Driving In The U.A.E Is A Kin To Driving In The Whacky Races

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stop bitchin start filming... Mar 23, 2006
name and shame these killer drivers

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Mar 23, 2006
yet again we are blaming locals for everything!!!

Hmmm...lets see.today the papers are reporting about a man killed on Shk Rashid Road by a drunk driver...............oops and the nationality was bulgarian!!Shockarama!!

I dont see Choco and her army ranting and raving about Bulgarians!!

Oh and the maximum sentence coud be 2 years for killing the guy and driving under the influence it was reported............Hmm.a 2 year sentence only?!

Must have a chance of getting off lightly coz hes Bulgarian eh?! :wink:
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Mar 24, 2006
SheikhaS wrote:yet again we are blaming locals for everything!!!

Hmmm...lets see.today the papers are reporting about a man killed on Shk Rashid Road by a drunk driver...............oops and the nationality was bulgarian!!Shockarama!!

I dont see Choco and her army ranting and raving about Bulgarians!!

Oh and the maximum sentence coud be 2 years for killing the guy and driving under the influence it was reported............Hmm.a 2 year sentence only?!

Must have a chance of getting off lightly coz hes Bulgarian eh?! :wink:

Hey mate, that other case was for rape and the locals getting just two years while you see other nationailites getting much stiffer sentences - nothing really for you to make into a funny subject.

In car accidents it seems everyone gets off easy here which is a very sad state of affairs.

However, the fact is that many locals drive like maniacs and cant see shit with those 100% tints (READ THE ARTICLE ABOUT A LOCAL WHO KILLS THREE PEOPLE ON THE HIGHWAY CUZ HE COULDNT SEE TEM WITH HIS 100% TINTS). 99% of the time when I have had someone come inches behind my car and flash me, its been a tinted out car. :roll:

And I guess the reason why the insurance for many cars here for loca drivers is HIGHER since they're such careful drivers eh?
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Mar 24, 2006
jag wrote:
SheikhaS wrote:yet again we are blaming locals for everything!!!

Hmmm...lets see.today the papers are reporting about a man killed on Shk Rashid Road by a drunk driver...............oops and the nationality was bulgarian!!Shockarama!!

I dont see Choco and her army ranting and raving about Bulgarians!!

Oh and the maximum sentence coud be 2 years for killing the guy and driving under the influence it was reported............Hmm.a 2 year sentence only?!

Must have a chance of getting off lightly coz hes Bulgarian eh?! :wink:

Hey mate, that other case was for rape and the locals getting just two years while you see other nationailites getting much stiffer sentences - nothing really for you to make into a funny subject.

In car accidents it seems everyone gets off easy here which is a very sad state of affairs.

However, the fact is that many locals drive like maniacs and cant see shit with those 100% tints (READ THE ARTICLE ABOUT A LOCAL WHO KILLS THREE PEOPLE ON THE HIGHWAY CUZ HE COULDNT SEE TEM WITH HIS 100% TINTS). 99% of the time when I have had someone come inches behind my car and flash me, its been a tinted out car. :roll:

And I guess the reason why the insurance for many cars here for loca drivers is HIGHER since they're such careful drivers eh?

true noticed it. Once I was outside a shopping mall a local was backing out and it almost did hit me . I was pissed and started swaering at the guy.he was smiling like and @ss
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Mar 24, 2006
Totally agree with Jag.....from my visits to Dubai 99% of the bad driving is by arogant locals, who really can't drive for sh@t!! Used to be that you came to Dubai and the taxi driver would be Indian....now these guys are great drivers, cos they know that if they crash, then no-matter who's fault the accident is then they will be getting the blame. Nowadays you come to Dubai and many of the taxi drivers are locals - unfortunately they drive like idiots, with not a thought for the comfort of the passenger....it's got to the stage I'm thinking about refusing local taxi drivers. This may be my opinion, but it's based upon 100% experience and facts!!
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Re: Driving in the U.A.E is a kin to driving in the whacky r Mar 25, 2006
Mr & Mrs Inquirer wrote:The six million dollar question

Have all the vehicles in the U.A.E owned by the locals had their indicator stalks removed from their steering columns or is it that they are all to busy drinking tea and using mobiles to indicate which direction they want to travel in :)

Nah, they think those are for interior decoration reasons to make the car 'road worthy' and legal. They are just don't wish to spend 1 calorie to flip an indicator, and they think everyone can see the car, hence know which lane to go.

Or maybe it is just that they have their feet on the dahsboard, or feet on the dash, one hand on the phone, the other smoking a cigarette and shifting gears.......

Did i win the 6 mill? :D
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Mar 25, 2006
we are blaming locals for everything!!! and why not?
Mr & Mrs Inquirer
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Mar 26, 2006
Ok then here's one for you!

