Bethsmum wrote:symmetric wrote:@Herve .. You're a freak

I see you haven't addressed my reply Sym, and still name calling I see.
Herve isn't a freak sym. He's a hero.
Perhaps for the same reason why you didn't address my reply to you in your Iphone & blackberry thread.
However, I'm not into this childish attitude.
Bethsmum wrote: Sym, I don't hold grudges and I certainly don't hold any grudge against you, I'm pleased you saw the error of your ways and don't hate Israelis anymore.
But you clearly stated the following ..
Bethsmum wrote: Sym, While I appreciate the new Sym, I haven't forgotten your past stance of 'Lets kill all Israelis'.
I'm sorry, but if you can't forget others previous mistakes, then you're a person who hold grudges.
If you don't hold any grudges, then you need to let go (and forget) any past mistakes of others, instead of using as a token and bringing it up continuously.
Bethsmum wrote: You are right, I have never said death to anyone, on this forum, nor in real life. I don't hate Muslims nor anyone (except my daughter's husband), I just have a problem seeing where you all come from sometimes.
You clearly fail to realise that we Muslims come from DIFFERENT backgrounds, and your attitude of judging others have went far away to an extent that you judge all Muslims regardless their backgrounds, which is extremely ignorant. It's as ignorant as categorizing all Europeans as "the Christians" and then judging all of them negatively.
You might not be using words like "kill them all", but your hatred/hostility towards Muslims is very obvious that you can't let go any chance without throwing ugly comments, and personally I try to avoid clashing with you, as I try to communicate with you as per your own rules.
So you got a problem with our religion?
You need to FIX it. Just like how I was encouraged by everyone to FIX my issue with Jews.
And believe me, it feels really good to neglect all this hostility and hatred.
Isn't this is your rule
Bethsmum wrote:People are entitled to express their views, whether you agree with them or not.
So while you express your hostile views towards Muslim people, I did my best to avoid objecting on ur views.
But while I viewd EH, FD, and Herve as idiots, you jumped, judged, and objected + gave a lecture in ethics enforcing your views on me, trying to make me feel bad about myself.
Let me ask you, how ethical it is to call the Aborigines ugly buggers? Read your own words.
Bethsmum wrote: think you may be refering to my picture of a native aborigine. I took a lot of stick for that Zonker, for calling them the ugliest people around. Apparantly I'm shallow I still think they are ugly buggers.
I really DISLIKE digging, and cutting/pasting others previous posts to prove them wrong because I believe no one is perfect, but I also dislike it when you act like a lawless police women judging everyone on the forum and lecturing them with ethics & morals.
I was raised to learn that beauty is from within (beauty of spirit), & that looks fade. I'm not shallow, & I wouldn't want to post extreme harsh comments calling the aborigines the ugliest people on planet.
Conclusion:1) I ignored your comments to reduce the tense, and to to avoid clashing with you.
2) You're too judgmental towards others, but you don't want others to judge you nor judge each other.
3) You're hostile towards Muslims. I suggest you elaborate more in order to approach terms of understanding.