Photos Show Some Aboard Mavi Marmara Were Armed

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Photos show some aboard Mavi Marmara were armed Jun 11, 2011
The photographic evidence is consistent with the Israeli claim that some of the gunshot wounds Israeli commandos received were not from their weapons: ... ere-armed/

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Re: Photos Show Some Aboard Mavi Marmara Were Armed Jun 11, 2011 seriously ? Just like FD's sig their tag line says it all !
Defending Israel from media bais.
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Re: Photos show some aboard Mavi Marmara were armed Jun 11, 2011
Well munchkin! Are you suggesting the image is photoshopped or the real I am?

It looks real to me what ever the source!
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Re: Photos show some aboard Mavi Marmara were armed Jun 11, 2011
LOL - that's some extreme conspiracy theory!! They allege the IDF suppressed this evidence for a year and that 'IDF have a lot to learn' (about releasing propaganda footage!)

So, two grainy stills from videos and the bloggers have concluded that the shots show automatic weapons! :shock:

When even the IDF is too embarrassed to fabricate this lie, you know the bloggers have failed big-time.

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Re: Photos show some aboard Mavi Marmara were armed Jun 11, 2011
The IDF don't have anything to prove.
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Re: Photos Show Some Aboard Mavi Marmara Were Armed Jun 11, 2011
Then why not release the footage shot by numerous cameras on board the boats which they confistacted. They have nothing to prove because we all know they are a bunch of twats but they sure do have a lot to hide.

*Cue the fanbois
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Re: Photos Show Some Aboard Mavi Marmara Were Armed Jun 11, 2011
You'd have thought the fanbois would have kept quiet about this PR fiasco - the spin was laughable at the time (it would have been hilarious but for the fact the 'Pirates of the Med' shot and killed so many people).

But that said, it gives me an excuse to reel out one of the funny descriptions of the incident... from the Independent (yes, I know it is long - but worth another read) :

shafique wrote:Of course they were asking for it
Mark Steel

It's time the Israeli government's PR team made the most of its talents, and became available for hire. Then whenever a nutcase marched into a shopping mall in somewhere like Wisconsin and gunned down a selection of passers-by, they could be on hand to tell the world's press "The gunman regrets the loss of life but did all he could to avoid violence." Then various governments would issue statements saying "All we know is a man went berserk with an AK 47, and next to him there's a pile of corpses, so until we know the facts we can't pass judgement on what took place."

To strengthen their case the Israelis have released a photo of the weapons they found on board, (which amount to some knives and tools and wooden sticks) that the naive might think you'd expect to find on any ship, but the more astute will recognise as exactly what you'd carry if you were planning to defeat the Israeli army. It's an armoury smaller than you'd find in the average toolshed in a garden in Cirencester, which goes to show the Israelis had better destroy Cirencester quickly as an essential act of self-defence.

It's a shame they weren't more imaginative, as they could have said "We also discovered a deadly barometer, a ship's compass, which could not only be frisbeed at someone's head but even had markings to help the assailant know which direction he was throwing it, and a set of binoculars that could easily be converted into a ray-gun."

That would be as logical as the statement from the Israeli PM's spokesman – "We made every possible effort to avoid this incident." Because the one tiny thing they forgot to do to avoid this incident was not send in armed militia from helicopters in the middle of the night and shoot people. I must be a natural at this sort of technique because I often go all day without climbing off a helicopter and shooting people, and I'm not even making every possible effort. Politicians and commentators worldwide repeat a version of this line. They're aware a nation has sent its militia to confront people carrying provisions for the desperate, in the process shooting several of them dead, and yet they angrily blame the dead ones. One typical headline yesterday read "Activists got what they wanted – confrontation." It's an attitude so deranged it deserves to be registered as a psychosis, something like "Reverse Slaughter Victim Confusion Syndrome".

Israel and its supporters claim that Viva Palestina, made up of people who collect the donated food, cement and items for providing basic amenities such as toilets, and transport them to Gaza, wanted the violence all along. Because presumably they must have been thinking "Hezbollah couldn't beat them, but that's because unlike us they didn't have a ballcock and several boxes of plum tomatoes".

One article told us the flotilla was full of "Thugs spoiling for a confrontation", and then accused them of being "Less about aid and more about PR. Indeed, on board was Swedish novelist Henning Mankell." So were they thugs or about PR? Did they have a thugs' section and a PR quarter, or did they all muck in, the novelist diverting the soldiers with his characterisation while the thugs attacked them with a lethal spirit level?

But some defenders of Israel are so blind to what happens in front of them there's nothing at all they wouldn't jump to defend. Israel could blow up a cats home and within five minutes they'd be yelling "How do we know the cats weren't smuggling semtex in their fur for Hamas?"

If this incident had been carried about by Iran, or anyone we were trying to portray as an enemy, so much condemnation would have been spewed out it would have created a vast cloud of outrage that airlines would be unable to fly through.

But as it's Israel, most governments offer a few diplomatic words that blame no one, but accept the deaths are "regrettable". They might as well have picked any random word from the dictionary, so the news would tell us "William Hague described the deaths as 'hexagonal'", and a statement from the US senate said "It's all very confusing. In future let's hope they make every effort to avoid a similar incident."

