Gigsy! You Naughty Boy!

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Gigsy! You Naughty Boy! May 22, 2011
Who would have thought it? Ryan Giggs! Tut tut. Caught playing away. LOL

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Re: Gigsy! You Naughty Boy! May 23, 2011
He should have taken out one of those superinjunctions, then no one would know it was him.

Oh......hang on........errrr.........
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Re: Gigsy! You Naughty Boy! May 23, 2011
BlueOrb wrote:He should have taken out one of those superinjunctions, then no one would know it was him.

Oh......hang on........errrr.........

Lets hope he doesn't get his lawyers to contact DF and demand they hand over your ID :shock:

No hang on, they forgot to issue the injunction in Scotland so we should be ok on t'internet
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Re: Gigsy! You Naughty Boy! May 23, 2011
I think his lawyers are too busy trying to get details of 30,000 people on Twitter who mentioned his name yesterday. Or the fans at the Blackpool game who were chanting "You're not secret anymore"

He's made a right arse of himself over this. He'd have been better off fessing up to it, reading about it all in the papers for a couple of days and then moving on with his life, instead of squandering god knows how much money trying to gag the whole world.

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Re: Gigsy! You Naughty Boy! May 23, 2011
BlueOrb wrote:I think his lawyers are too busy trying to get details of 30,000 people on Twitter who mentioned his name yesterday. Or the fans at the Blackpool game who were chanting "You're not secret anymore"

He's made a right arse of himself over this. He'd have been better off fessing up to it, reading about it all in the papers for a couple of days and then moving on with his life, instead of squandering god knows how much money trying to gag the whole world.


I was looking for his wife on the pitch yesterday, I didn't see her. Yes, you are right, it would have been chip papers now. Poor old Gigsy. I liked the headline in one of the papers yesterday. It said MAN up. I couldn't get on to twitter soon enough, me being a City supporter :D
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Re: Gigsy! You Naughty Boy! May 23, 2011
The Daily Mail have a picture of her today (online). Didn't look too upset to me.

Just reaad on Sky News that The Sun are going to court this afternoon to try and get the injuction lifted. So possibly he will be named all over the TV tonight.

Not that we don't know it's him, of course.

And allegedly, the actor with the Rooney hooker is Hugh Bonneville (yeah....who?????) . Allegedly. So i read somewhere. But i'm not saying it's him, of course, just in case it is.
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Re: Gigsy! You Naughty Boy! May 23, 2011
It really is a waste of time and money. The embarrassment and humiliation to his family is terrible as well. If he was man enough to dabble, then he should be man enough to take the flack for it.

Although I do have to ask as well, what kind of woman sleeps with a man knowing full well he has a family?
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Re: Gigsy! You Naughty Boy! May 23, 2011
Not a very nice one ?
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Re: Gigsy! You Naughty Boy! May 23, 2011
Laughing so much, the House of Commons just broke the super injunction by mentioning his name on live tv during a debate! Yet the court has just told The Sun they still can't name him - hilarious!
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Re: Gigsy! You Naughty Boy! May 23, 2011
I just saw the same, MP John Hemming has just named Ryan Giggs as the subject of the media super injunction in the House of Commons, he was instantly reprimanded by the Speaker, but he is of course protected from prosecution by the Commons Parliamentary Privilege.
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Re: Gigsy! You Naughty Boy! May 23, 2011
Chocoholic wrote:It really is a waste of time and money. The embarrassment and humiliation to his family is terrible as well. If he was man enough to dabble, then he should be man enough to take the flack for it.

Although I do have to ask as well, what kind of woman sleeps with a man knowing full well he has a family?

A woman who has one thing on her mind and filled with hope??? :lol:

OK, so Twitter does have a another purpose. Comedy.

One tweeted: Injunction - the new fragrance for women by Imogen Thomas. Indiscretion - the new fragrance for men by Ryan Giggs.
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Re: Gigsy! You Naughty Boy! May 23, 2011
Hahahaha that's brilliant!
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Re: Gigsy! You Naughty Boy! May 23, 2011
Chocoholic wrote:It really is a waste of time and money. The embarrassment and humiliation to his family is terrible as well. If he was man enough to dabble, then he should be man enough to take the flack for it.

Although I do have to ask as well, what kind of woman sleeps with a man knowing full well he has a family?

And what kind of a man sleeps with a woman knowing full well he has a family?
Why should the woman be the guilty party?
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Re: Gigsy! You Naughty Boy! May 23, 2011
They're both guilty of course. But just looking at the other side of the coin as well.
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Re: Gigsy! You Naughty Boy! May 23, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:And what kind of a man sleeps with a woman knowing full well he has a family?
Why should the woman be the guilty party?

True, but he has a different agenda in most instances. :wink:

When you are "star status" generally they cheat "because I can".
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Re: Gigsy! You Naughty Boy! May 23, 2011
The Daily Mail have a picture of her today (online). Didn't look too upset to me.

Are you talking about Mrs Gigsy? He will have bought her a big diamond out of his bonus from winning the Premier League to shut her up.

The Daily Mail have a picture of her today (online). Didn't look too upset to me.

Are you talking about Ms Thomas? He will have bought her a big diamond out of his bonus from winning the Premier League to shut her up.
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Re: Gigsy! You Naughty Boy! May 23, 2011
I mean Mrs Giggs....or as she calls herself, Stacey Cooke.

She's probably not too sad, as any divorce payout in the future has just gone throught the roof, as she's now on record as the wronged woman, in a very public way.

