Another Mindless Death On Dubai's Roads :-(

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Another mindless death on Dubai's roads :-( Mar 23, 2006
Killed By Reckless Arrogance
Wednesday, 22 March 2006

A young widow spoke of her grief last night after her husband of just four months was killed by a speeding motorist as he changed a tyre on the hard shoulder.

Fighting back tears, Rita Sequeira, 23, told how her husband rang her just minutes before the accident to say that he would be late home from work because he’d got a puncture.

“I never imagined he won’t be coming home ever again,” she said. Her 30-year-old husband, Jossy Caroza, left work from Jebel Ali on Wednesday evening before getting the flat tyre.

“He did the sensible thing and stopped at the emergency lane on Sheikh Zayed Road to change it only to be struck by a 21-year-old speeding in a BMW,” a colleague said last night.

The driver was apparently trying to get round a minibus by overtaking on the hard shoulder when he ploughed into Jossy. Witnesses said the car then struck the side of the bus before speeding off.

Police later arrested the driver after a witness took down the licence plate. He is believed to be in police custody. Police were not able to comment last night.

“Jossy was the most kind-hearted person I knew. He was very happy because he’d just married the woman he loved for eight years in December and was planning to have a baby,” a shocked colleague told 7DAYS.

Jossy’s ageing father flew from India after the accident. “The old man is heart broken,” the victim’s brother-in-law said. “He travelled thousands of miles to bury a son he was robbed of by an arrogant and reckless driver.”

A funeral service was held yesterday in Saint Mary’s Church. Jossy’s widow pleaded with motorists last night to think hard before taking ‘short cuts’. She said the reckless driver didn’t only bring sadness to the Caroza family, but also to his own.

“The young man’s father seemed a very respectable man. He seemed disturbed and was apologising and asking the family for forgiveness when we met him at the police station,” the victim’s colleague said.


They guy who killed him should be put away for the rest of his life. And the bastard sped off after hitting the poor guy :evil: Somehow I think the "nationality" of the guy will get him off easy since they dont mention anything about him. Really sickening what is happening on the roads and the unfair discriminatory laws. :(

Hope the departed person's soul rests in peace. :(

-- Everyone be very careful on any road if you car breaks down. Being on the hard shoulder is NOT safe! Just stay in your car and call for help, less risky than being outside and getting mowed down by a maniac on the road.

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Mar 23, 2006
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Mar 24, 2006
Very very sad and even sadder is the fact that i doubt whether lessons will be learnt.
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Mar 24, 2006
very bad....reckless drivers...they must heavyly fine in Dubai......7days is getting bit of exposure....
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Mar 25, 2006
Do that speeding driver went into the yellow lane? Man, i am seriously missing out on the news, that's illegal and completely unacceptable.

I am so sorry to hear the news.....
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Mar 25, 2006
Not only that, another man was also killed last week. Ben Mulligan, who was well known in Dubai was killed when the car he was travelling in ran out of petrol. He got out to push it along Shk Zayed road, but a drunk, speeding Bulgarian rammed straight into the back of the car as he pushed it and killed Ben in the process.

This one hits home for me, as one of my closest friends was also in the car with Ben and witnessed the whole thing.

The really sad part about it, is the man responsible for taking away the life or a great guy is only looknig at 2 years in prison and a fine.

Is that all Ben's life is worth?
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Mar 25, 2006
its truley a heart breaking story

those freak crazy driver have to be stopped by anyhow.

i have noticed that people ignore them because they are locals or think they are a big shot for driving his/her fancy car.

please DONT, face them and if it takes stop them on the road.

The last thrusday, i had a fight twic with such local spoiled ungrown males just to show them that its not their father's streets to drive the way they like. lucky people driving by jumped in between to split us

please be strict with such people whenever u see them.

or even with anybody who is trying to take your right on the road.
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Mar 25, 2006
shocking is that even though there are growing no. of accidents and people dying in road rage everyday, drivers attitude wont just change on the roads! infact its getting worst day by day!
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Unfair? Mar 25, 2006
So the Bulgarian guy gets 2 years...what does the other 'undisclosed' guy get? You can bet your sweet bippy it will probably be a lot less with the payment of some blood money from daddy and maybe not even a short spell in a nice cell.

Is money the cure to everything here?

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Mar 25, 2006
So are you now saying that its okay for the Bulgarian guy to only get 2 years?!

If it was a local guy who got 2 years for driving drunk and killing a guy, you would all be up in arms tearing your hair out over it!

Please explain................ :roll:
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Mar 26, 2006
Most drivers in the Middle East are MORONS....
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Mar 26, 2006
Liban wrote:Most drivers in the Middle East are MORONS....

and u r their king......... :lol:
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Mar 26, 2006
SheikhaS wrote:So are you now saying that its okay for the Bulgarian guy to only get 2 years?!

If it was a local guy who got 2 years for driving drunk and killing a guy, you would all be up in arms tearing your hair out over it!

