uaekid wrote:who can actually relate to your nonsense bora ? you don't want kids to fly bcz they are not to your liking ? airplanes are a public transport , you do know public means everyone is entitled to use it .
just like this public forum, we cant help it your husband not giving you much attentions and its causing us your non stop insanity and being consistently an annoying talkative woman who can't differentiate between women gossip and real discussions .
now I won't be surprised if the next thing you'll suggest is that people should only be driving only color of your choice .. seriously , what are you suggesting here ? "parents with crying babies should not be allowed to fly or should parents puts their kids on mute ? I'll tell you what, why don't you make a daily radio announcement of your next public appearance so that the hall world will lock their kids in house for your majesty to feel conformable.
parents can't help it their kids are bored being restrained in one place doing nothing but setting, its not what they are used too in their daily routines .. unlike you , they are active and energetic. parents can't also help it their kids being sick or scared from the unusual surrounding .
Ah the below the belt cheap shots from the Kid. What else is new? You call taking cheap shots "discussions". The only sensible thing you said in your post is in the last paragragh after all the crap that flowed out of your mouth towards me. But I guess that's you being at your intellectual best.
When did airplanes become "public"? They are not malls or parks Kid. Airplanes are there for people who PAY to use them.
Parents need to take control over their child/ren rather than let them run amuck on a plane and not allow them to disturb other passengers. I don't think you get it because your kids are probably back in economy with the housemaid while you are up front in business (or maybe even first - the farther away the better?) - so as to enjoy the comfort afforded business class.
I'm talking about the children that are left to run amuck and disturb other passengers. I get that children suffer from the pressure in the planes and do expect them to react to it on departure and landing. Yes, children do become ill, as do adults.
It's the children that are left to do as they please by parents who don't get it. Do I want a parent to put a harness on the back of my chair for their little one to bounce around in? Do I want to be told to put my chair up because it doesn't give enough room for the mother with the child in her lap? Do I want a child pulling on the back of my chair? Do I want a child kicking the back of my chair? Do I want a child bouncing off me when I'm sleeping because that child is releasing his/her energy running up and down the aisle? Answer: No to all of the above!!! Fortunately travelling in business helps me to avoid it, but what about those who don't travel business, but travel economy?
Because a child gets fussy, why should it fall to me to "entertain" that child? I don't carry toys in my luggage so that I can distract or pacify the fussy child. Fussy children are no better or worse than the drunk or the talkative passenger sitting next to you, who everyone agrees can be a very annoying individual.
What is wrong with a parent/child section in the airplane? This would accommodate everyone. People who have issues with noisy, misbehaving children and parents who are offended by people like me who don't appreciate having to tolerate their children. I think it's a fair balance. Once again, the world does not belong to children, they are part of it, along with everyone else.
-- Sat Jul 02, 2011 12:15 pm --
kanelli wrote:I have never claimed that I am perfect, but I'm flattered that you seem hold me in such high esteem BB.

Kanelli, I'm sure you are familiar with the term "overrated"? I guess the sarcasm get's lost on you.

-- Sat Jul 02, 2011 12:20 pm --
Chocoholic wrote:Why don't airlines have family sections onboard? I don't think anyone would suggest that children can't or shouldn't fly, but why can't there be a designated area for them? Not sure why no one has ever thought about it to be honest.
Maybe because there will be some screaming over some discrimination? "Why should I have to go to the back of the bus???"
A designated area would clearly provide for everyone: fill parental and child needs, and those without children their expectations.