How Much Social Networking Do You Do?

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How much social networking do you do? May 23, 2011
Just wondering if the Duffers are using the social networking sites that are out there. There seem to be so many.

Personally I stick to FB and Twitter and a couple of forums, I also have a blog. I think Twitter has takenh over from FB these days as it's just so much more accessible.

Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: How Much Social Networking Do You Do? May 23, 2011
Call me what you may, I think social networking is the scourge of the interwebz !

There I said it !
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Re: How much social networking do you do? May 23, 2011
I think people do spend an awful lot of time with it. Howevber, it is extremely useful for catching up with friends and family all over the globe.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: How Much Social Networking Do You Do? May 23, 2011
It has its limited uses, but the addiction most peole have to it is abhorring !
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Re: How Much Social Networking Do You Do? May 23, 2011
I belong to one social network and keep in touch with family and friends. I have also found a few people who I lost touch with along time ago. We all grew up together in the same neighborhood, hung out for years, their home was like a second home to me.

It all depends on how you use it. I certainly don't need to tweet with Paris Hilton to know what she's up to. I already heard that she's staying in Dubai and the Monarch!!! Do I really care what Justin Burbur has to think or say?? Or some skank apologizing for cheating on their wife/husband/girlfriend/boyfriend? Nah.
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Re: How much social networking do you do? May 23, 2011
For news and second by second accounts Twitter is incredible though. People were getting info from there quicker than the news wires during recent disasters. It's also proved it's power in getting some things stopped or changed.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: How Much Social Networking Do You Do? May 23, 2011
Thats the only reason why I even have a g@y book page, was looking up me old mates. Once that was done its gone on the back burner.

Still get annoying invites and messages. Look fool ! If I didn't give a damn about your face back in the day what makes you think I want to talk to you today !!!
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Re: How much social networking do you do? May 23, 2011
Chocoholic wrote:For news and second by second accounts Twitter is incredible though. People were getting info from there quicker than the news wires during recent disasters. It's also proved it's power in getting some things stopped or changed.

I agree with that. But I got it in my head that for the most part it is silly. Newspapers, news shows, magazines quoting people's silly messages put me off to Twitter.
Bora Bora
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Re: How Much Social Networking Do You Do? May 23, 2011
Could it possible that I'm one of the few poeple left on earth who don't have a twitter account ?

I dunno wheter to cry of laugh when abosulutely sane grown up adults ask me. Do you tweet ?

Ofcourse the answer is always. Oh Hell No !
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Re: How Much Social Networking Do You Do? May 23, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:Could it possible that I'm one of the few poeple left on earth who don't have a twitter account ?

I dunno wheter to cry of laugh when abosulutely sane grown up adults ask me. Do you tweet ?

Ofcourse the answer is always. Oh Hell No !

You are not alone. Fortunately I've never been asked that question. If I was ever asked I might just tweet like a bird. :roll:
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Re: How much social networking do you do? May 23, 2011
For me it is zero "social networking sites"....recall that I still write handwritten letters...

I prefer person to person socializing...I get to see family at weddings and funerals a few times a year! On my way around the world for a wedding first week in June.

I also prefer landlines to mobiles (bugs the hell out of people!)...But I don't need to know what is happening or where anyone is at any given moment...

I love my privacy and quite time....
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Re: How much social networking do you do? May 23, 2011
Ambassador wrote:For me it is zero "social networking sites"....recall that I still write handwritten letters...

I prefer person to person socializing...I get to see family at weddings and funerals a few times a year! On my way around the world for a wedding first week in June.

I also prefer landlines to mobiles (bugs the hell out of people!)...But I don't need to know what is happening or where anyone is at any given moment...

I love my privacy and quite time....

It's funny that you mention handwritten letters. For a couple of days I thought about how much do we actually "write" - pen to paper. For the most part, the majority of the world the extent of "hand writing" is signing credit card purchases. It's those that are in school up to uni that still "hand write". Even very little is written in the work place as everyone communicates or works through a computer.

As for my networking, it's not as if the family are a few hours away. The US is a long haul!!! And friends are scattered around in the US, but it's nice to know what they are up to and to send wishes for birthdays, holidays, etc, seeing photos of occasions that I can't attend. Sending anything by post from Dubai is so unreliable and express mail is so expensive.

