preacher and hamas supporter, I have been to a prayer once, these mooslims repeated 2,000 times the same thing, I kid you not two thousand times, speak of brainwash
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011
You can assume what you want - I'm quite categoric about condemning all acts of terror.

This thread is about a Yeshiva and you seem to be very reluctant to condemn them.

Should we conclude if you don't condemn this Jewish Terror centre that you support their actions?

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011
shafique wrote:You can assume what you want - I'm quite categoric about condemning all acts of terror.

This thread is about a Yeshiva and you seem to be very reluctant to condemn them.

Should we conclude if you don't condemn this Jewish Terror centre that you support their actions?


I am quite sure now that you support hamas, you dont condemn hamas and evade the question
you dont deserve a response until you respond to the question
Hamas = terrorist organization: YES
Hamas = terrorist organization: NO
Which is it?

I am not reluctant to respond about yeshiva, I am reluctant to respond to a hamas supporter
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011
Well, if you are quite sure about what I think, then you should have no problem in answering the question about this thread's subject:

Should we conclude if you don't condemn this Jewish Terror centre that you support their actions?

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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011
shafique wrote:Well, if you are quite sure about what I think, then you should have no problem in answering the question about this thread's subject:

Should we conclude if you don't condemn this Jewish Terror centre that you support their actions?


I dont engage in conversations with a supporter of terrorist organizations, sorry, I'd rather terminate him
You failed to respond
Hamas = terrorist organisation YES
Hamas = terrorist organisation NO
Which is it
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011
Should we conclude if you don't condemn this Jewish Terror centre that you support their actions?

I'll take that as a yes then.

Does that mean you are going to terminate yourself? I, on the other hand, condemn all acts of terror.

(Funny how a thread about Jewish Terror descends into herve's fantasies about what I think about Hamas! :roll: - and herve's refusal to condemn Jewish Terror)

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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011
shafique wrote:Should we conclude if you don't condemn this Jewish Terror centre that you support their actions?

I'll take that as a yes then.

Does that mean you are going to terminate yourself? I, on the other hand, condemn all acts of terror.

(Funny how a thread about Jewish Terror descends into herve's fantasies about what I think about Hamas! :roll: - and herve's refusal to condemn Jewish Terror)


As a supporter of hamas , your topic is irrelevant, and a deception, in addition you dont deserve a response on this subject, because you fail to condemn hamas as a terrorist organization, you have no say here. and just keep repeating the same thing
it is ok, i have time , I am waiting for my car to be detailed
on the other end , seems you have a lot of time on your hands to post your rants, or may be it is just part your job to post deceptive post online, sorry for that you are BUSTED, you hamas supporter
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011
Funniest excuse I've heard in a long time.

I only keep repeating the question, because you refuse to answer:

Should we conclude if you don't condemn this Jewish Terror centre that you support their actions?

(BTW, I'm waiting for Top Gear to download, myself)

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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011
shafique wrote:Funniest excuse I've heard in a long time.

I only keep repeating the question, because you refuse to answer:


You will deserve an answear after you admit hamas IS a terrorist organization, otherwise you have no say here
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011
You're still trying to find an excuse for not answering..and failing. I've been very clear - I condemn all acts of terrorism. Do you wish me to say this in French for you? ;)

The question you're avoiding is clear:
Should we conclude if you don't condemn this Jewish Terror centre that you support their actions?

If you support a terror group - does that mean you will terminate yourself??

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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011
shafique wrote:You're still trying to find an excuse for not answering..and failing. I've been very clear - I condemn all acts of terrorism. Do you wish me to say this in French for you? ;)

No, what you have to say is if you condemn the hamas terrorist organization or not, not the acts of terrorisms. for hamas they are not actr of terrorisms anyway, you , like them , call it resistance acts, freedom fighters acts.
Until you respond to that, you cannot expect responses from anyone, nor that you deserve any responses either, because you are corrupt, as a supporter of hamas
The burden is on YOU, not ME, you have to respond first , so you qualify to be involved in a conversation
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011
I condemn all acts of terror. Why is this a difficult concept for you to grasp?

Is it because you can't say the same thing?

Should we conclude if you don't condemn this Jewish Terror centre that you support their actions?

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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011
shafique wrote:I condemn all acts of terror.

I have to go... you are busted, al shafique the taliban, hamas supporter, you are exposed, others in the forum exposed you as well, many more will do, the more people read your post, the more they are convinced your views are corrupt, continue, you doing a good job
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011
Should we conclude if you don't condemn this Jewish Terror centre that you support their actions?

I'm categoric in condemning all acts of terror - no ifs, no buts.

This thread is about one Yeshiva in Occupied Palestine which is called a centre of 'Jewish Terror' by a member of the Occupying Military force. Herve's excuse as to why he won't condemn this Yeshiva is telling - he thinks that his view of Hamas is relevant in a thread about this Yeshiva. :roll:

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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011
I think we all got bored at this point.
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011
I am not sure why he calls this group terrorists. If its because of price tagging, I use my power of condemnation. If its because of their desire to gain full control of the Temple Mount, they have my support for that.
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011
7asbi Allah wni3ma Lwakeel feehom...
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011
rittakhoury85 wrote:7asbi Allah wni3ma Lwakeel feehom...

Coward, you are all chicken cowards! Go and hide behind your women and children and send your children to blow themselves up.
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011
It is interesting that none of the fanbois are condemning the 'Jewish Terror' - but rather are going out of their way to find ways to not condemn them.

For once they are not agreeing with an Israeli Military man's comments.

Baby steps, baby steps.

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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011
shafique wrote:It is interesting that none of the fanbois are condemning the 'Jewish Terror' - but rather are going out of their way to find ways to not condemn them.

For once they are not agreeing with an Israeli Military man's comments.

Baby steps, baby steps.


Gaslighting still, as sociopaths are used to.
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011
Speaking in riddles again FD?

I just observed that the fanbois aren't condemning 'Jewish Terror' even though it is a military man pointing out that these colonists are terrorising the Palestinian population.

Double standards exposed, I think. Not a pretty sight, is it?

You appear to give more credibility to Memri's hamas clerics than Haaretz's reports of an Israeli commander. Wow.

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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011
spoken like a ted bundy psycho, mixed with some asperger.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 20, 2011
^fanbois smoke and mirrors gets more desperate by the day!

'Jewish Terror' label by an Israeli military officer really must confuse fanbois... :D

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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 20, 2011
Still debating with imaginary opponents I notice.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 20, 2011
Flying Dutchman wrote:spoken like a ted bundy psycho, mixed with some asperger.

I'll have to remember this one when you get on your high horse about how I was swearing in a few threads in Fight Club. This and making fun of Chocs as being "crazy". Talk about low. Spare everyone your online psychological diagnosis skills unless you can show us a copy of your PhD in Clinical Psychology.
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