Maps Vs Years

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maps Vs Years May 22, 2011



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Dubai chat master
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Re: maps Vs Years May 22, 2011
The last serie of 4 maps is a complete fraud. National and private ownership are mixed without shame only to serve propaganda needs. Just one example (of many) look at the Negev in 1946. The first map insinuates this is completely owned by (Pali) Arabs. Reality check says 15% was (privately) owned by Arabs and almost the rest was state owned (the British Mandate).
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Maps Vs Years May 22, 2011
Dubai chat master
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Re: maps Vs Years May 22, 2011
A more correct map, based solely on national land ownership:

peace.jpg (12.38 KiB) Viewed 1398 times
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Maps Vs Years May 22, 2011
Niyahahahahah... Egyptian and PROUD :lol:
Saddat was a treasure man, he was really a legend :D
Dubai chat master
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Re: maps Vs Years May 22, 2011
Actually the 1947 Partition Plan speaks of a Jewish and Arab part. Palestine was not mentioned. The representative body of the Arabs was the Arab Higher Committee...I seriously wonder how the Arab part would have been called if the Arabs didnot start an aggressive war against the new jewish state and thus nullifying the partition plan. Another interesting observation from the maps is that the Westbank and Gaza between 1949-1967 are labelled "Palestinian" land, while Jordan and Egypt ruled over them. Until 1967 the PLO did not recognize Gaza and the WB as Palestinian. It is only since Israel conquered these areas, that parts of it were given to the Pali's. Pali's only got authority over some land under Israeli rule, not Arab rule.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Maps Vs Years May 23, 2011

forward ur point of view to these e-mails FD, I am sure they will consider it..
but don't u love the maps without comment...
Dubai chat master
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Re: Maps Vs Years May 23, 2011
The borders of Palestine were explicitly laid out in the Hope-Simpson report of 1930 (it gives the exact borders as the pre-amble to the main report about the situation in Palestine at the time). Jordan was called 'Transjordan' then and was a separate entity - the report talks about immigration from there to Palestine, for example.

The maps are indeed accurate, and indeed require little comment.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: maps Vs Years May 23, 2011
Up until 1948 is was mainly jews who indentified themselves as Palestinian. The Palestinian Post was a jewish news paper. Arabs inside the Mandate identified themselves as Arab or Syrian.

How times can only an Arab can call him-/herself Palestinian according to the PLO.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Maps Vs Years May 24, 2011
It is interesting to note that the Golan Heights also fall outside the '1967 borders' and have been illegally annexed by Israel. Not much is mentioned about this Syrian territory in the statements by Obama, Netanyahu etc.

That will be an interesting part to watch. The rhetoric that Golan needs to be occupied because of security concerns is one that does not stand up to security - any missiles etc that can be fired from the 1967 border are just as devastating from the current border between Syria and the militarily occupied Golan. It is actually about the water.

But coming back to the maps. Palestine as a country within the British Empire (or more technically, under a British Mandate) was well defined before the creation of the State of Israel in 1948.

Israel was created within the borders of Palestine, with 55% being allocated to Israel. The remainder was, and remains, Palestine. Wishful thinking and double-think can't change this simple fact - which is very clearly shown in the maps.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Maps Vs Years May 24, 2011
Jumping lines once again

The UN got it right the first time around . Split the country and make Jurusalem a UN controlled territory. The Jews agreed to that but it was the Arabs who did not agree to that and went to war over it and the rest as we know is history. So the Arabs chiefly the Arab League hold equal and dare I say it more blame aswell

Although personally I believe there was no need for the split and Israel was only created out of European guilt of WWII. Jews were living in the place along side the Arabs why couldn't this continue to happen ? Or maybe I'm just too naive ? But there is no point in talking about it now. Israel exists and there are no two ways about it.

Israel did withdraw its military from Gazza and parts of westbank in 2005 and even banning entry for Israelis. SO what happenes next ? They started bickering and fighting among themselves. To be honest that ticked me off to no end, you havent even a proper state yet and you launch into this ? This was their time to shine and they ruined it and that put me off and a lot of people I think about wheter they even capable of running anything.

With the election of Hamas and the rocket boffounery sometime later gave Israelis another excuse. Ofcourse I am in strong disagreement of the blockade and all that came and comes with it.

I'd think it will be a miracle if the Palestenians get anything close to the orginal deal now. Right now they should accept anything that gets offered. But in the end to both sides are total idiots when it comes peace.

Ordinary citizens from both sides should rise up and put these so called leaders and politicians where they belong. Specially the Palestenians, there so called leaders all the way from PLO to Hamas have brought nothing but misery to them.

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