Do You Think This Man Insulted The Prophet Mohammed?

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Re: Do you think this man insulted the prophet Mohammed? May 19, 2011
Chocoholic wrote:Oh Mel! Many people living and working here still pay tax in their homes countries. The tax free thing doesn't stand up anymore. Everyone here is taxed in one way or another.

All of us do a “cost benefit analysis” to choose a place to live and work. And as you and many others chosen UAE to live in, I gather its benefits are more than it cost. And well anytime you feel u are losing something in UAE, just leave. You have the luxury to work and live in many countries, because u don’t have a “muslim” passport like some of us.

They have their own rules to protect them from some of you, and they are not going to change it because of you Chocs. So take it or leave it, Simple! most of you left but they are not back to their tents! so don't worry for them! :lol: :lol:

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Re: Do you think this man insulted the prophet Mohammed? May 19, 2011
melika969 wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:Oh Mel! Many people living and working here still pay tax in their homes countries. The tax free thing doesn't stand up anymore. Everyone here is taxed in one way or another.

All of us do a “cost benefit analysis” to choose a place to live and work. And as you and many others chosen UAE to live in, I gather its benefits are more than it cost. And well anytime you feel u are losing something in UAE, just leave. You have the luxury to work and live in many countries, because u don’t have a “muslim” passport like some of us.

They have their own rules to protect them from some of you, and they are not going to change it because of you Chocs. So take it or leave it, Simple! most of you left but they are not back to their tents! so don't worry for them! :lol: :lol:

Are you sure about that? I've actually had someone say 'When this is all over, I'll happily go back to the way things USED to be'.

It's a two way street Mel, and many people forget that.
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Re: Do You Think This Man Insulted The Prophet Mohammed? May 19, 2011
patience wrote:BM I agree with you on so many levels, but a quick look through UAE Kid's posts and I would have to agree with Chocs. In fact I thought the thread MR Douche was about him!!!! His hatred of all Westerners is glaringly obvious and is reciprocated by a few of us on here.

I don't blame him being a hater of all things western on this forum, when he reads the rubbish written about his country here. I'd be a hater, too. Do you know something? I bet he's a really reasonable person in real life.

-- Thu May 19, 2011 3:34 pm --

melika969 wrote:I don't live in Dubai either. But I really don't understand people who nag about this country and its people so much and still enjoy a tax free life there.

Amen Mel! It's the same old story time and time again. These lot could moan for England.

-- Thu May 19, 2011 3:39 pm --

Chocoholic wrote:Oh Mel! Many people living and working here still pay tax in their homes countries. The tax free thing doesn't stand up anymore. Everyone here is taxed in one way or another.

You need to take some serious advice from a tax advisor if you are still paying UK tax unless it's income earned in the UK. Why aren't you classed as non dom?
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Re: Do You Think This Man Insulted The Prophet Mohammed? May 19, 2011
Well as I have never met UAE Kid I cannot comment on whether he is reasonable or not, he may well be but my experiences colour my judgement of the locals and that doesn't allow me to give the benefit of the doubt to him. I don't think I would even risk trying to get to know him in real life and I am pretty sure he would feel the same about me. The only evidence I have for my opinion of UAE Kid is his posts on the forum.
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Re: Do You Think This Man Insulted The Prophet Mohammed? May 19, 2011
patience wrote:Absolutely just because somebody doesn't live in Dubai does not mean that they cannot have an opinion and I have met enough people to know that not everbody shares mine!!! But as BM will be the first to admit from her previous posts it is your experiences that shape those opinions. Whilst travelling to Dubai BM's experiences seem to have been pretty positive, who's to say that this will continue. Maybe she will change her mind, but as somebody who comes and goes the chances are she will not. If however she lived in Dubai for a significant period of time the likelihood of her opinion changing increases significantly. Most people on this forum are Dubai haters based on their experiences living in the region and the majority of those negative experiences comes from direct contact with the locals. Until BM experiences any unpleasantness first hand she will of course understandably 'take as she finds', and right at this moment in time that is the smiling, sincerity of the Emirati's. It is no good anybody telling her that it is a crock until they turn on her (and I hope to God they do not). It is however a little naive to suggest that people only find themselves in trouble in Dubai because they break the law, anybody who has been targeted by the locals over some petty grievance knows that the locals realise that the legal system is in place solely for their benefit and they go about using this for their own ends. It is the very fact that the law is weighted so heavily in their favour and that as a non muslim you will be discriminated against that has people so riled.