Please explain................ :roll:

Of course it's not OK for ANYONE to get just two years and a fine for taking another persons life. The situations that occured are tantamount to manslaughter and should be treated as such.
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Mar 26, 2006
sniper420 wrote:
Liban wrote:Most drivers in the Middle East are MORONS....

and u r their king......... :lol:

And you're their QUEEN.
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... Mar 26, 2006
i feel sorry for those our country, when someone gets killed on the road, the driver gets detained because until proven that it was indeed an accident, the charge is murder...and theres corporal punushment for that...death by lethal injection...

as for the not mentioning the nationality of the guy...theres a very small density of 21 year olds who driver beamers around im pretty sure that the guy would be let off, we all know who those guys are...does the law of reparation apply to the uae or is that just in other muslim countries? dont muslims believe in a life begets a life? why dont they do that here? could be of some help, doesnt matter if the other party is muslim or not...heck the saudis practice it, and they seem to get along well with it...(they are the richest country in the world after all...) and look at them, they got bush and america by the balls...
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Mar 26, 2006
Of course it's not OK for ANYONE to get just two years and a fine for taking another persons life. The situations that occured are tantamount to manslaughter and should be treated as such

Yes Choco I certainly agree that 2 years isnt enough, but Dubai Knights comment....
So the Bulgarian guy gets 2 years...what does the other 'undisclosed' guy get? You can bet your sweet bippy it will probably be a lot less with the payment of some blood money from daddy and maybe not even a short spell in a nice cell.

Sorry if Im confused by this, but to me this implies that 2 years is a decent sentence, but oh if it was a local guy it would be alot less..blah blah much less than 2 years for manslaughter can you do?!!Get my point?

Some people have to understand that its not just locals who can pay blood money to shorten the sentence...

I bet some sick people, will next be thinking if a local guy dies in a road accident he deserves it coz he was driving too fast.......

Oh, sorry, didnt mean to stereotype! :roll:

Sorry to rant on about this, but it really disheartens me when all I ever read on here, with a few exeptions, is about how the local done this and got away with it, or only got a light punishment.When it comes to other nationalities, its kinda swept to the side, but always redirected to "if it was a local guy that done it........"
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Mar 27, 2006
I do understand your point. But the problem is many people get sick and tired of the local attitude of it's their country they can do what they like. SO it's OK to drive like a loon and put others lives at risk, honestly it's like to many people here life has no value and that's the frightening thing. How do you educate people to take care when everything is 'Enshalla'? It's like they refuse to take responsibility for their actions and that scares the hell out of me! - And no I'm not just talking about Muslims, it's a general attitude.

I heard that the father of the idiot who ran Jossy down was begging forgiveness for his son from Jossy's family - I bet he bloody was in a bid to get the moron off on a lighter sentence. Well sorry but the guy has to pay for taking away Jossy's life and all because he couldn't wait behind a bus and his time was more important than another human beings right to live.

Just the same the Bulgarian should pay for his wrecklessness. 1,500 people attended Ben's funeral yesterday. May he rest in peace, and may the horror of what the Bulgarian did haunt his soul forever.

I say lock them up and throw away the key!

These two men lost their lives because two others were impatient, people who thought their time was more important than everyone elses.

I'm sorry this has turned into a bit of a rant but I'm and angry and upset that one of my best friends had to watch one of her best mates - Ben - die horribly!!!! - Think about that! It's not just the person that dies, but others who witness it, think about how many other lives these tragedies affect!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Mar 27, 2006
Well said Chocs,

truely spoken from the heart

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Mar 27, 2006
Actually mI'm not sorry about the rant, I'm really frustrated because one of my mates is hurting and upset and traumatised and there's absolutely nothing I can do to help - it's a horrid feeling.

Plus I had to watch my boss end up in floods of tears during his show as he talked about Ben, whom he knew very well.

You see, look how many people's lives this idiot who killed Ben has affected! People forget that!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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... Mar 27, 2006
sorry to hear that in shock about all this as well...
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Mar 27, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:I do understand your point. But the problem is many people get sick and tired of the local attitude of it's their country they can do what they like. SO it's OK to drive like a loon and put others lives at risk, honestly it's like to many people here life has no value and that's the frightening thing. How do you educate people to take care when everything is 'Enshalla'? It's like they refuse to take responsibility for their actions and that scares the hell out of me! - And no I'm not just talking about Muslims, it's a general attitude.

I heard that the father of the idiot who ran Jossy down was begging forgiveness for his son from Jossy's family - I bet he bloody was in a bid to get the moron off on a lighter sentence. Well sorry but the guy has to pay for taking away Jossy's life and all because he couldn't wait behind a bus and his time was more important than another human beings right to live.

Just the same the Bulgarian should pay for his wrecklessness. 1,500 people attended Ben's funeral yesterday. May he rest in peace, and may the horror of what the Bulgarian did haunt his soul forever.

I say lock them up and throw away the key!

These two men lost their lives because two others were impatient, people who thought their time was more important than everyone elses.

