Neanderthals And Humans Interbred

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Neanderthals and Humans interbred Jun 30, 2011
I would say this explains a lot from some posters, but the article says that not all humans have neanderthal genes.

Kind of hard to say all peoples are literally the same when they don't even have all of the same starting ingredients!

According to a new DNA study, most humans have a little Neanderthal in them—at least 1 to 4 percent of a person's genetic makeup.

The study uncovered the first solid genetic evidence that "modern" humans—or Homo sapiens—interbred with their Neanderthal neighbors, who mysteriously died out about 30,000 years ago.

What's more, the Neanderthal-modern human mating apparently took place in the Middle East, shortly after modern humans had left Africa, not in Europe—as has long been suspected.

"We can now say that, in all probability, there was gene flow from Neanderthals to modern humans," lead study author Ed Green of the University of California, Santa Cruz, said in a prepared statement.


Trinkhaus adds that most living humans probably have much more Neanderthal DNA than the new study suggests.

"One to 4 percent is truly a minimum," Trinkaus added. "But is it 10 percent? Twenty percent? I have no idea."

Not all humans carry Neanderthal DNA

In addition, all modern ethnic groups, other than Africans, carry traces of Neanderthal DNA in their genomes, the study says—which at first puzzled the scientists. Though no fossil evidence has been found for Neanderthals and modern humans coexisting in Africa, Neanderthals, like modern humans, are thought to have arisen on the continent. ... -dna-gene/

How do those who deny evolution and therefore differences that can arise from evolution take this somewhat recent news?

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Re: Neanderthals And Humans Interbred Jul 01, 2011
They will explain it with some passage from their religious books. Why is it so important to you that everyone believe in evolution?

Everyone genetically belonging to the taxonomy homo sapiens sapiens is good enough for me. No matter what genetic differences create advantages or disadvantages in certain areas, we are all entitled to the same human rights and should be viewed as equals.
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Re: Neanderthals And Humans Interbred Jul 08, 2011
kanelli wrote:They will explain it with some passage from their religious books. Why is it so important to you that everyone believe in evolution?

Everyone genetically belonging to the taxonomy homo sapiens sapiens is good enough for me. No matter what genetic differences create advantages or disadvantages in certain areas, we are all entitled to the same human rights and should be viewed as equals.

True, but then again you get religious groups such as the WBC, KKK, Al-Qaida etc. all claiming that they are superior to whichever group they oppose, and that their beliefs and doctrines are more righteous.
Besides, all religion advocates Zionism and conservatism, and I'd love nothing more than to piss off the theists with a little science/common sense.

OT: No human is supposed to have Neanderthal genes, since we didn't evolve from them.
But I guess our ancestors screwed around a little.

Also, the only way that theists will try to rebuttal hard evidence is by saying that it was god's intention, or they might say that evolution is 'just a theory'.
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