Violent Teachings In The Quran

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Violent Teachings in The Quran May 24, 2011
A simple point of debate.

There's no secret that the Quran contains some pretty horrific descriptions of violence - genocide, enslavement of virgins, slaughtering of all living things etc.

Now, some Muslims argue that the Quran descriptions of violence were abrogated by the Quran teachings.

(However see this link for some interesting perspectives on this ... the-quran/

But this does raise the question about the Jewish interpretation of the Quran's teachings. By definition they don't have the Quran to abrogate the verses advocating violence. They, as I understand, believe the Quran to be relevant and authentic - Allah's words.

The Quran is demonstrably more violent than the Bible (just look at the relative lists on many websites)

Does this mean that Judaism is more violent than Islam?

My view is that Islam is inherently violent. Only when verses are taken out of context and other verses are ignored in the Bible can it be argued that Christianity is a violent religion.

What do you think?


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Re: Violent Teachings in The Quran May 24, 2011
Well, I believe the argument by those who say the Koran is qualitatively more violent than the Bible point out that the Koran provides the rationale to wage war, whereas the Bible's verses of war regard its regulation.

Meaning, the Koran says on what conditions Muslims are to engage war and the Bible simply says what adherents are to do when they are in a war.

The criticism comes in with regards to what reasons the critics say the Koran provides for Muslims to go to war. Critics say the Koran prescribes Muslims to wage war against non-Muslims for the reason of spreading a religious based form of government that is said to be uncorrupted from man-made law.

Detractors of any criticism of Islam will often shift the goal posts by making quantitative comparisons with the Bible and pretending that what they mention has not already been considered by these critics.

Critics would call these tactics a smoke screen and say these detractors devote a significant amount of time to saying what has previously been addressed and saying nothing that addresses what is in the Koran.
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Re: Violent Teachings In The Quran May 24, 2011
I preferred not to copy the phrases but just copy the link ... comparison

go to the War & Peace, and Terrorism section...
I know whats in your head will remain their, so is whats in mine...
but apparently no religion teaches violent, but they do encourage you to defend yourself and your believe...

about history,:
Napilion wasn't a Muslim,
Hitler wasn't Muslim,
Crusade war wasn't by Muslims,
World war I not Muslims,
World war II not Muslims,
Vietnam War,
Anglo-Dutch Wars,
Britian was occupying more than a continent,

its a long list, actually if we are talking about violent and wars Muslims has only few pages in the War history book, while there is chapters registered for others...
you know what I noticed, Muslims were much cooler and peaceful before others landed in their lands...

-- Tue May 24, 2011 10:28 am --

:D I see now :D
Violent teachings in Bible
by shafique » Tue May 24, 2011 6:41 am

Violent Teachings in The Quran
by Bethsmum » Tue May 24, 2011 9:01 am

come on Shaf....
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Re: Violent Teachings in The Quran May 24, 2011
Well done Mahmoud, I can see you're on the ball this morning :D
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Re: Violent Teachings In The Quran May 24, 2011
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