Ambassador wrote:For me it is zero "social networking sites"....recall that I still write handwritten letters...
I prefer person to person socializing...I get to see family at weddings and funerals a few times a year! On my way around the world for a wedding first week in June.
I also prefer landlines to mobiles (bugs the hell out of people!)...But I don't need to know what is happening or where anyone is at any given moment...
I love my privacy and quite time....
It's funny that you mention handwritten letters. For a couple of days I thought about how much do we actually "write" - pen to paper. For the most part, the majority of the world the extent of "hand writing" is signing credit card purchases. It's those that are in school up to uni that still "hand write". Even very little is written in the work place as everyone communicates or works through a computer.
As for my networking, it's not as if the family are a few hours away. The US is a long haul!!! And friends are scattered around in the US, but it's nice to know what they are up to and to send wishes for birthdays, holidays, etc, seeing photos of occasions that I can't attend. Sending anything by post from Dubai is so unreliable and express mail is so expensive.
I know what you mean by loving privacy and quiet time. I'm not a "crowd" person. A crowd to me is more than 6 people.

I had a friend today invite me to a breakfast on Thursday. Small party of 20!!! She knows how I am but invited me anyway. She respects my feelings and we agreed to meet up, just the 2 of us.