shafique wrote:herve - what proportion of Ashkenazi Jews have the Haplogroup J Y-DNA M304? Are these guys Arab, or Jews?
I dont know, most have the haplogroup G Y-DNA, not J, besides there is no specific genetic studies for this genome because it does not carry genetic degenerescence.
Even if they were J Y DNA, there is no problem because they dont marry their cousins.
CAGS was created to study the arab genome because of the impact of consanguinity in arab countries.
-- Sat Jul 02, 2011 9:38 am --
kanelli wrote: Great work Herve! Now, if according to your numbers, some 40% of Arabs are marrying 1st cousins, how long will it take for the extinction of the J Y-DNA M304 haplogroup? Don't forget to factor in Arabs who have married outside their families and Arabs who married non-Arabs. Any references to research you might have to support your Arab gene extinction theory would always be appreciated.
Kanelli, you dont get it, I did not research anything, these are not my conclusions, but from arab authorities themselves. 40% is not my number, but an official statistic.
I am just in the front seat watching and reading the news, amazed to see how a population is killing itself because of their dark ages culture and

ing behavior. Leaving them with a choice, change their culture or die.
I beleive they (arabs in the GCC) will not change, so when you put together all facts, not only genetics, I think they will disapear, swallowed up by other populations, replaced.
What s killing them?
Diabetes (Glutony and sloth)
Cancer, (cervical for women and transmitted by their unfaithfull husbands, tobacco for men, 1 load of shisha kills 14 times faster than 1 cigarette)
Add the fact that in 50 years arabs will ALL go broke when oil runs out, so they wont be able to support themselves
So when I read here that the white race is going extinct I cant help it but to laugh.
In addition US census just published their world report last week, they concluded that by 2050, white race is steady, Asian and Indians are up, arabs are down, Russians way down.