I quite like to dress up on an evening but when I attempted to, I felt slightly over dressed! We went out one chilly evening and I put on a grey knitted dress, black tights and black shiny Carvella high heels. I looked around me and the women were wearing flip flops or trainers and I appeared to be the only one making an effort

I don't flounce around during the day dressed up like a dogs dinner and can be as casual as the next when I want to be, but personally I would only wear trainers if I was taking the dog out or going to the gym and never, ever with my boyfriend/partner/husband.
I wonder, is it me?
Can I ask? If you are a lady, do you prefer dresses or trousers? I'm not talking about doing regular stuff, like shopping, but on an evening. Do you make an effort and wear make up or think what the hell, why should I bother?
And if you are a man, do you prefer your woman to make an effort or be really casual?