Tattoos. Like Them Or Hate Them?

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Tattoos. Like them or Hate Them? Jun 15, 2011
It got me wondering, after FD's example of a tattoo on another topic, do you have or even like tattoos?

I have to admit, I don't mind the odd discrete tattoo on a lady. In fact i have a small tattoo of a red rose, measuring about 5cms (2 inches in old money) on the back of my right shoulder. I'm not keen on big ones on a lady though!

I was talking to a girl the other day, mid twenties and attractive, who had this design that looked like ivy going up her body and down her arm. she had tattoos on both feet and described to me a design of a cup cake she was about to have done at the base of her back. How interesting, says I, but I was lying and what I wanted to say was, that's bloody minging. What's all that lot going to look like when she's 70 and her skin has lost it's elasticity? Yuk!

I like a nice tattoo on a man, mainly on their arms. I like those elaborate designs that seem popular now. I'm not keen on names and I don't like anything on mens necks or faces :shock:

I saw a chinese (looking ) man at my pool in JBR and he had tattoos on his back and legs. I didn't like the tattoos and they looked wrong on a chinese man. I don't know why, they just did.

One of Beth's local friends was telling her he would love a tattoo but it was against his culture. is it? Is that for Emiratis, or Muslims in general? Another one of her friends, an Iraqi lad, has 3 very nice tattoos. He does a bit of modelling, in fact he was on the magazine programme on Dubai One not long since doing some modelling so they don't seem to be doing his part time career any harm.

On the whole I like them if they are done professionally. I'm not keen on body piercing, which ugly people seem to do to make themselves uglier.

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Re: Tattoos. Like Them Or Hate Them? Jun 15, 2011
I don't hate it (no more hatred here lol), rather just dislike it. Same goes to piercing.

Tattoos are not accepted by both the Eastern cultures, as well as Islamic teachings. But some people use the stickers for fun, but the real tattooing is the one that's rejected.
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Re: Tattoos. Like them or Hate Them? Jun 15, 2011
I love tats, when nicely done and can be stylish IMHO. Neck tats, sleeve tats, name tats or tribals are not my cuppa. I have four, all at places that can be easily hidden with cloting. They have special meaning to me. Some time ago I saw the most amazing tat on somebody, self desinged with an amazing story behind it. Currently I am working on my last masterpiece, after months though I am still working on the design.
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Re: Tattoos. Like them or Hate Them? Jun 15, 2011
Tattooing, in which the skin is pierced with a needle and a blue or other coloured dye is injected, is haraam in all forms, whether it causes pain or not, because it involves changing the creation of Allaah, and because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) cursed the one who does tattoos and the one for whom that is done. In al-Saheehayn it is narrated that ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Mas’ood (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: “May Allaah curse the women who do tattoos and those for whom tattoos are done, those who pluck their eyebrows and those who file their teeth for the purpose of beautification and alter the creation of Allaah.” (al-Bukhaari, al-Libaas, 5587; Muslim, al-Libaas, 5538).

With regard to all these matters, the ahaadeeth testify that the one who does them is cursed and that they are major sins. There is some difference of scholarly opinion as to the reason why they are forbidden. It was said that it is because they are a form of deception, and it was said that it is because it is a way of changing the creation of Allaah, as Ibn Mas’ood said – which is more correct and also includes the first meaning. And it was suggested that what is forbidden is only that which is permanent, because that is changing the creation of Allaah; as for that which is not permanent, such as kohl which used for adornment by women, that is permitted by the scholars. (Tafseer al-Qurtubi, 5/393).

The curse is not permanent but it is lifted when a person sincerely repents to Allah for this mistake. So one should not feel doomed because they committed this mistake when they were in days of Jahilia (ignorance).
“Except those who repent and believe (in Islamic Monotheism), and do righteous deeds; for those, Allah will change their sins into good deeds, and Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful”

[al-Furqaan 25:70]

I personally have always loved tattoos. I designed one of a dragon that would go down my back/spine and have always wanted it done. But, since I cannot religiously, I've been looking for a place where I could get it done as a temporary tattoo - but still on the fence about it.
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Re: Tattoos. Like Them Or Hate Them? Jun 15, 2011
ya36eech el 3afya Bushra :D
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Re: Tattoos. Like Them Or Hate Them? Jun 15, 2011
Correct me if i'm wrong, someone, but Alcohol is haram too isn't it? But that doesn't stop people of the Muslim faith indulging in it (some, not all, i hasten to add). And that isn't frownerd upon, and so why would tatoos be so bad? Also, Henna is used frequently as a decoration (albeit temporary).

