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dattaswami wrote:
The main project of Lord in Human form
The highest preacher is only God in human form
God in human form is to be recognized through the spiritual knowledge preached by Him and not by the miracles. The main project of God to come to the earth is only to guide the souls to the correct spiritual path, which leads the souls to permanent welfare. Therefore, Veda says that the real identity mark of God is the special spiritual knowledge (Prajnanam Brahma). Who will decide that the knowledge is the best? Your own inner conscience is the real judge to give the certificate for the knowledge of the preacher (Pramanamantahkaranapravruttayah). For your level, whatever is the best should be the best for you. The ultimate and absolute best is not relevant to you. Therefore, the certificate given by others is not relevant to you since the levels of others differ from your level. The preacher gives the spiritual knowledge to the souls in different levels according to their corresponding levels. If you are in the highest level and if your conscience is satisfied, such spiritual knowledge is the ultimate and such preacher is the human incarnation of God.
The highest preacher can give lower levels of knowledge also but the lower preacher cannot give the higher-level of knowledge. But if your level is low, the highest preacher is of no use and you can treat the preacher of your level as the highest. Even if you catch the highest preacher, He will give you the level of knowledge corresponding to your level only. The advantage with the highest preacher is that you need not change the preacher as you rise in your level. The highest preacher is only God in human form. You must filter Him not only from ordinary human beings but also must filter Him from the other false human incarnations. The most important point is that you must identify your contemporary human incarnation, which alone can clarify all your doubts. Otherwise, you can only follow the text of the past human incarnation and only your other classmates clarify all your doubts. Then, you will be certainly confused further.
dattaswami wrote:That is your version? You are not Jesus, you are not Krishna, you are not Mohammad hence you cannot be a standard for spiritual divine knoweldge. Are you the only person in this world? There are real devotees of Allah in this world also who wish to see, touch and co-live with Him, for such real devotees Allah comes down in human form, ofcourse not to you at all who reject Allah coming in human form, never!!
Shuhrat wrote:dattaswami wrote:That is your version? You are not Jesus, you are not Krishna, you are not Mohammad hence you cannot be a standard for spiritual divine knoweldge. Are you the only person in this world? There are real devotees of Allah in this world also who wish to see, touch and co-live with Him, for such real devotees Allah comes down in human form, ofcourse not to you at all who reject Allah coming in human form, never!!
Are you the founder of new religion ? Kind of combination of Hinduism and Christianity ?
One can understand incarnation of human souls, but incarnation of Allah in the human form![]()
it's like Sri Jesus Said Baba Ibn Dattaswami...
dattaswami wrote:Shuhrat wrote:dattaswami wrote:That is your version? You are not Jesus, you are not Krishna, you are not Mohammad hence you cannot be a standard for spiritual divine knoweldge. Are you the only person in this world? There are real devotees of Allah in this world also who wish to see, touch and co-live with Him, for such real devotees Allah comes down in human form, ofcourse not to you at all who reject Allah coming in human form, never!!
Are you the founder of new religion ? Kind of combination of Hinduism and Christianity ?
One can understand incarnation of human souls, but incarnation of Allah in the human form![]()
it's like Sri Jesus Said Baba Ibn Dattaswami...
You have no real love on Allah hence you reject Allah coming in human form. But in this world, you are not the only person living, there are lot of other devotees who wish to see Allah, touch Him, and co-live with Him for such real serious devotees He comes in human form.
God is unimaginable and hence, cannot be even imagined by even sharp intelligence. Therefore, there is no possibility of any kind of interaction with God. God knows all of us, but, we can never know God. Hence, the interaction with unimaginable God is one sided only. But, we like to have an interaction, which is in both sides. We like to know, see, talk, touch and live with God. We like to serve God because service is the practical proof of love or devotion to God. For this purpose, God comes down in the same medium in which we exist.
Hence, God comes in human form. If God comes in the form of an inert object, our service becomes impossible. For the sake of inert objects, He has to come in the inert form. But, the inert objects do not interact at all. If He comes down as a bird or animal, the birds and animals may interact and the human beings cannot interact. In such case, you cannot talk with God since you cannot talk with a bird or animal. We cannot clarify our doubts with God in such case.
If God comes down in the energetic form, we cannot touch God and cannot live with Him for a long time. Therefore, the human form is the best suited to the human beings. The energetic form of God is relevant to the departed souls existing in the energetic bodies in the upper worlds. But, the human form of God is not easily available. Even if it is easily available, most of the human beings suffer with ego and jealousy towards a co-human form. Any human being does not agree the greatness of a co-human being.
Therefore, the human incarnation interacts with those few selected devotees only, who conquered the ego and jealousy. For other human beings, the human incarnation behaves like a co-human being only following the usual social norms. Krishna behaved like a human being only with all the people and behaved like God for His close devotees. Therefore, God comes down for the needy only.
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