Yes Patience, I agree with most of your post but I have to say that the majority of people finding themselves in trouble here is because they have broken the law or have been very ignorant of local customs.
That's not to say ALL. I fully accept that there are some who have been very unfortunate in their experiences in Dubai. I know of at least two who post here who have my full sympathy for them finding themselves in their own predicament. I have heard their stories and they are truely horrific. I hope they get justice and can move on with their lives in a positive manner.

I can have no sympathy for those who find themselves in trouble for having a quickie on the beach or touching each other up in the local burger bar.

Long may my visits to Dubai be peaceful. It's one of the reasons why I chose this country for my holiday home.
I don't get any hassle, apart from the usual stares from the Indians.

-- Thu May 19, 2011 3:53 pm --

patience wrote:Well as I have never met UAE Kid I cannot comment on whether he is reasonable or not, he may well be but my experiences colour my judgement of the locals and that doesn't allow me to give the benefit of the doubt to him. I don't think I would even risk trying to get to know him in real life and I am pretty sure he would feel the same about me. The only evidence I have for my opinion of UAE Kid is his posts on the forum.

Patience, surely you must realise that you can't judge people from what they write here? Why do you say you wouldn't risk getting to know him in real life? Are you afraid of the locals? I bet he's a perfectly reasonable person, face to face. You can't blame him for sticking up for his country. I would do the same for England. My country isn't perfect but I would object to foreigners bad mouthing it.
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Re: Do You Think This Man Insulted The Prophet Mohammed? May 19, 2011
BM Yes since my post I have been thinking about this. You are right I am afraid of the locals (understatement). I think that I would meet up with a local but only in MY country on my turf where I would be allowed to speak my mind without the risk of jail. You see I am far too polite to insult anybody but I do think that criticism of the judiciary is warranted and that being said, there is no room for criticism of Dubai in Dubai warranted or not and there is nothing to say that a local would not take offence at that criticism and a course of events set in motion that would ultimately end with me losing my freedom. So yes I would be scared to meet him in person in Dubai, but thrilled to see him any time in London and relay my experiences and then let him tell me that I do not have a legitimate case for saying the things I do.

Furthermore you are right no country is perfect, but the lack of freedom to even discuss such issues in Dubai means that ultimately things will not change. There are a lot of problems in every country and it is only by acknowledging those problems and working towards change that will see them overcome. In Dubai freedom of speech is not allowed and rewarded by a stint in jail (as demonstrated by the recent arrest of the activists). I think if you surround yourself with people that agree with you all the time, sooner or later the power that you hold consumes you. It is only by talking to people with opposite views to yours that you garner any balance. And absolutely I would object to foreigners bad mouthing my country, but they would be free to do so without the threat of imprisonment. (as long as it was not inciting violence) So who is going to stand up and say that the judiciary is biased and unfair? Those who benefit from that very system? No chance.

I also hope that I am a big enough person to listen to both sides of the argument and acknowledge positive things about Dubai, but we are talking about the judiciary (or I am) and I do feel qualified to comment. I also hope that if a foreigner had a legitimate complaint about some aspect of my country I would not be blinded by patriotism and could look at things objectively. But then again I have the freedom to do so without the fear of falling out of favour or far worse. So come on UAE Kid how about it????
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Re: Do You Think This Man Insulted The Prophet Mohammed? May 19, 2011
Well Patience, going back to your first or second post on the forum you said you had a similar experience to Herve and would be sharing it at some point. I would gather that it had to do with the judicial system and how you were wronged. No time like the present to share your experience with us. :wink:
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Re: Do you think this man insulted the prophet Mohammed? May 19, 2011
Patience, I think there must be something you could share with us about your experiences.
I don't know who you've been talking to that's local or what's happened. Your experiences of the locals aren't a bit like mine. I can say anything I want to my Mr Emirati, he doesn't always agree with me but it doesn't stop me saying it. I use to harp on about my experiences with Dubai Properties and he used to agree with me, he's says they are shite. I always remind him it was him that put me on to them and then he reminds me how much money I made (on paper) then he reminds me he wants a cut when I sell. :D
He talks about what's going on in Dubai, although he won't hear a thing said about the place. He HATES Mr Al Fattan, of Al Fattan Towers and the Rulers office :D
I also felt quite sorry for one of his friends who I found out had got stung quite badly in a property deal in the UK. He gave me all the paperwork, I brought it back to the UK and made some inquiries with the Local Council and had to tell my friend that his friend had been stitched up like a kipper. You see Patience, not only in Dubai!
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Re: Do you think this man insulted the prophet Mohammed? May 19, 2011
And there was me thinking it was all nice and friendly on DF, this one has to be read again for the from the begining, some heavy comment indeed.
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Re: Do You Think This Man Insulted The Prophet Mohammed? May 20, 2011
its really amazing how we start a thread about something and it turns out to be discussing something totally different, its human discussion skills i guess....

