Jewish Terror

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Jewish Terror Jul 18, 2011
When a military commander of the Israeli Military Occupation forces calls a Jewish Religious institution in Occupied Palestine a source of 'Jewish Terror', you know they must be extreme. He is calling for it to be shut down.

At the very least, the extremists should move the Yeshiva into Israel proper and not be a colony and source of Jewish Terror. One could also point out that the Israeli Military normally bombs terror camps when identified... ... n-1.373694


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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 18, 2011
More anti semitic rubbish on a Monday morning from the resident flip flop.
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 18, 2011
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 18, 2011
shafique wrote:Israeli Military Occupation

The correct term for your Hamas terrorists is Zionist Occupation Forces (ZOF)
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 18, 2011
@ al shafique: you do acknowldege that hamas is a terrorits organization, right?
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 18, 2011
I acknowledge that Hamas and Hezbollah and the ANC and Irgun and the IRA etc have carried out terrorist attacks, yes.

What has that got to do with the 'Jewish Terror' Yeshiva in Occupied Palestine?

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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 18, 2011
shafique wrote:I acknowledge that Hamas and Hezbollah and the ANC and Irgun and the IRA etc have carried out terrorist attacks, yes.

What has that got to do with the 'Jewish Terror' Yeshiva in Occupied Palestine?


It s your constant spin of the facts,
Jewish are not the terrorists, ok, they are not the threat, muslims are. The worldwide threat is with mooslims, those who blew themsleves up chanting allauh akbar, not chanting the lord prayer or blowing up mail boxes and empty post offices.
You see how you purposedly and maliciously turn aournd, you say hamas has carried terrorist attacks, that is not what i ask you to acknowledge, i ask you if you acknowledge that hamas IS a terrorist organization , dont try to dilute it , ok. BEING is not the same as HAS CARRIED OUT
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011
herve, mon petit pois, it was a member of the Israel Military Occupation Force that called the Yeshiva a source of 'Jewish Terror' - so how is it my fault?

Must try harder. (Or do you know better than the military fellow??)

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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011
shafique wrote:herve, mon petit pois, it was a member of the Israel Military Occupation Force that called the Yeshiva a source of 'Jewish Terror' - so how is it my fault?

Must try harder. (Or do you know better than the military fellow??)


But you had to bring other terrorist organisations into the mix so that you could avoid condemning Hamas and Hezbollah outright.
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011
Are Hamas and Hezbollah in this particular Yeshiva? We should be told... :shock:

(Or is the argument that this 'Jewish Terror' Yeshiva is as good as or as bad as Hamas/Hezbollah/IRA/ANC etc??)

I'm still waiting to see the fanbois condemn the terror group.. I just see posts saying.. 'look over there!' :D

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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011
Exactly BM.
al shafique the taliban will never admit that hamas IS a terrorist organization, it is perfectly clear now.
so there is no point discussing with someone who denies hamas IS a terrorist organization,
I could not find the Yashiva in the terrorist organization list.
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011
I repeat, what have what you think Hamas is got to do with this Jewish Terror Yeshiva?

Menachem Begin was the head of a terrorist organisation, and proud of it. But he wasn't a Jewish fundamentalist though.

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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011
shafique wrote:I repeat, what have what you think Hamas is got to do with this Jewish Terror Yeshiva?


And why bring the IRA into the mix?
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011
shafique wrote:I repeat, what have what you think Hamas is got to do with this Jewish Terror Yeshiva?


Yeshiva is not listed as terrorist organization, period, not relevant you are just trying to point the finger somewhere else
Do you acknowledge Hamas IS a terrorist organization
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011
The yeshiva has been called a centre of Jewish Terror. And he cites why he calls them this.

Do you think his assessment (and recommendation it be moved) is wrong?

(I still don't see what Hamas has to do with this centre of Jewish Terror

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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011
shafique wrote:The yeshiva has been called a centre of Jewish Terror. And he cites why he calls them this.

Do you think his assessment (and recommendation it be moved) is wrong?

(I still don't see what Hamas has to do with this centre of Jewish Terror


show me a link where Yeshiva is listed as terrorist organization, however, as a supporter of Hamas, you DO NOT have your say here
Do you acknowledge Hamas IS a terrorist organization
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011
Did you not see the link in the first post?

Do you disagree with the military man's conclusion? Why?

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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011
shafique wrote:Did you not see the link in the first post?

Do you disagree with the military man's conclusion? Why?


Here is the list of terrorist organizations, Yeshiva is not there, hamas IS ... anizations
personally i never heard of Yeshiva, and it is the least of my concern when i board a plane.
As far as hamas, you refuse to acknowldege that hamas is a terrorist organization, which shows what I already knew, you are a stealth supporter of hamas.
When you agree that hamas is a terorist organization we may have a conversation, by you refusing to admit it means you support hamas, and therefore there cannot be any conversation with you.
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011

Why are running away and hiding my French pal. I asked whether you knew more than the Israeli military man who called the Yeshiva a centre for Jewish Terror.

Please tell me you are not using wiki as an argument to hide from this question?

