kanelli wrote:Ok, let's get explicit and honest statements from Shaf, because FD thinks he is hiding his true feelings. In Fight Club FD claimed that you are anti-Semitic and a terrorist in a suit.
Ooh, a survey - just for me.
kanelli wrote:Shaf, are you anti-Semitic? Do you wish all the Jews were wiped out?
1. I do not wish all Jews to be wiped out.
2. I do not hate Judaism or Jews (or any particular religion).
3. I DO actually have some Jewish friends (

) - indeed we just hosted two Israeli friends of my (youngest) brother who were over here for his wedding. (We didn't agree on some political and economic points, but got on famously despite this)
4. I give credit to Israel for its achievements, but criticise it for its crimes.
kanelli wrote:Do you support child suicide bombings, the killing of Israeli civilians including pregnant women and children, and pretty much the killing of anyone who is non-Muslim?
Easy. No.
(Not least because it offends me, and is also something forbidden by Islam)
kanelli wrote:Do you think that Israel should not exist?
Nope - it exists, period. Countries come into being via different historical routes - Israel's is not unique and is as legitimate (or artificial) as many other states - all of which have a right to exist today. They don't have a right to violate international law though, IMO.
kanelli wrote:Do you support Islamic terrorist actions?
I categorically condemn ANY act of terrorism or killing of civilians or unjust wars or murders or genocides or threats of violence against other peoples etc - whether labelled 'Islamic' or otherwise.
Do I get a prize?