today i was listing to a program in the radio and they were discussing the laborers problems in the gulf in general and Dubai in specific, seems this issues is going to take a place on the scene soon...
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Re: Do you think this man insulted the prophet Mohammed? May 20, 2011
Chocoholic wrote:BM, butt out yeah, Kid is a troll and a bit of a douche bag of the highest variety!

Go back to downing your plonk.

Hehehe my god choc , do you have the impolite dictionary next to you? Any way , ok my dear old friend, brits are never wrong and they are all angels ... Check
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Re: Do you think this man insulted the prophet Mohammed? May 21, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:
Dubai Knight wrote:BM:

You don't live here.

The little stamp you get in your passport when you come here on holiday says 'Valid 30 days only'

You cannot make any informed comment on the situation of people who actually live here.

:roll: :roll: :roll:


So you keep saying, again and again and again and again.

My opinion is as valid as all of you Dubai and local haters. It begs the question why do you stay here?
You are just as bad as all those hangers on in Britain. Come over and milk the place dry while slagging us all off.

Now it's time to roll my eyes. You are a bunch of whinging tw*ts.

BM, you do tend to live a vacation lifestyle in Dubai and avoid most of the crap, but make a good point.
I for one wouldn't be living somewhere that I hated.
Yes, I have been to places that I didn't want to live, but have made the most of them and enjoyed my time there.
Whether it is drinking vino, parachuting or golf, there is something for everyone in Dubai.
I have seen what Dubai does to people who hate the place and make no effort. It isn't worth it.
There was a time when I think Choc's may have enjoyed it.
I believe she even purchased an apartment to live in (not something you do when you hate living somewhere).
Where did it go all go wrong Choc's?
On the other hand, maybe she is so passionate about Dubai, she hates it when Dubai receives bad press due to poor management?
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Re: Do you think this man insulted the prophet Mohammed? May 21, 2011
I still love Dubai otherwise, trust me I would have skipped out on a plane along time ago! Just like everywhere it has its good and bad points. It's just that some of the things that go on are so ridiculous. Sadly, for a place which claims to be so progressive, it's still very backwards in many respects - that's the frustrating part. Plus let's face it, some of the decisions the authorities make are beyond silly and even a child could tell you they wouldn't work.

Yes, I have an apartment - which should have been finished nearly 2 years ago! Still waiting! The frustrating thing about that, is the contracts are not worth the paper they're written on. No visa anymore, plus no compensation, as stated. Can't sell it, can't live in it or rent it - meanwhile you get bled dry as you still have to pay rent to someone else AND still pay the mortgage - as an investor you have no rights and no protection!

My personal situation is slightly different to many other people in that I don't have a country I consider 'home'. My family have always been pretty nomadic and I've been an expat for over a third of my life. So 'home' is where I choose to settle at any given time - which for now just happens to be the UAE.

You see the problem with people like Kid, and boobedoo, is they don't understand how things work elsewhere, so they only think that the way things happen here, is the way to do things. They view the world through rose tinted glasses and won't ever believe that atrocities and injustices happen here.
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Re: Do you think this man insulted the prophet Mohammed? May 21, 2011
Similarly, I love Dubai for many reasons and, having been kicking around in the sandpit since 1988, can see the vision of some people. Unfortunately I feel it got hijacked along the way by some rather unscrupulous elements who are sharks in camel coats. It has made some people here unduly wary and has also given some a false sense of importance or impregnability. One or two have since found out the hard way that they are not above the law and are languishing at His Majesties pleasure, but many, many more slipped through the net and need to be brought to book.

