Driving In The U.A.E Is A Kin To Driving In The Whacky Races

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Mar 27, 2006
Anrigang you are such a sad person.

Unfortunatly I already feel pity many of your comrades and as such have very little left for you. But no matter, many other people on this forum pity you and as such, you are not alone in being pitiful.

Be mindful of one thing Arnie, at your age people should be far, oh yes, so much more further down the road of overall success than you would admit to being.

Have fun!

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Mar 27, 2006
doesnt hurt me in the least Sniper. I am sat here all lazy, not having to slave for someone else, with my coffee deciding on which car i am going to drive, now is it the big BMW or my Aston or the cute Z4 or my Range Rover.

MMMMMM i just dont know what mood i'm in.

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Mar 27, 2006
Liban wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:Er guys, there aren't many locals in the police force now!!!!! They're from other GCC cuontries, why do you think they don't reprimand the nationals - they're too scared.

If you actually had UAE nationals in the police force, then I think they'd command mroe respect and be able to deal with bad national drivers.

Actually most of them are from Yemen with Egyptians a close second. Those two countries are NOT in the GCC.

Nationals usually take up more senior positions and do not accept what they view as "lower-level" traffic cop duties.

Yeah but the point was hardly any of the 'bobbies on the beat' are locals and therefor command no repsect from locals!

I'm out with the 'local' Captain this afternoon and from what the other guys who've been out have been telling me, the police are pretty much clueless. So I'll see for myself and trust me I will be giving hima grilling!
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Mar 27, 2006
kanelli wrote:Despite all of this, there will still be people who think that it is perfectly okay to drive on the hard and soft shoulders to pass people, and drive with excessive speed. They will just say that it was rare for Ben to be pushing his car, and Jossy to be fixing his tire - they have to be acceptable casualties because hey - that is just the way people drive here.

Give me a f$#king break. :evil:

Every one of you reading this who speeds, doesn't use a lane change signal, crosses across two or three lanes at once, weaves in and out of traffic, drives on the hard and soft shoulders to pass people, crosses over u-turn lanes, backs up to catch a missed exit or crosses in front of people to make an exit on short notice - you are all potential murderers. Your bad habits are not worth someone else's life.

Will the flaming stop now, and can we get back to the original topic!

Some of you flamers would do well to read this last paragraph and consider your own driving habits.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Mar 27, 2006
kanelli wrote:Sniper, a flame is a flame.

Earlier I suggested that you read a book. Make it a grammar and writing book :lol:

Oops, now this post needs to be edited :wink:

Sniper can you get out your fly swapper. I broke mine swatting another forum member.
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Mar 27, 2006
kanelli wrote:
kanelli wrote:Despite all of this, there will still be people who think that it is perfectly okay to drive on the hard and soft shoulders to pass people, and drive with excessive speed. They will just say that it was rare for Ben to be pushing his car, and Jossy to be fixing his tire - they have to be acceptable casualties because hey - that is just the way people drive here.

Give me a f$#king break. :evil:

Every one of you reading this who speeds, doesn't use a lane change signal, crosses across two or three lanes at once, weaves in and out of traffic, drives on the hard and soft shoulders to pass people, crosses over u-turn lanes, backs up to catch a missed exit or crosses in front of people to make an exit on short notice - you are all potential murderers. Your bad habits are not worth someone else's life.

Will the flaming stop now, and can we get back to the original topic!

Some of you flamers would do well to read this last paragraph and consider your own driving habits.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Mar 27, 2006
Liban wrote:Anrigang you are such a sad person.

Unfortunatly I already feel pity many of your comrades and as such have very little left for you. But no matter, many other people on this forum pity you and as such, you are not alone in being pitiful.

Be mindful of one thing Arnie, at your age people should be far, oh yes, so much more further down the road of overall success than you would admit to being.

Have fun!

The elation of my sucess ended sooooo many years ago Liban after i made my first Million

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Mar 27, 2006
arniegang wrote:doesnt hurt me in the least Sniper. I am sat here all lazy, not having to slave for someone else, with my coffee deciding on which car i am going to drive, now is it the big BMW or my Aston or the cute Z4 or my Range Rover.

