1.Switzerland: New Laws Proposed for Legal Prostitution
... ZURICH - Local officials have decided that this city's expanding legal s3x industry needs to be better organized.
http://news.yahoo.com/s/time/20110603/w ... plcmxhbmRu
Now observe the sharp rise in more abandoned children, STD's and divorce rates.
2. Students consider prostitution to pay for school?
....One in three university students in the German capital would consider sex work as a means to finance their education, a study from the Berlin Studies Center said on Wednesday...... The study found some 4 percent of the 3,200 Berlin students surveyed said they had already done some form of sex work, which includes prostitution, erotic dancing and Internet shows......
http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20110518/od_ ... VudHNjb25z
yes , Such a technologically advanced civilization the germans are..

3.NY girl, 12, says she was raped at YMCA, had baby
.. A lawyer for a 12-year-old girl said Friday that she was raped in a YMCA sauna by a day camp counselor, became pregnant and contracted a sexually transmitted disease.
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110520/ap_ ... wxMnNheXM-
Oh, and the perpetrators should get a slap on the wrist and some stern counselling as an appropriate punishment.
All this going in the last 2 months , And there may be many many more other transgressions.
Indeed , aren't we all glad we have LIBERATED ourselves from the chains of oppression !