I'm sorry this has turned into a bit of a rant but I'm and angry and upset that one of my best friends had to watch one of her best mates - Ben - die horribly!!!! - Think about that! It's not just the person that dies, but others who witness it, think about how many other lives these tragedies affect!

why do u mention race? Bulgarian or the local both have to payeth what they have taketh away.
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Mar 27, 2006
Despite all of this, there will still be people who think that it is perfectly okay to drive on the hard and soft shoulders to pass people, and drive with excessive speed. They will just say that it was rare for Ben to be pushing his car, and Jossy to be fixing his tire - they have to be acceptable casualties because hey - that is just the way people drive here.

Give me a freaking break. :evil:

Every one of you reading this who speeds, doesn't use a lane change signal, crosses across two or three lanes at once, weaves in and out of traffic, drives on the hard and soft shoulders to pass people, crosses over u-turn lanes, backs up to catch a missed exit or crosses in front of people to make an exit on short notice - you are all potential murderers. Your bad habits are not worth someone else's life.
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Mar 27, 2006
kanelli wrote:Despite all of this, there will still be people who think that it is perfectly okay to drive on the hard and soft shoulders to pass people, and drive with excessive speed. They will just say that it was rare for Ben to be pushing his car, and Jossy to be fixing his tire - they have to be acceptable casualties because hey - that is just the way people drive here.

Give me a f$#king break. :evil:

Every one of you reading this who speeds, doesn't use a lane change signal, crosses across two or three lanes at once, weaves in and out of traffic, drives on the hard and soft shoulders to pass people, crosses over u-turn lanes, backs up to catch a missed exit or crosses in front of people to make an exit on short notice - you are all potential murderers. Your bad habits are not worth someone else's life.

well said kanelli like a good Canadian advisor....well in Germany there isnt speed limit and there are few accidents cos 1, driving tests are hard, 2, tehy follow the rules, 3, they are not jerks and are afraid of laws which Dubai doesn have
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Mar 27, 2006
Sniper, so what a bout the race, he is Bulgarian, why shouldn't I call him that, it's what he is! I don't have a name to write instead - stop nitpicking!

Kanelli, good points and well made.

Sniper, stop the but but buts. There are no buts! A car is a potential weapon and vehicle for murder. Whocares what country has what laws, or what speed limits they do have or not, the point is everyone should take responsibility for their actions. If you drive like a moron without common sense or courtesy for others your chances of having an accident are high as are the chances of injuring or killing another person. And as always it's the perpetrator who walks away uninjured after killing or maiming and innocent person.

Stop making excuses! Just like the stupid guy who said to a friend recently 'It's OK to have an accident, that's what we have insurance for!'

OK, OK, it's not f***ing OK! Especially when the person you've just ploughed in to has twon young kids in the car.

Wake up all of you and take responsibility for driving safely. Stop blaming rules and regulations and be self regualting, for f&&&s sake it's not brain surgery - oh wait maybe it needsa to be because all the people who say accidents and speeding and overtaking on hardshoulders have no bloody brain!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Mar 27, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:Sniper, so what a bout the race, he is Bulgarian, why shouldn't I call him that, it's what he is! I don't have a name to write instead - stop nitpicking!

Kanelli, good points and well made.

Sniper, stop the but but buts. There are no buts! A car is a potential weapon and vehicle for murder. Whocares what country has what laws, or what speed limits they do have or not, the point is everyone should take responsibility for their actions. If you drive like a moron without common sense or courtesy for others your chances of having an accident are high as are the chances of injuring or killing another person. And as always it's the perpetrator who walks away uninjured after killing or maiming and innocent person.

Stop making excuses! Just like the stupid guy who said to a friend recently 'It's OK to have an accident, that's what we have insurance for!'

OK, OK, it's not f***ing OK! Especially when the person you've just ploughed in to has twon young kids in the car.

Wake up all of you and take responsibility for driving safely. Stop blaming rules and regulations and be self regualting, for f&&&s sake it's not brain surgery - oh wait maybe it needsa to be because all the people who say accidents and speeding and overtaking on hardshoulders have no bloody brain!

did u read my post ........ :roll:
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Mar 27, 2006
I did sniper, and it was a good one (for a change!). :D
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Mar 27, 2006
Yes Sniper I did read your post. Some sense for a change.
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Mar 27, 2006
Chocoholic wrote:Stop making excuses! Just like the stupid guy who said to a friend recently 'It's OK to have an accident, that's what we have insurance for!'

Pretty stupid thing to say.... Its like saying, oh its OK to jump off a cliff if you have medical insurance....

Some people are quite perplexing in their attitudes.
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Mar 27, 2006
I was listening to two ladies talking about how their husbands and their friends have driven drunk here in Dubai, and even done some jail time after crashing their cars. They seemed to find it humourous, not serious. The men just go looking for new cars after to replace the crashed ones.
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Mar 27, 2006
kanelli wrote:I was listening to two ladies talking about how their husbands and their friends have driven drunk here in Dubai, and even done some jail time after crashing their cars. They seemed to find it humourous, not serious. The men just go looking for new cars after to replace the crashed ones.

Although not a nice thing to say, I hope one of these ladies lose their husbands to a drunk driver and then come back to talk of how funny drunk driving is.
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