as to why am i certain about these 3 guys stirring up trouble, well simple, i like many others, put together the patterns of their speeches, behavior and approach to their so called "cause", and got to find it identical to what happened in bahrain and what iran uses to verbally attack and provoke it's so called enemies, and to find out that they were actually accused of such link puts no surprise on me. again, this is one of the cases shall i say that the majority of expats wouldnt understand unless they have lived the actual with them.
as for the detained journalists, i cant help you with that simply because i personally don't know anything about it, i just heard it now.
-- Thu Jun 16, 2011 4:50 pm --
Bora Bora wrote:if they werent "paid" then how come more and more kept comming? besides isn't it the construction's company's role to do that? doesnt the government put laws for that? a high percentage of construction company owners tend to take off once they grab the money of building a project, and you all know that, also dont forget that the UAE is a young country, so day by day or year by year new laws are being enforced, to best fit the workers in harsh conditions.
I am not talking about laborers General, I'm talking about ALL expats. Initially expats they were brought in for their knowledge to lay the groundwork for the development of Dubai as it is today. There is nothing wrong with paying an expert for their knowledge and experience and that was necessary as it was not available locally. You know as well as I that locals don't want to work for private enterprise - it's all about working for the government. And because there aren't enough government jobs, which I understand more are going to be created, they don't want, or better yet, have to, work for private enterprise.
Now private enterprise is, once again, being "forced" to hire locals; to maintain a certain percentage of locals in their employ. Now, I ask you: if you own a company and were "forced" to hire people who have no experience/inadequate education,/limited communication skills/no work ethics and demand high salaries how would that sit with you? Companies are going to pull out if they are going to be forced to take on unqualified people. These people become liabilities, which means loss of revenue and companies are out to make money not lose it. These people have a huge negative impact on staff and business itself. It's one thing to lose money due to poor economy, bad business, but to lose it to people that they were made to hire is another story indeed.and hear this, my grandfather slaughterd cattle for a living after before he worked on a farm and then worked as a store keeper, my friend's father used to be a taxi driver and a construction worker (kooly), my other friend's uncle was a worker for an american oil company in abu dhabi and then as a fisherman, even i used to work in sales and worked as an aircraft fueling operator, so get the idea of locals not being able to do that kind of work, we are men after all. they worked hard before the emirates were united.
I know quite a few locals who have come from very humble backgrounds. And when they talk of their parents their eyes shine and they are so proud of their heritage. The government didn't send them outside to get a higher education, their parents did. Those parents who came from humble backgrounds and provided their children with the education that those children so desired. All to return to Dubai and give back to their country.most of you dont know how many of our people gave thier lifes fighting for dubai in the days were no one heard of the place, that you didnt know i bet.
I can't speak for others, but I read. I find the history of the region very interesting. It is no different form what any other country went through prior to its development. Dubai is not unique in that regard.and just because someone is a good buisnessman, it doesnt mean that he or they are more intelligent than other people, they are intelligent in what they know best which is how to do good buisness, someone else will be more intelligent in another line of work or career.
You can have an individual who has no higher education, or maybe limited education, doesn't mean they can't create a business. It is about getting the right people to build it with/for you. Make a vision become a reality. That is exactly what happened with Dubai. It was a vision that became a reality through the application of other peoples knowledge and why would i do a much more physical job now with minimum pay when i can do better? right? i and others like me just happen to be so fortunate. correct?
Fortunate in what way? (1) You come from a family that is financially comfortable therefore you don't have to work? Or (2) you worked your way up in a company and proven yourself? If it's (2), that's the way it generally works.
i also never deny the fact the the UAE will still rely on foriegn labor, just like many many other countries.
You must be referring to developing countries. I can't think of any western country that rely on foreign labor.if there were more female graduates than males then thats just because that statistics has shown that there are more females than males ALL AROUND THE WORLD and not just the UAE, i guess why there are more EXPAT gradutes overall? because in a country of a population of over 5 million, we are only about 800,000. to make it more simple, there are way more expats here than us, and the numbers keep rising, and the local guys that you protrait as being unambitious, have you sat with some of them to actualy know what was going on with thier lifes? or is it just an assumption? i will take that as a stereotypical assumption, i happen to know guys who look and act just the same, but are doctors, lawyers, law inforcing officers and take thier jobs very seriously. if some happen to take thier valuable time for granted, then thats thier problem, isnt it, nothing youn nor i should worry about, reality will slap them in the face and will might just reilize it a bit too late or just in time, right?
Your explanation for female vs. male graduates is, with all due respect, rubbish. Most expats children go back "home" for higher education, which is by far more superior than they would get here, and probably cheaper as well. They obtain degrees from internationally recognized universities. For example: a degree from Cornell University goes alot farther in the world than a degree from the University of Sharjah. I'm sure those doctors, lawyers, etc. that you know have strived for higher education and more likely outside of the UAE.if life was bad here, how come there are millions and millions of expats work and live here? everyone can go back if they wanted to, but would they?
I'm so tired of hearing that "go back home" talk. If half the expats left, Dubai would crash faster than a New York minute.
-- Thu Jun 16, 2011 2:15 pm --patience wrote:Here here Bora
General I mean no disrespect to you or your country but I do feel that people should be able to speak out if they are not happy with the way things run. Maybe it is because I was brought up in the West that I feel this way, maybe if I was an Emirati I would feel differently, but there are obviously Emiratis who feel the same and feel the need to speak out. Surely talking about things should not be a crime. Pointing out flaws should not be a crime, asking for change should not be a crime. After all it is only by standing up for what you believe in that brings about change and clearly these people feel that change is needed. The saying is that you cannot please all the people all the time and maybe the government are doing a great job of pleasing most of the people most of the time but unless the fear of speaking out is taken away we will never really know the truth. If as you say the majority of Emirati's are satisfied that things are running fine there should be nothing to fear from a small minority asking for change. But maybe, just maybe if you did have a situation where people were allowed to choose you would find that people would welcome change. The trouble is under a dictatorship you do not get the chance to choose and as long as people are scared of the consequences you never will. As for the treatment of certain sectors of the expat community, well the conditions that some of them live in are appalling and the argument that they live in worse conditions back home maybe true but these people are leaving their countries for a better life, to try and improve their situations after all nobody would want to live in these conditions and as a fellow human being I fail to see how making such an argument allows those in power to sleep at night.
like you said, the majorty of people here are more than happy with how things are going, it was only these 3 guys who are demanding changes, with out the right of representing the whole country, and if you want to express how unhappy you are about how many things are going do so without having to insult the royal family and call them names.
Well said Patience.
listen, if you are forced to hire a local, then of course you would hire him according to how qualified he is and what kind of job he can actually do, not just because you were forced to, nobody does that, i worked for private company once, and to say that companies might pull out just because they were forced to hire locals, common man, you can do better than that.
like i also said, if someone decides to neglect his life for the sake of roaming around, then thats his problem, not mine not yours not anybody's.
and yes i know that the standards of higher education abroad is higher than in sharjah university, thats why many locals go to study abroad, probably one of the reasons there are more female graduates in sharjah university.
said it before and im gonna say it again and im gonna say a million times more, if somebody doesnt like how things are going here for him/her, first im gonna appolgize for not being able to accommodate or provide to your personal standards, heres a ticket home (with a big smile)
coz like you, i've gotten tired of people criticizing my country that has provided millions of jobs for people who think they come from heaven or something like it.
im out