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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011
shafique wrote:LOL

Why are running away and hiding my French pal. I asked whether you knew more than the Israeli military man who called the Yeshiva a centre for Jewish Terror.

Please tell me you are not using wiki as an argument to hide from this question?


your question is not relevant because yeshiva is NOT listed as terrorist organization.
same as the Potyglouzes associate.
you are a supporter of hamas, and you should be banned
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011
LOL - please keep your fantasies to yourself.

The Israeli commander did not say that the Yeshiva Terror Group should be added to the list on wikipedia - he stated that they were a centre for Terror.

Why are you so reluctant to condemn them? Is it because you support their terror - or do you just believe you know better than the Israeli military man?

What you happen to think about the political party Hamas is not in question here.

Should we conclude if you don't condemn this Jewish Terror centre that you support their actions?

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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011
the US State Department list of terrorist organisations
Hamas is listed
Yeshiva is NOT
out 48 organisations, 43 ARE ISLAMIC !!!!!
and al shafique, will not acknowledge that hamas is a terrorist organisation
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011
Are you avoiding the question herve?

Let me ask you again:
Should we conclude if you don't condemn this Jewish Terror centre that you support their actions?

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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011
shafique wrote:LOL - please keep your fantasies to yourself.

The Israeli commander did not say that the Yeshiva Terror Group should be added to the list on wikipedia - he stated that they were a centre for Terror.

Why are you so reluctant to condemn them? Is it because you support their terror - or do you just believe you know better than the Israeli military man?

What you happen to think about the political party Hamas is not in question here.

Should we conclude if you don't condemn this Jewish Terror centre that you support their actions?


You dont get it, dont you?
As a supporter of hamas, a terrorist organisation, you are absolutely NOT entitled to post, or start a topic whether a jewish group is involved in terrorists attacks or not.
It is like defending the bank robber, and accusing the bank security officer of shooting the dirt bag.
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011
I stated that I agreed Hamas has carried out terrorist attacks. I've also stated that I condemn any terrorist attack by anyone.

However, this thread is not about Hamas.

Why are you avoiding the question about this Jewish Terror centre... are you embarrassed to answer, or are you just scared (or a coward) to answer?

Here's the question again:
Should we conclude if you don't condemn this Jewish Terror centre that you support their actions?

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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011
shafique wrote:Are you avoiding the question herve?

Let me ask you again:
Should we conclude if you don't condemn this Jewish Terror centre that you support their actions?


If you admit that hamas IS a terrorist organisation, i will respond to you. If you dont, you deserve to be ignored for supporting a terrorist organisation. No one should have to respond to twisted questions.
The terror comes from muslims, not jewish, period.
43 out of 48 terrorist organizations listed by US state department are islamic.

-- Tue Jul 19, 2011 2:37 am --

shafique wrote:I stated that I agreed Hamas has carried out terrorist attacks. I've also stated that I condemn any terrorist attack by anyone.Cheers,

HAS CARRIED OUT terrorist attacks ......................and IS a terrorist organization are TWO completely different things, and you know it, you are avoiding the question.
Why dont you just admit that support hamas, and we will be over with it, have courage at once!
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011
Are you a coward? Answer the question:

Should we conclude if you don't condemn this Jewish Terror centre that you support their actions?

(I have no problem condemning any act of terrorism, including those carried out by Hamas)

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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011
shafique wrote:Are you a coward?

Lol, that s a good one, :lol: :lol: :lol: the one thing i know, is that I am definitively not a coward, if you only knew, good laugh anyways

-- Tue Jul 19, 2011 2:40 am --

shafique wrote:Are you a coward? Answer the question:

Should we conclude if you don't condemn this Jewish Terror centre that you support their actions?

(I have no problem condemning any act of terrorism, including those carried out by Hamas)


You fail to condemn Hamas as a terrorist organisation, therefore you are not entitled to have any conversation on terror topics, with me EH, FD, Beths or ANYONE.
Again you are playing words, but I see clearly in your mind game. condemning an act of terrorism is completely different than condemning a terrorist organisation
One condemns the act, the other condemns the organisation. it is the organisation that matters here, not the act.
And as a supporter of hamas, you have NO say here
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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011
Did you answer the question - or are you just acting like a coward (but insisting that you are not a coward)?

Here it is again:
Should we conclude if you don't condemn this Jewish Terror centre that you support their actions?

(You should ask BM to explain that I condemned all acts of terrorism, including those by Hamas)

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Re: Jewish Terror Jul 19, 2011
shafique wrote:Did you answer the question - or are you just acting like a coward (but insisting that you are not a coward)?

Here it is again:
Should we conclude if you don't condemn this Jewish Terror centre that you support their actions?

(You should ask BM to explain that I condemned all acts of terrorism, including those by Hamas)


you dont condemn Hamas as an organisation, condemning acts of terrorism by hamas is completely different, therefore you have no say here
Now you resort to insults, because you have nothing more, you are a loser

Look I make it simple for you
Hamas = terrorist organization: YES
Hamas = terrorist organization: NO
Which is it?
Without a clear answear, you are not entitled to have a conversation on terrorism with anyone
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