And by the way, as a bloke, i agree with your comment, BM - why would this be Imogen Thomas' fault ? She's single, and can boff anyone she likes. It's Giggs' fault, 100%. He's the married one, and he's the betrayer. He obviosuly thought he was too rich and important to get caught.

Hard luck - life's hard, Ryan. Get over it, get over yourself, and stop being a twat.
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Re: Gigsy! You Naughty Boy! May 23, 2011
Hold up! For a woman to go ahead and have an affair with a married man, knowing he is married with a family, shows she has no morals or thought for the other people who could and did get hurt! It takes two to tango as they say.
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Re: Gigsy! You Naughty Boy! May 23, 2011
Of course it takes two to tango, but when it comes to injunctions and privacy, its 'the one with the money who protects his name and family life and effectively throws the woman to the lions. Hardly gentlemanly behaviour, if you ask me. For that reason alone, that he left her to face the music whilst also accusing her of attempted blackmail, he should pay a hefty price as a good hard lesson.

Big enough to do the dirty deed? then you should be big enough to stand up and face the music.

Morals about dating or seeing married men or women don't really exist anymore, i believe. Society has moved on now, with an increasing proportion of marriages ending in divorce, it seems that in general, we don't take it a seriously as we used to....
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Re: Gigsy! You Naughty Boy! May 23, 2011
I agree that he has to face the music. But I strongly disagree on your opinion with regards to monogamous relationships. It;s because people just stand by and let it happen that others get away with it.
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Re: Gigsy! You Naughty Boy! May 24, 2011
Chocoholic wrote: It;s because people just stand by and let it happen that others get away with it.

Eh? What are you rambling on about now?

it's because people stand by and let it happen? What's it got to do with anyone else what goes on in another person's marriage? The only reason people are interested in this shananigans is because Gigsy tried to keep it quiet. Sure people are interested, he plays for the most famous club in the world and promoted himself as a family man. If it was Mr Nobody from Nowheresville, who would care?

Now don't tell me you would march up to somebody and stick that big old nose in and tell them what you think?
You're liable to get a smack.

-- Tue May 24, 2011 1:01 am --

BlueOrb wrote:I mean Mrs Giggs....or as she calls herself, Stacey Cooke.

She's probably not too sad, as any divorce payout in the future has just gone throught the roof, as she's now on record as the wronged woman, in a very public way.

And by the way, as a bloke, i agree with your comment, BM - why would this be Imogen Thomas' fault ? She's single, and can boff anyone she likes. It's Giggs' fault, 100%. He's the married one, and he's the betrayer. He obviosuly thought he was too rich and important to get caught.

Hard luck - life's hard, Ryan. Get over it, get over yourself, and stop being a twat.

Well i've been told Mrs Giggs was at the match and looking quite pleased with herself too. Hard to imagine why, when you had the Blackpool supporters chanting in full voice!
Aren't people's lives strange? You would have thought she would have been mortified, being there with her kids while everybody knew he'd been getting down and dirty with a Big Bro contestant.
She's not an unattractive lady either. I'll give them 6 months.
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Re: Gigsy! You Naughty Boy! May 24, 2011
She will probably string it out until he quits football - after that she will probably bail out with a few million.

He's not exactly Mr Personality, and so i don't think he would have a big career as a pundit or similar after he finishes playing. When he's not playing, reality will set in, and she will see things differently.

Like you said, BM, if he hadn't tried to sue everyone in England, no one would be at all bothered after the first few days. He, or his lawyers, made a big mistake in the way they went about it, and it's probably damaged his reputation / image more than the affair has.
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Re: Gigsy! You Naughty Boy! May 24, 2011
I really can't understand his lawyers. I wonder if they just saw £signs?

Who in their right mind would try to demand Twitter (hosted in the States, I believe) hand over the names of twitterers, or is it tweeters?

It's human nature, when told not to do something, that you do it even more.
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Re: Gigsy! You Naughty Boy! May 24, 2011
He made a HUGE mistake, now he's going to pay for it big time and get dragged through the mill for it. Let that be a lesson learned for others who try to do the same!
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Re: Gigsy! You Naughty Boy! May 24, 2011
Chocoholic wrote:He made a HUGE mistake, now he's going to pay for it big time and get dragged through the mill for it. Let that be a lesson learned for others who try to do the same!

Oh please! Do you really think this will teach anyone a lesson? How naive you are.
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Re: Gigsy! You Naughty Boy! May 24, 2011
I wonder who will be 'outed' next.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Gigsy! You Naughty Boy! May 24, 2011
Chocoholic wrote:I wonder who will be 'outed' next.

Hugh Bonneville, the actor. Same hooker as Rooney.

I did it yesterday! :D

There is a nice list of all such injunctions on the net, for all to read.

-- Tue May 24, 2011 1:54 pm --

....and by the way - Giggs' secret name on the injuction - CTB.....

Cheating Taff B*stard??????

Someone, somewhere has a sense of humour! :lol:
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Re: Gigsy! You Naughty Boy! May 25, 2011
Well it seems that Ryan has had a sense of humour failure. There were a few paparatzi camped outside his house tonight when a masked gang turned up and attacked their cars. Oh dear Ryan! Things are getting very stressful just before the Champions League Final on Saturday. Even Sir Alex was showing the strain tonight when he was caught taliking 'off camera' about a reporter he was going to have banned :shock:

Chill Gigsy! Have a night out with Rooneys hooker, she'll sort you out!

Barca have the ash cloud and Man Utd have Gigsy.
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