MMMMMM i just dont know what mood i'm in.

8) 8)

Lazy, fat and ugly... Thats the life you live Arnie... How glorious... :roll:

Pesonally I think Range Rovers suck. Better off with a Land Cruiser. Now thats a real 4x4 IMO.

Hold on, lemmi sip my latte...

OK, where was I? Oh, never mind, I bore quickly of little Arnie.
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Mar 27, 2006
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Mar 27, 2006
arniegang wrote:
Liban wrote:Anrigang you are such a sad person.

Unfortunatly I already feel pity many of your comrades and as such have very little left for you. But no matter, many other people on this forum pity you and as such, you are not alone in being pitiful.

Be mindful of one thing Arnie, at your age people should be far, oh yes, so much more further down the road of overall success than you would admit to being.

Have fun!

The elation of my sucess ended sooooo many years ago Liban after i made my first Million

8) 8)

ok ....do u have ur will ready? :twisted:
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Mar 27, 2006
arniegang wrote:
The elation of my sucess ended sooooo many years ago Liban after i made my first Million

8) 8)

I beleive I hit the bull eye. You certainly are nowhere near where you are supposed to be at your age OVERALL.

You measure success with money. Thats fine, but thats not what success in life is measured in. Money accounts for 8-12% of life's success. You would know that if you really are as learned as you think you may be.
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Mar 27, 2006

:D :D :D
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Mar 27, 2006
Nice one liners with the smily faces. You are sounding like the fly I asked Sniper to swat.

Now I am done with this. Either we get back on topic or I end this thread.


Whats a bobbie?
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Mar 27, 2006
Liban wrote:
arniegang wrote:
The elation of my sucess ended sooooo many years ago Liban after i made my first Million

8) 8)

I beleive I hit the bull eye. You certainly are nowhere near where you are supposed to be at your age OVERALL.

You measure success with money. Thats fine, but thats not what success in life is measured in. Money accounts for 8-12% of life's success. You would know that if you really are as learned as you think you may be.

well said Liban......well said..........well what ever is the case this Daweoo owner owns this forum and owned U arnie......
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Mar 27, 2006
HELLO GUYS!!!!!! Right! Sniper, Liban Arnie! I;m gonna princess slap the three of you from here to tomorrow if you don't stop whining and moaning and flaming each other!

Two people have DIED - HELLO DIED!!!!! Many others are suffering because of the loss of these two wonderful people and all you can do is go on about which bloody car to drive and princess at each other.

Hello!!!! Perspective people!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Mar 27, 2006
[quote="LibanYou measure success with money. Thats fine, but thats not what success in life is measured in. Money accounts for 8-12% of life's success. You would know that if you really are as learned as you think you may be.[/quote]

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Mar 27, 2006
Are you done flaming yet gentlemen?
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Mar 27, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:HELLO GUYS!!!!!! Right! Sniper, Liban Arnie! I;m gonna princess slap the three of you from here to tomorrow if you don't stop whining and moaning and flaming each other!

Two people have DIED - HELLO DIED!!!!! Many others are suffering because of the loss of these two wonderful people and all you can do is go on about which bloody car to drive and princess at each other.

Hello!!!! Perspective people!

Guys that's enough. You've all managed to destroy a really good thread.

You should be ashamed of yourselves!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Mar 27, 2006
Thank you Choco! :D
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Mar 27, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:HELLO GUYS!!!!!! Right! Sniper, Liban Arnie! I;m gonna princess slap the three of you from here to tomorrow if you don't stop whining and moaning and flaming each other!

Two people have DIED - HELLO DIED!!!!! Many others are suffering because of the loss of these two wonderful people and all you can do is go on about which bloody car to drive and princess at each other.

Hello!!!! Perspective people!

Guys that's enough. You've all managed to destroy a really good thread.

You should be ashamed of yourselves!

Oh yeah I am sorry........is there any way I can contribute or donate money to the family? Life must be difficult for an expatriate........may their souls find the path to heaven. *sniper420's silence= respect*
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Mar 27, 2006
Choco you didn't answer my question.

