Can't Wait For New Forum Moderation System

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Can't wait for new forum moderation system Jun 01, 2011
Andyba has posted this think previously to show the details of the upcoming moderation system that will be applied to this forum. I think it sounds great providing that it is applied to only topic posts that began after the moderation feature was initiated. That starts everyone on a clean slate. The forum topics started and manner of discussion that goes on from there will certainly be interesting! I think some people won't be lasting long :lol:

Check it out! ... &t=2116969

Mass Moderation in phpBB wrote:Modification Description:
This MOD introduces Mass Moderation (MM) in phpBB, making its moderation mechanism similar to Slashdot.

Mass Moderation in phpBB is a new moderation policy for online boards and, in this specific case, for phpBB 3 boards. Currently, like most of the online forums, a phpBB board is moderated by a group of users, called “moderators”, that have the task of monitoring the correct activity of the board. However, there are online boards with several thousands of users and posts, where the moderation activity can require a considerable effort, and where the moderators could be outnumbered.
Moreover, into large online boards, just some posts and topics are noteworthy and contain good information. For this reason, users could spend a lot of time to find the information they are looking for.
In this scenario, Mass moderation’s policy aims to remedy these situations. Through some mechanisms, we want to eliminate moderators, the moderators activity, and classify forums information, that is posts and topics.

In this way, all the moderation duties are fulfilled by GOOD USERS: traditional moderators are no longer needed. When Mass Moderation is on, all registered users can participate in the moderation, by RATING TOPIC AND POSTS.
To RATE A POST, a user can choose one from some POST LABELS (i.e. informative, interesting, funny, off-topic, flamebait, spam, ecc). A good adjective makes the POST SCORE increase, while a bad adjective makes it decrease. The post score ranges from -1 to 5.
To RATE A TOPIC, a user can do it through a five star rating system (Horrible, Poor, Nice, Good, Excellent).

Mass Moderation system tracks your activity on the board. The quality of a user activity is measured through an index, called KARMA. User’s Karma depends on the scores assigned to her posts. A positive Karma indicates a good user activity, while a negative Karma indicates a bad activity. Topic ratings do not affect a user Karma.

But not all users can be participate to the Mass Moderation. Every time slot, the system calculates the Karma of each user, and assigns a number of MODERATION TOKENS to a set of users, randomly selected among those with highest Karma. Rating one post costs one token. Rating one topic does not cost any token, but you need to have at least one.
When a user can rate posts and topics, that is when he has at least one token, he becomes a MASS MODERATOR.

Each user can set a view threshold for posts in her control panel. If you set the threshold to n, you will be shown only those posts with score greater or equal to n. The other posts will be displayed in abbreviated form.

The forum administrator can fine-tune the mass moderation mechanism, by setting a number of parameters in the ACP (e.g. enable/disable MM, length of the time slot, number of tokens assigned in each time slot, etc.).
Also, Mass Moderation system implement some mechanisms that replace the traditional moderator’s actions. These mechanisms are called: Mass Moderation Move Topic, Mass Moderation Report Topic and Mass Moderation Auto Ban.

Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Can't Wait For New Forum Moderation System Jun 01, 2011
Andyba posted that on March 19. Doesn't appear to be very effective if it has been implemented, which I doubt since the "usual suspectS" are still carrying on "business as usual". Highly doubt it takes over 2 months to activate it.
Bora Bora
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Re: Can't wait for new forum moderation system Jun 01, 2011
Interesting. I do wonder when Andy is going to implement this. However, it does require members to be honest and not spiteful just for the sake of it.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Can't Wait For New Forum Moderation System Jun 01, 2011
Actually , "implementing the system" takes a lot of time and effort , revamping a whole board takes ateast a few months , so give the guy a break yea.
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Re: Can't Wait For New Forum Moderation System Jun 01, 2011
I think the mod is still under development, then it still has to be implemented on the forum.

The sooner the better!
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Re: Can't wait for new forum moderation system Jun 01, 2011

What is this a contest or something?
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Re: Can't Wait For New Forum Moderation System Jun 01, 2011
Does the thread title say something about a contest?

Ambassador, how has the current lack of moderation and previous crappy moderation been doing for the forum? Yeah, thought so.
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Re: Can't wait for new forum moderation system Jun 01, 2011

What is this a contest or something?

Rough day ?
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Re: Can't Wait For New Forum Moderation System Jun 01, 2011
kanelli wrote:Does the thread title say something about a contest?

Ambassador, how has the current lack of moderation and previous crappy moderation been doing for the forum? Yeah, thought so.

You are the only one complaining about moderation....Which just makes things worse rather than better...No one here is a child (childish posts notwithstanding)....