I was driving home last night and 3 'Locals' were hairing down the road weaving in and out and undertook me doing crazy speeds, I'm just coming up to a junction to turn left hence being in the left lane. And the moron cuts past me and slams on the brakes as the light turns red. When I beep him and give him a flash to let him know I think his driving is unacceptable, the twat puts his car in reverse and threatens to bash my car!

I ask you, what kind of normal human being acts this way? What gives him the right to threaten me!

I was so mad!!!!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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locals and driving... Mar 26, 2006
i believe the locals have big heads because you cant win against them...be it in driving or anything else...when you go to court with one of them, or even to the police station, you can almost not win...even if its their fault, you get shouted at like it was you whos to be blamed...tragic...
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Mar 26, 2006
You need to take control.

Buy yourself a baseball bat they work wonders next time a clown Fooks your day up just stop, get out of your vehicle and go and invite the clown to play a game with you and you will find that 99.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999R
the clown will put the peddle to the metal and drive away 8)
Mr & Mrs Inquirer
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Mar 26, 2006
oh crap I guess i need to get my double barrelled shotgun when i am there
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Mar 26, 2006
Whats up with all the local bashing????

You people need to get your heads out of your asses and realize the the worst drivers are British and European expats. They are agressive, they are rude, they gesture with vulgarity, and the are simply oblivious to their surroundings.

Also, for G, 99% of taxi rivers in Dubai are locals??? What the hell are you blabbering about? Shows you have NEVER taken a cab in this city.

Also Choco, beleive me when I say that Europeans and Brits can also act like complete relards behind the wheel.


20% of the drivers are locals.

80% are not. And so if most of the drivers here are dicks, then that means that they are mostly expats. Thats means YOU GUYS ARE IDIOT DRIVERS.

This is not an attach but a statistical fact.
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Mar 26, 2006
The majority of the idiot drivers come from countries with poor road safety standards - namely India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Lebanon, Egypt, Iran, Jordan etc. There are some idiot drivers from Europe (yes, the UK is part of Europe :lol: ) and North America, but they are on the whole far better drivers than the above mentioned nationalities and the locals.

Anyone who says that it is purely the Europeans or North Americans who drive poorly has their head up their ass.
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Mar 26, 2006
kanelli wrote:The majority of the idiot drivers come from countries with poor road safety standards - namely India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Lebanon, Egypt, Iran, Jordan etc. There are some idiot drivers from Europe (yes, the UK is part of Europe :lol: ) and North America, but they are on the whole far better drivers than the above mentioned nationalities and the locals.

Anyone who says that it is purely the Europeans or North Americans who drive poorly has their head up their a#s.

I disagree somewhat. Desis and British expats (inc. other Euros) are the worst. The rest are secondary.

Congratulations for figuring out that Britan is part of Europe. Now for your candy treat go to French Bakery. FYI, until Britan adopts the Euro, it will not be a true European country like France or Germany... Buts thats another story :wink:
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Mar 26, 2006
They are absolutely not the worst. What roads are you driving on Liban?

Maybe your "I hate all Westerners" bias is coming through yet again. Now we are to blame for crappy driving in the UAE, as well as all the other ills of the world. Too funny! :lol:
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Mar 26, 2006
Let me point out obvious flaws in your analysis. If the Westerners are the bad drivers, why are Western countries far safer to drive in? Why is there a higher standard of road safety and better policing? Because that is the Western way - keep roads safe and people alive. I'd also like to point out that the majority of the people complaining about the dangers of the driving here are Westerners. If they like chaos on the roads and are bad drivers themselves, why are they complaining about the lack of safety and proper driving standards here?

Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Mar 26, 2006
The laws in the West are stricter. Thats all.

Let me point out the flagrant violation of logic in your post. Most of the expats that DRIVE are westerners.

Hence, since most Dubai drivers SUCK, and most of them are westerners, then my logical statement is corraborated and thus sticks.

Thank you.
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Mar 26, 2006
That is completely false Liban. My logic still stands strong, as usual. :lol:
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Mar 26, 2006
In the relm of illogic then your post would be most logical.

In real life, you are as wrong in you are just as wrong in your logic as people engaging in bestiality are wrong in their ethics. 8)
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come on guys... Mar 26, 2006
hmmm...some lcals migh tbe good drivers, some expats are bad drivers...most cab drivers are not locals...and uae driving laws should be stricter...

if that being the case, then we should all agree that athe uae needs to be more strict so that everyone would behave. ive seen europeans act like new york cab drivers that are no different from a bat out of hell, ive seen the same from other nationalitys as well, ive seen my fair share, but there should be equality amost all of us, and the laws should apply to EVERYONE not just expats. i mean come on...ive seen the popos let someone off just because he was wearing a kandura too many times.

sticter laws and enforcing them on everyone would mean safer streets for all of us.
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Mar 26, 2006
The majority of expats in the UAE are not from Western countries so to say that they're all bad is flawed.