Whats a bobbie?
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Mar 27, 2006
Sorry Liban. A Bobby on the beat is a slang we use in the UK for police who're on patrol either on foot or by car.

Also a pom or pommie is a Brit.
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Mar 27, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:Sorry Liban. A Bobby on the beat is a slang we use in the UK for police who're on patrol either on foot or by car.

Also a pom or pommie is a Brit.


I don't understand why Brits are called pommies though?? Like whats the significance of the word?
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Mar 27, 2006
Supposedly an acronym which is the misused ie POM, prisoner of her majesty which means it was a term used for convicts which would mean they are Aussies. The dictionaries definition is pommy- British immigrant to Australia or New Zealand. The term is not used in that way tho'.
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Mar 27, 2006
The slang term pommie eminates from the "great war" 1914-1918.

It is a derisive Australian soldier's term for British officers or British men in general (from pomade - hair dressing)
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Mar 27, 2006
BS!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: But if u want to stick to that story Arnie, I am sure there was plenty of other names they called them!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Mar 27, 2006
I love etymology... an alternate derivation of Pom is to be found via google:

(I take no credit for searching and cutting and pasting the below :) )

[BTW I like the anecdote/joke about the person who was asked by Australian immigration officers whether he had a criminal record, to which he replied "I didn't know that was still a requirement"! :) :) ]


[Q] From Rosemary Wetherall: “Is pom short for Port of Melbourne (where the ships docked), Prisoners Of her Majesty, as they were convict ships, or did we all really look like a cargo of pomegranates when we caught the sun? Or is it simply rhyming slang for immigrant?”
[A] You’ve done a great job of listing many of the explanations that one comes across for the origin of this Australian term for British immigrants. You could have added a possible derivation from the common naval slang term for Portsmouth, Pompey, or from pommes de terres for potatoes, much eaten by British troops in World War One, or an abbreviation for Permit of Migration. All of them except your last two, I have to tell you, are folk etymology (which, for some reason I’ve never understood, loves to invent origins based on acronyms).
Part of the reason for all these theories growing up is that there was for decades much doubt over the true origin of the expression, with various Oxford dictionaries, for example, continuing to say that there is no firm evidence for the pomegranate theory. That origin was described by D H Lawrence in his Kangaroo of 1923: “Pommy is supposed to be short for pomegranate. Pomegranate, pronounced invariably pommygranate, is a near enough rhyme to immigrant, in a naturally rhyming country. Furthermore, immigrants are known in their first months, before their blood ‘thins down’, by their round and ruddy cheeks. So we are told”. You will note that he had to explain the pronunciation that we would now take to be the usual one: in standard English it used not to have the first “e” sounded, with pome often rhyming with home.
It is now pretty well accepted that the pomegranate theory is close to the truth, though there’s a slight twist to take note of. H J Rumsey wrote about it in 1920 in the introduction to his book The Pommies, or New Chums in Australia. He suggested that the word began life on the wharves in Melbourne as a form of rhyming slang. An immigrant was at first called a Jimmy Grant (was there perhaps a famous real person by that name around at the time?), but over time this shifted to Pommy Grant, perhaps as a reference to pomegranate, because the new chums did burn in the sun. Later pommy became a word on its own and was frequently abbreviated still further. The pomegranate theory was also given some years earlier in The Anzac Book of 1916.
Whatever your beliefs about this one, what seems to be true is that the term is not especially old, dating from the end of the nineteenth century at the earliest, certainly not so far back as convict ship days.
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Mar 27, 2006
GAB wrote:BS!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: But if u want to stick to that story Arnie, I am sure there was plenty of other names they called them!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


at least us lot are the right way up

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Mar 27, 2006
Very good Shaf! :lol: Nice :)
The fact is a POM now is used to refer to anybody British.
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Mar 27, 2006
I'll have you know that the map is upside down....and considering where I come from that would make me at the top of the world (except for the end bits on the globe and that other place called Tasmania) :P
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