It's only logical: Mr. Spock supports two-state solution for Mideast peace
by Haaretz Service
Leonard Nimoy.
Jewish-American actor Leonard Nimony, noted for his portrayal of Mr. Spock in the TV classic Star Trek, has urged Israelis and Palestinians to reach a peace agreement based on the two-state solution, warning Americans against the continued and direct effect recent Mideast turmoil could have on their daily lives.
"It's known as the two-state solution--a secure, democratic Israel as the Jewish State alongside an independent Palestinian state," the noted American actor said, adding that even Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, whom he calls "nationalistic," has come "to see this as the shape of the future."
In his support of the two-state solution, Nimoy also addresses Israel's refusal to negotiate with a Palestinian unity cabinet that would include Hamas, saying: "We cannot know yet what this unification of Hamas with Fatah means and we have to wait and see what emerges."
"Regardless, the principle of establishing two independent states, one Jewish and the other Palestinian, is still critical in this region for both Israel and the Palestinian people. That is the goal, to support the rational and moderate course," he added.
Referring to a peace push by a group of several leading former Israeli security establishment officials, Nimoy describes the plan as including "a Palestinian state alongside Israel with agreed-upon land swaps."
"The Palestinian-populated areas of Jerusalem would become the capital of Palestine; the Jewish-populated areas the capital of Israel," the Jewish-American actor added.
"I'm a strong supporter of APN and the work it does. It is a leading voice for Americans who support Israel and know that a negotiated peace will ensure Israel's security, prosperity and continued viability as a Jewish and democratic state."
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