It is amazing to see the wishfull thinking and ignorance together in this thread.
If a race is going to disapear, it is certainly not the white race or the caucasians.
Blacks are dying of AIDS with the highest rate in the world, No cure
Arabs are killing each other with suicide vests. No cure either it s part of their heritage
And more importantly arabs authorities themselves have now realized they are on the verge of extinction, it is so true that they created the
Centre for Arab Genomic Studies to try reverse the inevitable.
You will find here on their website
the list of about 500 hundred genetic disorders that are transmitted between arabs, mostly because they marry between each other and family relatives, so between the bugs and the bad life style behavior, sloth, glutony and lust, they are finished. I mean FIVE HUNDRED BUGS !!!!!!!????
There is no center for white genomic studies, no need for it. Arabs need it
And by creating an arab genomic studies center, arabs admitted arab is a race, they are not white.
-- Thu Jun 30, 2011 3:34 am --
desertdudeshj wrote:Errr...Jews are not a race.
Oh really? and who are they, ?
-- Thu Jun 30, 2011 3:40 am --
capsicum wrote:Bora Bora wrote:I came across an article that was more extensive than the one I'm posting below, but can't find it. The article got me to thinking if the white race is going to be either a very small minority or extinct. When I say white race I'm talking universally. The countries that have opened their borders to immigration. You have French, Irish, Americans, Brits, etc. that come in all colors, different ethnic backgrounds, due to either immigration or inter-racial marriages. Will these countries become one race where no one would be able to be "identified" by their ethic background because of all the mixed blood? Will they become countries where there is no white or black, but in the end brown???In 1990, more than 60 percent of children in that age group were white.
Yeah! They made a movie too, it's called "Planet of the Apes"

Funny, I saw the movie, still .....even after extinction, the whites are still on top, in the movie the monkeys on top of the social ladder are the blond and pale faces, smart and educated, the orangutans, when the ones on the bottom are the blacks faces and stupids monkeys the gorrilas