I know what you mean by loving privacy and quiet time. I'm not a "crowd" person. A crowd to me is more than 6 people. :lol: :lol: I had a friend today invite me to a breakfast on Thursday. Small party of 20!!! She knows how I am but invited me anyway. She respects my feelings and we agreed to meet up, just the 2 of us.
Bora Bora
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Re: How Much Social Networking Do You Do? May 23, 2011
I actually started with pen and paper that is sometime end of last year after a very long time and realised just how horrible my hand writing had become ! Back in the day I could write in a couple of styles of writing now can barely manage one legibly.

Its ok when filling out forms or just jotting down a line or two, but writing anything more than that, the hand wasn't used to it anymore and actually got tired very soon and went from decent to scribbling very soon.

Need to re train those muscles again !
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Re: How much social networking do you do? May 23, 2011
I know! How sad it is that people don't use the written word anymore. Mind you I can type like the clappers.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: How Much Social Networking Do You Do? May 23, 2011
Unfortunately even in that dept my mind thinks faster than I can type :oops:
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Re: How Much Social Networking Do You Do? May 23, 2011
I only recently got a FB account, only because my school was having a reunion and it was the best way to get in touch with everyone.
I thought that it would be the beginning of my FB addiction, but it never really eventuated.
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Re: How much social networking do you do? May 23, 2011
No, I think people are moving away from FB a bit now to be honest.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: How Much Social Networking Do You Do? May 24, 2011
I love FB! Twitter I just can't be bothered with.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: How Much Social Networking Do You Do? May 24, 2011
I can't imagine doing facebook for very long, let alone sitting on twitter all day sending and reading twits.
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Re: How Much Social Networking Do You Do? May 24, 2011
The beauty of FB is that you don't have to check it every day. It is just a resource for keeping in touch with people. You can use it how you like.

I think that Twitter is more time consuming. People feel compelled to Twitter about something, anything! several times a day to be interesting to their followers. I can see how Twitter can be useful in the cases of major world events, spreading the word around quickly etc., so it does have some value.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: How much social networking do you do? May 24, 2011
Bora Bora wrote:
It's funny that you mention handwritten letters. For a couple of days I thought about how much do we actually "write" - pen to paper. For the most part, the majority of the world the extent of "hand writing" is signing credit card purchases. It's those that are in school up to uni that still "hand write". Even very little is written in the work place as everyone communicates or works through a computer.

As for my networking, it's not as if the family are a few hours away. The US is a long haul!!! And friends are scattered around in the US, but it's nice to know what they are up to and to send wishes for birthdays, holidays, etc, seeing photos of occasions that I can't attend. Sending anything by post from Dubai is so unreliable and express mail is so expensive.

I know what you mean by loving privacy and quiet time. I'm not a "crowd" person. A crowd to me is more than 6 people. :lol: :lol: I had a friend today invite me to a breakfast on Thursday. Small party of 20!!! She knows how I am but invited me anyway. She respects my feelings and we agreed to meet up, just the 2 of us.

In a way I think the "social" networking is making people less that I mean that there is less of an opportunity or need for face-to-face catching up since you would already know exactly what is going on in their life thru FB and their ilk..and seen the photos, etc. I prefer the meeting 'catching up' part.

I rarely, if ever, take vacation pictures and I've been to many, many, places...It is sad to see people on vacation who are e-mailing or updating their FB page with pictures of their vacation- more and more of them these days..They are not enjoying the view or scenery but just seeing it thru their cameras!

But it works for some...just not for me.
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Re: How much social networking do you do? May 24, 2011
Ambassador, have you been to a concert or anything lately where there are kids?

I've taken Beth to a few lately, and the ones where she allows me in, are filled with kids taking pictures on their mobiles or filming it. They don't seem to watch the actual cancert. It seems more like a competition to see who can update their FB status first with pictures of the event.

-- Tue May 24, 2011 9:38 am --

When I was at work yesterday I was going through my sent emails. I was looking for something I'd sent to a software comapany back in March so I had to sort them into name order. The two people I'd sent the most emails to both sit within 8 feet of me. My boss and my little mate. 1% of them would have been work orientated, 40% about sport and the rest about our work colleagues. :shock:
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Re: How much social networking do you do? May 24, 2011
Does anyone still use MySpace? Never got into that to be honest, but it seems to still be popular with bands and arty types.
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