Personally, i can't stand tatoos on men or women. It's so 1970s, and like has been already been said. just think what your wife will look like at 70, with a big inky mess on her back where the tatoo has outlived the skin........
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Re: Tattoos. Like Them Or Hate Them? Jun 15, 2011
I wonder why people routinely circumcise their boys, as that is changing God's creation as well... God should have saved all the trouble and not made males to have foreskins in the first place.
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Re: Tattoos. Like them or Hate Them? Jun 15, 2011
I'm getting my first tattoo this Ramadan when I go home. Always thought I would get one eventually but couldn't decide on anything I'd want forever.

I think body modification is a personal choice and should be the right of any adult (not forced on children, including circumcision) and well designed and executed tattoos can be fantastic works of art. The fact that it's illegal here just drives the industry underground, removes quality control and makes it unsafe.
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Re: Tattoos. Like them or Hate Them? Jun 15, 2011
Mosh wrote:I think body modification is a personal choice and should be the right of any adult (not forced on children, including circumcision) and well designed and executed tattoos can be fantastic works of art. The fact that it's illegal here just drives the industry underground, removes quality control and makes it unsafe.

So true!
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Re: Tattoos. Like Them Or Hate Them? Jun 15, 2011
In the middle east, the circumcision has become more like part of the culture, even non-religious ones practise it and they celebrate it with happiness, lol.

In Turkey, the villagers would put the circumcised boys on a donkey, with a special dress, wearing a traditional hat, and a woden sword :mrgreen:
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Re: Tattoos. Like them or Hate Them? Jun 15, 2011
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Re: Tattoos. Like Them Or Hate Them? Jun 15, 2011
I love watching Miami Ink as they do some really beautiful work, and also some ugly work. The designs belong to those getting the tats.

People do tats "in the moment", how "cool" it's going to look. They don't think ahead. That pretty little rose just above the breast over time turns into a faded long stem rose where the stem stops somewhere around the belly button. And that cupcake just above the crack of the bum looks like a melting ice cream cone. Having them removed is painful.

A friend of mine told me about a local friend of hers that had a huge tat done on his back that no one in his family got to see. :)

I'm sure the only job the guy above is going to get will be in the laundry room at the state prison. :lol:
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Re: Tattoos. Like Them Or Hate Them? Jun 15, 2011
Worse than the tattoos is the compulsory boring tale that always has to go with it and there is never a tattoo that doesn't have one.

I have a buddy who commited suicide so thats why I have a unicorn on my scrotum to honor his memory ?
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Re: Tattoos. Like Them Or Hate Them? Jun 15, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:Worse than the tattoos is the compulsory boring tale that always has to go with it and there is never a tattoo that doesn't have one.

Yes, tats can have a special meaning.

Once there was a kid with a bad farther. How great it would be the kid thought if I was a reptile, cold blooded, no feelings. Kid got a reptile tattoed at a very young age. Whenever bad things happened the kid thought he was a reptile.

Apologies if it bored you.
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Re: Tattoos. Like Them Or Hate Them? Jun 15, 2011
Yes it did !

Wonder what the story behind this one ? I won the douchebag contest and in honour to celebrate that I'm going to give up any chance of a normal life, human interaction or ever getting a decent job with my face tats.

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Re: Tattoos. Like them or Hate Them? Jun 15, 2011
You are certainly roaming the internet for tats a lot, for somebody claiming he hates them.
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Re: Tattoos. Like Them Or Hate Them? Jun 15, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:Worse than the tattoos is the compulsory boring tale that always has to go with it and there is never a tattoo that doesn't have one.

I have a buddy who commited suicide so thats why I have a unicorn on my scrotum to honor his memory ?

My little tattoo doesn't have a story DDS. I just fancied one, went to a place near where I lived in Germany and picked it out of a book.

You don't see many walking around that you've pictured. I've only seen the likes of that on those American State Penitentiary documentries.
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Re: Tattoos. Like them or Hate Them? Jun 15, 2011
Flying Dutchman wrote:You are certainly roaming the internet for tats a lot, for somebody claiming he hates them.

Takes about 3 seconds mate. Try google, its a wonderfull thing !
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Re: Tattoos. Like Them Or Hate Them? Jun 15, 2011
BlueOrb wrote:Correct me if i'm wrong, someone, but Alcohol is haram too isn't it? But that doesn't stop people of the Muslim faith indulging in it (some, not all, i hasten to add). And that isn't frownerd upon, and so why would tatoos be so bad? Also, Henna is used frequently as a decoration (albeit temporary).

Personally, i can't stand tatoos on men or women. It's so 1970s, and like has been already been said. just think what your wife will look like at 70, with a big inky mess on her back where the tatoo has outlived the skin........

