Ah madam is this another case of muslim woman VS "modern" liberal secular humanist woman...
Sir, there are many liberal Muslim women, and they continue their stuggle to break the mentality of those who think as if they are living in the dark ages. They continue to educate women - and men as well.
I kinda feel those muslim women are probably on the right track, even though they don't give much of a detail as to how they achieve it...
Achieved through the sheer ignorance of these women.
By the way Madam, I am suffering from after effects of manized woman. I still can't find one that my heart warms up to,.. due to liberal industrilisation, they are acting more like a man loosing their female innocence and pure beauty, menized and bossy hence repulsive even tough they have the glamouring se.xy appeal for attraction..It just doesn't do a thing for me!! How can I light my fire Madam? it's not a million dolar question I hope ?
Maybe a trip to Malaysia will solve your problem. They have all the attributes you seek. Not pretty, insecure, illiterate, subserviant.

You must be peeking Berrin = se.xy appeal for attraction???

You can only come to that conclusion if you took the time to study your subjects.
By the way I found an eye catching article on the net...
Politics of white women's underwear..LOL... hmmm seductive enough to read?, who knows I may find eternal happiness after the reading..
Maybe you can find your eternal happiness while wearing a lovely pair of white lacy underwear.