Just stop the complaining...or not... :lol:
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Re: Can't Wait For New Forum Moderation System Jun 01, 2011
I did stop the complaining until BM started following people around from thread to thread and not discussing the thread topic but insulting other posters instead. All I said was take it to Fight Club, then it all blew up from there.

BM is troll. You're right though. I should stop complaining and try to have patience that this moderation system will be implemented soon. I'm confident that BM will be dealt with if she keeps it up. Too bad she wasn't turfed by Admin months ago.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Can't Wait For New Forum Moderation System Jun 01, 2011
Ambassador wrote:
kanelli wrote:Does the thread title say something about a contest?

Ambassador, how has the current lack of moderation and previous crappy moderation been doing for the forum? Yeah, thought so.

You are the only one complaining about moderation....Which just makes things worse rather than better...No one here is a child (childish posts notwithstanding)....

Just stop the complaining...or not... :lol:

Yeah, right. Asking for a miracle Ambassador? You have a better chance of winning a lottery. :lol:

Here's my suggestion to Kanelli: start your own forum and you can be administrator and moderator. :bounce: :bounce:

You may be on the whoosh list as well Kanelli. You are no better or worse than BM!!! You were right behind BM on everyone of her posts. I could see your feet hanging out of BM's arse!! Actually, you are a bigger pain in the arse = lacking a sense of humor and all..............
Bora Bora
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Re: Can't Wait For New Forum Moderation System Jun 01, 2011
Yes, that's why I've been on here 6 years and never been banned and have been considered a valuable member here. (Though no doubt I'm irritating some people now with the BM feud.) BM has been here far less time, been banned 3 times, and is liked by a small posse.

The fact that you couldn't see BM dangling out of DDS, DK and Choc's ar$es in countless threads, yet have the nerve to criticize me for twice posting that she should take her flaming to Fight Club, tells a lot about you BB. Like I said, you whinge about being dragged in, but you are the one opening your mouth and inserting yourself into the fray.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Can't Wait For New Forum Moderation System Jun 01, 2011
Bora Bora wrote:
Ambassador wrote:
kanelli wrote:Does the thread title say something about a contest?

Ambassador, how has the current lack of moderation and previous crappy moderation been doing for the forum? Yeah, thought so.

You are the only one complaining about moderation....Which just makes things worse rather than better...No one here is a child (childish posts notwithstanding)....

Just stop the complaining...or not... :lol:

Yeah, right. Asking for a miracle Ambassador? You have a better chance of winning a lottery. :lol:

Here's my suggestion to Kanelli: start your own forum and you can be administrator and moderator. :bounce: :bounce:

You may be on the whoosh list as well Kanelli. You are no better or worse than BM!!! You were right behind BM on everyone of her posts. I could see your feet hanging out of BM's arse!! Actually, you are a bigger pain in the arse = lacking a sense of humor and all..............

Well said Bora.

I cant help but feel that Kansmelli is jockying for a mod position under the new system.

Brown tongue at the ready :bom:
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Re: Can't wait for new forum moderation system Jun 01, 2011
There are no mods under the new system. Go and read how it works.
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Re: Can't Wait For New Forum Moderation System Jun 01, 2011
Wow, drewpeacock, you did a good job of reading the thread topic and commenting appropriately.

You are BM's buddy from JBR Community Forum and part of the crew that the moderator there had to crack down on. I can see where your bias comes from.
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Re: Can't wait for new forum moderation system Jun 01, 2011
What's the little heart next to the thread title? Just asking.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Can't Wait For New Forum Moderation System Jun 01, 2011
101 ways to do yourself in ?
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Re: Can't Wait For New Forum Moderation System Jun 01, 2011
kanelli wrote:Yes, that's why I've been on here 6 years and never been banned and have been considered a valuable member here. (Though no doubt I'm irritating some people now with the BM feud.) BM has been here far less time, been banned 3 times, and is liked by a small posse.

The fact that you couldn't see BM dangling out of DDS, DK and Choc's ar$es in countless threads, yet have the nerve to criticize me for twice posting that she should take her flaming to Fight Club, tells a lot about you BB. Like I said, you whinge about being dragged in, but you are the one opening your mouth and inserting yourself into the fray.

I could see everything clearly Kanelli. The difference is: I mind my own business!!! Maybe you should try it. All this crap starting all over again because of you. Things were going along smoothly until you stepped in. If you drag me into your nonsense, I will step up. If you don't want me in your face, leave me out of your crap. You are starting to give off a really rancid odor. And who the h.ell cares if you got a "good standing certificate" for all the time you spent on the forum. That a a dirham will get you no where. Or does it carry some weight on your CV????
Bora Bora
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Re: Can't Wait For New Forum Moderation System Jun 01, 2011

Occupation....................................TAXI Driver.

No CV required.
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Re: Can't Wait For New Forum Moderation System Jun 01, 2011
Yes, BB, we can see that you mind your own business. :)
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