Alcohol is haram to consume, yes, you're absolutely right with that as well as being right that it doesn't stop those who choose to drink from drinking. However, it is still highly frowned upon and most (not all of course) do not publicly display that they drink alcohol to their families or even sometimes some of their friends. It's the same thing with tattoos :)

I personally made the decision that I do not want a permanent tattoo for 2 reasons; its haram in my religion and is something that I personally follow and as awesome as a dragon tattooed to my back would be at my age - 40/50 years from now I'm pretty sure I'd look back and curse at myself for being so silly. ;)

With regards to henna, that isn't haram, according to the scholars that I have read, because it isn't a permanent change/fixture to the body. Of course, I'm no scholar so I can only relay what information I know and if you or anyone else finds something different that would explain it more I'd be more than happy to read about it.

With regards to circumcision - it isn't a mandatory thing as most people are led to believe and isn't a requirement of Islam - but rather a suggestion. Again, according to the scholars that I have read and followed up on. According to Bukhari and Muslim (noted islamic scholar) it is only a fitrah/sunna to do and is not obligatory or a requirement for being a Muslim - since that is based on the individuals faith in his heart and his actions.

Hope that helped a bit!

Oh and I have family members who both drink and have tattoos and at the end of the day they are still accepted as our family but have to deal with little jokes thrown at them every now and then. I think it really just depends on the individual and what they personally believe is right - as is everything else in life.
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Re: Tattoos. Like them or Hate Them? Jun 15, 2011
I have a rose at the base of my spine, I actually fell asleep whilst it was being done. It needs a touch up and I'd like something else, but can never decide or where to put it. My boy has 3, but being a military guy they all the big bold ones or latin phrases.

I have a few Emirati friends who all have tattoos, one guy has loads and has some crazy piercings too.
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Re: Tattoos. Like them or Hate Them? Jun 15, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:
Flying Dutchman wrote:You are certainly roaming the internet for tats a lot, for somebody claiming he hates them.

Takes about 3 seconds mate. Try google, its a wonderfull thing !

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Re: Tattoos. Like Them Or Hate Them? Jun 15, 2011
lol !
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Re: Tattoos. Like them or Hate Them? Jun 15, 2011
Chocoholic wrote:I have a rose at the base of my spine,

Is it true what they say about girls with tats in this region of the body chocs? :wink: I don't mind them there on girls :lol:

I gave myself a small tatoo of a cross when I was young and thought it was cool, but now realise that its a load of bollocks and just because tough people have them, it doesn't make me tough.
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Re: Tattoos. Like them or Hate Them? Jun 15, 2011
benwj wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:I have a rose at the base of my spine,

Is it true what they say about girls with tats in this region of the body chocs? :wink: I don't mind them there on girls :lol:

I gave myself a small tatoo of a cross when I was young and thought it was cool, but now realise that its a load of bollocks and just because tough people have them, it doesn't make me tough.

Recently saw a guy getting of the tat chair and admire his new tat in the mirror. It said GANGSTA :D . What I also donot get is those Chinese sign tats. If you want to say something do it so that everybody can read it. Although, when I saw one on a guys arm I asked why? His answer was that the ladies always ask what it means and is a great "opening line". Immediately told him I am not hitting on him and went away.
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Re: Tattoos. Like them or Hate Them? Jun 15, 2011
I don't know, what do they say about girls with tattoos there? I had mine done there because I like things symmetrical on my body, so one in the centre of me seemed obvious.

My brother has his wife and two children's names done down his spine in Chinese - he's going for the Becks look lol
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Re: Tattoos. Like Them Or Hate Them? Jun 15, 2011
I think they call it "the emirati way". You know, safesex and all.
I am a symmetrical person as well, but how do you get a symmetrical rose? Usually they are symmetrical celtic type desings, or wings etc.
I'm not a perve either, but they are hard not to notice when the girl is wearing a pair on tracksuit pants hanging down off her arse and no panties to mention.
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Re: Tattoos. Like them or Hate Them? Jun 15, 2011
I thought very lnog and hard about where I'd put my tattoo. I put it there because 1. I can't see it! 2. No one else can see it, unless I want them too. 3. I have virtually no feeling in my lower back, so knew it wouldn't hurt.
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Re: Tattoos. Like Them Or Hate Them? Jun 15, 2011
benwj wrote:I think they call it "the emirati way". You know, safesex and all.

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Re: Tattoos. Like Them Or Hate Them? Jun 15, 2011
Does it work vice versa ? Do the Chinese have words in English tattooed on them ?

Me rove you rong time ??
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Re: Tattoos. Like Them Or Hate Them? Jun 15, 2011
I like tattoos but I never got one. Because when i saw them on old people, they became blue and ugly and I dont want sth like that! So I prefer those temporary stickers!
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