desertdudeshj wrote:I see EH has hired a new defense attorney LOL !
And expatwoman and me...WTF ! Woman please !
And BTW is your name EH ? I'm sure he can speak for himself, been doing pretty well until now.
And whats the matter, chocs not giving you the pleasure anymore ? That you need to get your fight fix elsewhere !

If thats the case why didn't you say, always ready for a round or two with ol'windbag
En garde

Munchkin! You and me have always been at each others throats, I'm a whore according to you so don't make out you and me is anything new!
Aren't you on expatwoman? My mistake, you act like a big girls blouse so I was presuming it was expatwoman. Sorry, it's, australian version if I remember rightly!
You haven't explained why you are there!
-- Tue May 24, 2011 9:36 pm --
And that goes for Shaf as well
-- Tue May 24, 2011 9:37 pm --
desertdudeshj wrote:So EH still waiting to hear what exactly your doing here on this board ?
And BM is waiting to hear why you're on Australian