Chocoholic wrote:Again you blame women! So it's a woman's fault he can't keep his d*ck in his pants is it? Please, cut the backwards thinking garbage and let MEN take responsibility for their actions and stop blaming the fairer s.e.x - ridiculous.
Hey chocs, you yourself said about maids screwing the husbands/sons, and I have know many to earn an extra buck on the side in Bur Dubai over the weekend.
I know the men that take advantage of them are scumbags and get away off-scot-free, but I don't think you can blame them for the women getting herself pregnant.

The australian story is a different matter, but if asked about it I will just reply that women coming to dubai should not to be caught alone with men of this nationality.
This goes for your mr torso as well BM. I know you are careful, but just re-iterating.