US Republican Backs Right To Ban Mosques

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US Republican backs right to ban mosques Jul 18, 2011
"Islam is both a religion and a set of laws -- Sharia laws. That's the difference between any one of our traditional religions where it's just about religious purposes," Cain told Fox News Sunday.

he is Black American , al shafique the taliban wont be able to call him racist, Cain says it is caution over carelessness, and not discrimination on religion.
I think there must be a growing feeling against muslims for a congressman to come up with this.
When muslim force mosques in public school, this is what they are going to get. ... 42282.html

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Re: US Republican Backs Right To Ban Mosques Jul 18, 2011
Well don't get too excited and horny hervy, dem darn US politicians keep comming up with such stuff time and time again. Thankfully not everyone is not a phobe like you and can actually reason and use common sense ;)

Just a couple of funny ones I happen to come across in the past


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Re: US Republican Backs Right To Ban Mosques Jul 18, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:Well don't get too excited and horny hervy, dem darn US politicians keep comming up with such stuff time and time again. Thankfully not everyone is not a phobe like you and can actually reason and use common sense ;)

Just a couple of funny ones I happen to come across in the past



There's probably no penalty in most Muslim nations for having abortions....
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Re: US Republican Backs Right To Ban Mosques Jul 18, 2011
So much for freedom of religion in the USA then... :roll:

Where do the GOP dig up these nutters?

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Re: US Republican backs right to ban mosques Jul 18, 2011
:cheers: about time someone spoke up
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Re: US Republican Backs Right To Ban Mosques Jul 18, 2011
shafique wrote:Where do the GOP dig up these nutters?


Funny, I wonder the same about you every time I see you post.

-- Mon Jul 18, 2011 7:43 am --

al shafique the taliban wont be able to call him racist
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Re: US Republican Backs Right To Ban Mosques Jul 18, 2011
Why would a country want to ban mosques when the vast majority of the followers are not a problem in society? Many Islamic terrorists fall out from their mosque or are kicked out because of their extreme views, so why is the congregation held accountable for that wingnut's actions? If the small number of extremists are to blame for people wanting to ban mosques, then the case for banning churches could have been made a long time ago after all the things that Christian crazies have done in the name of religion.

The US is not the land of the free if they essentially want to ban one religion from building a place of worship while letting others build places of worship freely.
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Re: US Republican Backs Right To Ban Mosques Jul 18, 2011
kanelli wrote:Why would a country want to ban mosques when the vast majority of the followers are not a problem in society? Many Islamic terrorists fall out from their mosque or are kicked out because of their extreme views, so why is the congregation held accountable for that wingnut's actions? If the small number of extremists are to blame for people wanting to ban mosques, then the case for banning churches could have been made a long time ago after all the things that Christian crazies have done in the name of religion.

The US is not the land of the free if they essentially want to ban one religion from building a place of worship while letting others build places of worship freely.

Kanelli, Many Islamic terrorists fall out from their mosque or are kicked out because of their extreme views : it is absolutely UNTRUE, they are full members and many times they are the imams themselves.
based on this fact and the numerous arrests of imams in the US , mosques are indeed a nest of would be terrorists These articles contradict your post.

Two Imams from a Miami mosque, arrested for supporting the taliban ... extremism/

mosque leader Luqman Ameen Abdullah was killed in a shootout Wednesday with FBI agents who sought to arrest him, he advocated a separate Islamic state within the US ... -ussc.html

Arrest of five U.S. nationals is a “wake up call” about Muslim radicalization in the United States ... ates-imam/

US imam who communicated with Fort Hood suspect wanted in Yemen on terror suspicions ... ns-225033/

arrest of an imam in Queens, in a bomb plot
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Re: US Republican Backs Right To Ban Mosques Jul 18, 2011
Ok, I'll try to find the links for those terrorists who left their mosques or were kicked out. The guy who blew himself up in Stockholm this year was one...

Now, how about the extremists doing bizarre things from the churches across the US? Why shouldn't churches also be banned (especially Catholic ones!)? There seem to be less wingy-dingies coming from Hindu and Buddhist temples, so maybe only those should be allowed. :D

And should I also point out that even in the absence of a formal place of worship, people can still gather in large numbers and meet to pray in other locations, like private homes and private properties. Please tell me how having no formal mosques can help stop radicalization and terrorism?
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Re: US Republican Backs Right To Ban Mosques Jul 18, 2011
kanelli wrote:Ok, I'll try to find the links for those terrorists who left their mosques or were kicked out. The guy who blew himself up in Stockholm this year was one...