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Re: Photos Show Some Aboard Mavi Marmara Were Armed Jun 11, 2011
So Israel went through an international sh*tstorm and didn't use these "photos" to support what they claimed? Weren't there reports that those on board took arms away from some of the military?? Because Israel says that they don't use that kind of equipment, doesn't mean that they don't. Just like Israelis don't trade with Iran who have the blessings of the government. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease

As usual Shaf I'm not going to read another one of your very long posts. It's pretty much always the same.
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Re: Photos Show Some Aboard Mavi Marmara Were Armed Jun 11, 2011
^I didn't expect you'd read it Bora - your loss, it is quite funny. ;)

But at least we're on the same page when it comes the conspiracy theory in the OP. :D

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Re: Photos Show Some Aboard Mavi Marmara Were Armed Jun 11, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote: They have nothing to prove because we all know they are a bunch of twats but they sure do have a lot to hide.

They are are well trained military force of The State Of Isreal. They are brave men and women in uniform defending their people. Unlike your cowardly friends in the Taliban.

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Re: Photos Show Some Aboard Mavi Marmara Were Armed Jun 11, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:
desertdudeshj wrote: They have nothing to prove because we all know they are a bunch of twats but they sure do have a lot to hide.

They are are well trained military force of The State Of Isreal. They are brave men and women in uniform defending their people. Unlike your cowardly friends in the Taliban.


And the Taliban has what to do with this thread?? :drunken:

Well trained military applies to many western countries, as well as corrupt politicians and government.
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Re: Photos Show Some Aboard Mavi Marmara Were Armed Jun 11, 2011
My thoughts exactly ? What has the Taliban got to do with this ! LOL
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Re: Photos Show Some Aboard Mavi Marmara Were Armed Jun 11, 2011
LOL - perhaps your avatar confused your dear old friend?

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Re: Photos Show Some Aboard Mavi Marmara Were Armed Jun 11, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:My thoughts exactly ? What has the Taliban got to do with this ! LOL

Well you called the IDF twats. I pointed out they were a legitimate army. As a Paki your country provides haven to the Taliban, do they not? And Al Qaeda. They do not wear thre uniform of a legitimate army and are therefore terrorists and cowards.

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Re: Photos Show Some Aboard Mavi Marmara Were Armed Jun 11, 2011
Did you see any Talibans in rubber dingys pull up against the Mari Marmara ? LOOOL

I reiterate, what has the Taliban got to do with this ? Nothing other than what-aboutery at best.
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Re: Photos Show Some Aboard Mavi Marmara Were Armed Jun 12, 2011
The US funded/supported Bin Laden from the start, also supported Saddam's dirty war on Iran.
IDF are cowards pointing their weapons on armless civilians.

Here is a video showing Israeli soldiers in Eastern Jerusalem provoking a local Palestinian man who's selling souvenirs (old swords), and when he get pissed off, he threatens the Israeli soldeirs, untill a Jewish b!tch (soldier) intrudes and spray black pepper on him, and then he started chasing her around while other Israeli sissy soldiers running away from him. He catches the b!tch, smash her down, and then soldiers decided to recure their b!tch. Eventually the b!tch was in deep shock that she fainted and her colleagues thought she was dead.

I post this video again of an Israeli soldier humilating the innocence of a Palestinian kid. ... re=related

There are PLENTY of such videos. Shows how much Israelis are living in fear regardless their military power, they will always remain cowards, because they know they've stolen the Palestinian lands and now fear revenge.

-- Sun Jun 12, 2011 12:11 am --

DDS, here is a video for you to laugh :D

Two apes (Israeli soldiers) walking in Jerusalem alleys, and the local Palestinians decided to make a joke out of them, so they just gave out sounds "la la la" (no, no, no) and the Israeli soldiers freaked and ran away LOL! ... re=related

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Re: Photos show some aboard Mavi Marmara were armed Jun 12, 2011
Sym, have you ever considered a job as a Palestinian Peace Envoy? I think you've missed your true vocation!
:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Photos Show Some Aboard Mavi Marmara Were Armed Jun 12, 2011
LOOOL ! That was genuinely funny. Probably piss themselves if someone set off a fire cracker.
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Re: Photos Show Some Aboard Mavi Marmara Were Armed Jun 12, 2011
Big time funny :mrgreen:
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Re: Photos Show Some Aboard Mavi Marmara Were Armed Jun 12, 2011
Yeah watching Rhod Gilbert...Irish stand up.
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Re: Photos Show Some Aboard Mavi Marmara Were Armed Jun 12, 2011
And I'm reading "Tareekh ibn Khaldoon" "History of ibn Khaldoon".
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Re: Photos Show Some Aboard Mavi Marmara Were Armed Jun 12, 2011
Ah ! The ancient historian, kinda ironic isn't it, reading the history of a historian :)
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Re: Photos Show Some Aboard Mavi Marmara Were Armed Jun 12, 2011
^He's probably reading the book by Ibn Khaldoun (History by Khaldoun, rather than of Khaldoun) - ;) .. by coincidence I'm reading two history books - one by Bill Bryson about the House (quite interesting, as it turns out) and another about Jersusalem by Simon Sebag Montefiore (a bit heavier, but still fascinating - just started it).

LOL about the two occupation soldiers! ;)

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Re: Photos Show Some Aboard Mavi Marmara Were Armed Jun 12, 2011
I still rather watch Rhod Gilbert .... yes I've said it before. I'm shallow :D
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Re: Photos Show Some Aboard Mavi Marmara Were Armed Jun 12, 2011
Yes Shaf, thanks for the grammatical correction ;)
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