Mar 19, 2006
Hell according to Qura'an describtion is 70 times stronger than the one in our life . and maybe it is different in a way or another , but , what is stated so clearly in Qura'an is that whenever the skins of those being tourchred in Hell is getting burnt , God will creat new skins for them to suffer the punishment . so there is a real punishment and burning , not burning memories or whatever . This also drag the subject to a very important thing . Qura'a is correct . according to Sheik Ahmad Al Zendani , and one of the famous proffesors in canada ( i dont recall his name ) Al zendani asked the proffesor how the human being feel the pain , the proffesor said through his skin , and if the skin is removed totally , he would never feel any thing no matter how you try to hurt him phisically . then Al Zendani said if there was any means for Muhammad pbuh to know this 1500 years ago , the professor said NO. and here it is stated clearly in Qura'an !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- castellano
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