KeithL wrote:Herve, how did you enter India without travel documents?
Just curious
It s a bit off topic, but.....
2 00 am, moonless night, I entered Territorial waters tail gating a Cargo ship, no one could see me, sight or radar, then when I got closer I separated from the cargo and entered the Gateway of India marina like a tourist. Beautiful sighting btw.
next day i declared that i lost my passport at see during an emergency, fire and flooding (which i did not stage, it was a crappy boat), that also justified my entry to India without visa.
However Indian authorities could not figure out how nobody (Navy, Police, Immigration, Coast Guards) spotted me entering India waters.
I told them, i did not know, i just sailed in.
Obviously I did not tell them I was a former covert operative and that I escaped from Dubai.
it took 10 days to clear up the administrative mess and issuance of a new passport.
I had a nice stay, I recommend Mumbai, it s worth a trip.
-- Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:59 pm --
zubber wrote:Ah ! we live in a world gone mad , this armaggedon thing needs to happen , And fast , !
And you actually think Arabs are going to win?