America's Secret Killers: Documentary

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America's Secret Killers: Documentary Jun 10, 2011
Interesting viewing:

Dispatches - America's Secret Killers.WnA
Mon 06 Jun, 8PM

The strike that killed Osama bin Laden provided a glimpse of the vast and often secret campaign
by US special forces and troops to kill thousands of Taliban and Al Qaeda fighters. They call it
'precision targeting'; their critics say it's assassination.

A six-month investigation by Dispatches has gone inside the US 'kill/capture' programme to
discover new evidence of the strategy's impact, and its costs. The team have talked to key
figures in the US military, to US spies and to Taliban commanders and fighters.

General David Petraeus, since he took command of troops in 2010, has ordered a major expansion
of these 'manhunt' missions that rely on highly classified intelligence, cutting-edge technology
and Special Operations forces.

Correspondent Stephen Grey and producer Dan Edge explore the logic behind the kill/capture
policy, and ask if this unremitting pursuit of the enemy will help end the war in Afghanistan.

The military say these operations have led to the death or detention of more than 12,000 Taliban
insurgents in 12 months. Petraeus and his advisers argue that a ruthless, accurate and
relentless campaign against enemy leaders will paralyse the insurgency and force them to the
negotiating table.

On the ground in Baghlan Province in Afghanistan, US raids have put the Taliban on the run. But
Dispatches makes contact with a young - and important - Taliban commander who says that, after
the targeted killings of two of his seniors, he was simply promoted up the ranks to take their
place: 'This war has become like delicious food for us. When a day passes without fighting we
get restless.' ... et-killers

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: America's Secret Killers: Documentary Jun 10, 2011
Great post shafique, nice of you for supporting General David Petraeus work
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Re: America's Secret Killers: Documentary Jun 10, 2011
You're welcome.

Some great insights into what is actually happening in Afghanistan. The attacks on US troops has actually increased since the campaign started, and the final minutes of the documentary point to more, not less violence. :(

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: America's Secret Killers: Documentary Jun 10, 2011
And what side are you on al shafique? Taliban or US, come on, there is no grey area here, it is either one.
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Re: America's Secret Killers: Documentary Jun 10, 2011
I've always been against the Taliban - but I'm on the side of the Afghan people and don't like the fact they are being killed too since the invasion. I initially supported the invasion and over-throw of the Taliban, but I've been despondent at how it has developed since.

Going into alliance with thugs such as Dostum and then paying off the Taliban - and now the information in this documentary cause me a lot of concern.

But, I'll be honest - I did support the invasion at first - unlike Iraq where it was clear to me that the war was not justified and would lead to unnecessary bloodshed and chaos (which it did).

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: America's Secret Killers: Documentary Jun 11, 2011
I see you didn't answer Herve's question. The Taliban or the US?

LOL I don't expect an answer.
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Re: America's Secret Killers: Documentary Jun 11, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:I see you didn't answer Herve's question. The Taliban or the US?

LOL I don't expect an answer.

seems Shaf answer is better than Herve's Questions :D ... its more sense, coz Both Taliban & US is wrong in this matter... and most of MOOOOUslims aren't with both sides coz they actually understand this won't solve the problem ( they have sense i guess)...
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Re: America's Secret Killers: Documentary Jun 12, 2011
Mahmoud04 wrote:
Bethsmum wrote:I see you didn't answer Herve's question. The Taliban or the US?

LOL I don't expect an answer.

seems Shaf answer is better than Herve's Questions :D ... its more sense, coz Both Taliban & US is wrong in this matter... and most of MOOOOUslims aren't with both sides coz they actually understand this won't solve the problem ( they have sense i guess)...

Well Mahmoud it depends on which side of the fence you sit on, doesn't it?
I've yet to see Shafique speak much sense, he just talks and talks and talks zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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