Of course you're going to get bad drivers from everywhere across the globe, and I find it sad when people who've taken rigorous tests and come from countries with strict laws let their driving go bad, but that's the reality.

The other reality is that Indians, Pakistanis and locals are terrible on the roads, not all of course but many of them, mainly because they've never been taught how to drive properly and come from countries without strict enforcement so they don't know any different.

90% of the time when I get cut up, pushed around, undertaken flashed, tail gated it's a local! So don't give us it's the Westerners crap Liban, you've been in the country 5 mintues there are many people on this forum who've been here years and are talking from experience.
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uhmmm... Mar 26, 2006
could it be that liban is a local? hehehehehehehhe
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tsk tsk tsk Mar 26, 2006
come on arnie...liban isnt to blame for the accidents...
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Mar 26, 2006
you need the Brits to police your roads and we will start by removing all Yanks,Indians, Pakistanis and the rag heads from the roads if they violate any driving laws we would put policemen on every street corner and with in one month you would have normal roads again and the clowns will be back to driving camels or donkeys 8)
Mr & Mrs Inquirer
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if you remove... Mar 26, 2006
if you remove, all yanks, indians and pakistanis and all the rag heads...there would be only brits who would drive around the UAE...hmmm....how about we just leve everything and just rant in this forum about it? :) :lol: :lol: :lol:
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alls fair... Mar 27, 2006
well, we also take and use oil from them, and now, there are a lot of westerners that go to their country, they work and live there and talking smack about the place...so we are all in the same boat...hahahahahah...

arnie, i know what you meant, a car is a car doesnt matter what type or make it is, it gets you from point A to point Z...only girls that have highways in their vagina and traffic lights on their boobs care about that as much...

there IS huge restructuring that has to be done with their laws, fix it or not, thats their call on that...

as for the west and all of the things about and of it, heres my take on that...the west isnt really making much of an example of itself now does it? as a world's citizen its not really proactivly contributing in the peace and order department...education? i know more dumb people per square inch from the more developed west than the 3rd world countries in the world, and even if they were educated, they dont act like they were...same thing...at least in 3rd world countries, they have an excuse to act or be dumb...in the west where education is free, people take it for granted. thats the great equalizer for all of us. we all have flaws in our systems. a country with predominantly smart people will always be ruled by a corrupt leader...a country with not so smart people would always be lead by a power hungry lunatic who wants to take over the world, a country thats so rich would always have lazy people with little disregard for outsiders and their culture...what did i miss???

point is, we all have flaws...pitty we can only talk about it and not really address them...if we can change in a little way for the better, this would be a better world...BUT...we dont...we like ourselves too much. be it arab, american, europeans, nicaraguan, filipino or what have you...
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Mar 27, 2006
Mr & Mrs Inquirer wrote:you need the Brits to police your roads and we will start by removing all Yanks,Indians, Pakistanis and the rag heads and with in one month you ......and the clowns will be back to driving camels or donkeys 8)

You really are a racist ignorant fcuk aren't you? Lose the attitude you c9nt. You and your baseball bat are making the roads worse, the influx of road rage is making things on these roads worse.

I hope one day you do get in to an altercation with your baseball bat against some rag heads with glocks, go fcuk yourself and address people as that, people. we are all the same, good and bad in all races.
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Re: if you remove... Mar 27, 2006
Kitster wrote:if you remove, all yanks, indians and pakistanis and all the rag heads...there would be only brits who would drive around the UAE...hmmm....how about we just leve everything and just rant in this forum about it? :) :lol: :lol: :lol:

then it would be much easier for Liban and his freinds to do stuffs with them..........hehehe :twisted:
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Re: alls fair... Mar 27, 2006
Kitster wrote:well, we also take and use oil from them, and now, there are a lot of westerners that go to their country, they work and live there and talking smack about the place...so we are all in the same boat...hahahahahah...

arnie, i know what you meant, a car is a car doesnt matter what type or make it is, it gets you from point A to point Z...only girls that have highways in their vagina and traffic lights on their boobs care about that as much...

u r rite Kitser. Arnie is a person of high principles but low practice........talking about rascism and RESPECT.......I can see how much arrogant he is of his VW beetle and sneering at a poor man car. Car is a car and doesnt matter as long as u drive good. Respect! duh! :roll:
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Mar 27, 2006
fayz wrote:
Mr & Mrs Inquirer wrote:you need the Brits to police your roads and we will start by removing all Yanks,Indians, Pakistanis and the rag heads and with in one month you ......and the clowns will be back to driving camels or donkeys 8)

You really are a racist ignorant f&%K aren't you? Lose the attitude you c9nt. You and your baseball bat are making the roads worse, the influx of road rage is making things on these roads worse.

I hope one day you do get in to an altercation with your baseball bat against some rag heads with glocks, go f&%K yourself and address people as that, people. we are all the same, good and bad in all races.

Oh my. Fayz out of control :shock:
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