Now, how about the extremists doing bizarre things from the churches across the US? Why shouldn't churches also be banned (especially Catholic ones!)? There seem to be less wingy-dingies coming from Hindu and Buddhist temples, so maybe only those should be allowed. :D

Because those who blow commercial airplanes and or get caught trying to blow bombs in the US are muslims.
And regardless how many muzzies were kicked out, we still have in the US, imams who plot terrorist attacks, within the mosque and who get arrested in the process
how about the extremists doing bizarre things from the churches across the US? like what? burning the koran in public? so what it s harmless.
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Re: US Republican Backs Right To Ban Mosques Jul 18, 2011
kanelli wrote:Now, how about the extremists doing bizarre things from the churches across the US?

Yes!!!! Something should be done about those Cathobans. :D Take that nutter who wanted to burn the Koran!! One can only imagine what the backlash would have been and all those innocent lives destroyed!! The CIA needs to infiltrate the Vatican and expose them for the terrorists that they are. :shock:
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Re: US Republican Backs Right To Ban Mosques Jul 18, 2011
I would say that burning the Quran is inciting hatred, which is dangerous. Actually, I was thinking of the huge scandal about Catholic priests se.xually abusing little boys and girls for decades and then covering it up. In fact, the Catholic Church worldwide has seen massive s.ex abuse scandals, not just the US. Why not ban the building of Catholic churches and why not run the Catholics out of the US?

Don't even get me onto Scientology - the church that is about an alien named Xenu, a church that bankrupts people to pay for "auditing" so that they can be "clear", a church that has resulted in the death of people because of the belief in Dianetics instead of proven modern medicine, and a church who isolates members from their family and friends if they are non-believers. It should be marked as a cult. Oh wait, even cults are allowed to build places of worship!
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Re: US Republican Backs Right To Ban Mosques Jul 18, 2011
Kanelli, the fear that an American would harbor about mosques is the perception for it to be a place where terrorism can and is bred, which has, by far, a bigger violent impact on the country. The harm that priests have done abusing boys is very serious and damaging, but not exactly a threat to US security. All religions have their dirty little stories, but how many of them are terrorist-related in the minds of society?? To say that a mosque is a breeding ground for terrorism is a poor excuse given by someone who is clearly Islamophobic, as terrorism can be developed anywhere - a basement, an apartment/house, a cafe, an open park, not to mention the internet. For all they know his neighbor may be in the process of planning a terror atttack!!!!
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Re: US Republican backs right to ban mosques Jul 18, 2011
So it's 'Islamophobic' when done it 'Christianophobic' over in Indonesia where this is practiced? ... 20990.html ... 20354.html
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Re: US Republican Backs Right To Ban Mosques Jul 19, 2011
Come on! It seem to me that one has a higher chance of having their child molested by a priest than suffering a terrorist attack from a crazy Muslim.
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Re: US Republican Backs Right To Ban Mosques Jul 19, 2011
kanelli wrote:Come on! It seem to me that one has a higher chance of having their child molested by a priest than suffering a terrorist attack from a crazy Muslim.

Well, in reality you are right - however facts and statistics aren't a feature of loonville. There there is a mad mullah on every corner! :D

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Re: US Republican backs right to ban mosques Jul 19, 2011
So do Indonesian Christians have freedom of religion?

And coming soon, will Egyptian Copts?
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Re: US Republican Backs Right To Ban Mosques Jul 20, 2011
I think freedom of religion is being allowed to have a place of worship and be allowed to pray there. Also to be free from persecution in society because of one's religion. Just because those things don't happen in some countries doesn't meant that a country that touts itself as a freedom-loving and modern society should also act like those other countries. Come on EH!
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Re: US Republican Backs Right To Ban Mosques Jul 20, 2011
shafique wrote:So much for freedom of religion in the USA then... :roll:

Where do the GOP dig up these nutters?


At least we agree Indonesian Christians do not have freedom of religion. To me, actual instances where minorities suffer discrimination should warrant a thread or two, but it seems covering up discrimination is more important.
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Re: US Republican Backs Right To Ban Mosques Jul 21, 2011
1- He's a republican, no one takes those seriously anymore
2- Except Fox News, and no one takes them seriously anymore
3- Except for republicans...refer to my first point.

Personally I'm against any type of tax funding (especially in the heat of the recent debt ceiling crisis) towards religious groups, anywhere in the world. It's simply not important enough, and religious organizations shouldn't be classified as tax exempt NPOs. So I don't really care whether it's a mosque or a church, it shouldn't be built in the first place.

On another note though, I think the US is completely screwed from looking at these vast choices of presidential candidates...have the conservatives taken over?
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