These are 'growing pains' and many of the injustices we cry out about are throwbacks to an earlier age where simple things have just not kept pace with the advancement of culture and general understanding outside the UAE. If you choose to bring up the drawbridge and shut yourself away from the world in certain ways, this can only be expected.

Case in point: After WW2, a group of approximately 300 dedicated Nazi party supporters managed to escape Europe and settled in a remote region of Paraguay. The land was fertile, they had most of the commodities humans needed to live very well. They traded with the local inhabitants and flourished initially, however one rule they stipulated was that their 'Aryan' bloodline should not be diluted, so they never married or had children outside their group. Ongoing studies by anthropologists from the University of Buenas Aries noticed an increasing number of birth defects over the years until it became apparent that the limited gene pool was insufficient to sustain a healthy community. In the 1960's the community imploded and numbers dropped dramatically until, in 1989, the last surviving family abandoned their idyllic but flawed dream. If only the UAE were to learn from this lesson?

Once can only hope that if enough people keep telling the powers that be about the faults, they will sit up and do something about it. The whole country is afraid of taking 'responsibility' and there has to be an educational process to change that mindset lower down the food chain. Until that happens, we can only keep banging on about the things that are 'wrong'. If they are 'right' then we are happy with them and live by them.

8) 8) 8)

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Re: Do you think this man insulted the prophet Mohammed? May 21, 2011
Chocoholic wrote:Sadly, for a place which claims to be so progressive, it's still very backwards in many respects

The frustrating thing about that, is the contracts are not worth the paper they're written on. No visa anymore, plus no compensation, as stated.

You nailed it on the head Chocoholic. I have always refrained from critizising Dubai, as Dubai has given me a lot. But what you said is so true. Dubai is considered Westernized, but still is backwards in many ways! The main problem is that there is no Rule of Law in Dubai. This is what expats usually only discover when its to late. From personal experience I know contracts and signatures are worth absolutely nothing! My dealings in Dubai are for a long time now only with European and US companies. Those I know I can trust.
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Re: Do you think this man insulted the prophet Mohammed? May 21, 2011
People should know what they are getting themselves into before entering into a contract with anyone in Dubai.

The saying goes anywhere in the world, 'Buyer beware!'

Dubai is not the only place where contracts etc are not worth the paper they are written on. There are numerous stories circulating about people being ripped off in Spain, for instance. They buy places and the next minute the M6 is being built in their back garden and there's not a damn thing they can do about it.

@DK, very interesting but why are you in Dubai exactly? :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: Do you think this man insulted the prophet Mohammed? May 21, 2011
Because someone important asks me to be.

8) 8) 8)

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Re: Do you think this man insulted the prophet Mohammed? May 21, 2011
Dubai Knight wrote:Because someone important asks me to be.

8) 8) 8)


Oh no, I think you've got Chocs syndrome!

Well remember! Be creative but don't go slagging of the Royal Family on an internet forum! One never knows who's watching, does one? :lol: :lol:
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Re: Do you think this man insulted the prophet Mohammed? May 21, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:
Dubai Knight wrote:Because someone important asks me to be.

8) 8) 8)


Oh no, I think you've got Chocs syndrome!

Well remember! Be creative but don't go slagging of the Royal Family on an internet forum! One never knows who's watching, does one? :lol: :lol:

A. I never 'slagged' the UAE Royal Family. YOU made a false association and therefore indicate to most here, known and unknown, that you are less than 'au fait' with the mores and morals of the UAE as,
B. You don't live here, are merely a tourist, and know zero about the structure or way things are done here.

As for being 'creative' a glance at someone's FB page stolen from another member of FB tells you what? Jack. As usual you are misinformed and under the misapprehension that anyone gives a flying feck about your views of the UAE, your daily toilet habits or your opinions per se.

Stay on the farm where you can be racist and as prejudiced as you like. Just don't bring it here.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

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Re: Do you think this man insulted the prophet Mohammed? May 21, 2011
Dubai Knight wrote:
Bethsmum wrote:
Dubai Knight wrote:Because someone important asks me to be.

8) 8) 8)


Oh no, I think you've got Chocs syndrome!

Well remember! Be creative but don't go slagging of the Royal Family on an internet forum! One never knows who's watching, does one? :lol: :lol:

A. I never 'slagged' the UAE Royal Family. YOU made a false association and therefore indicate to most here, known and unknown, that you are less than 'au fait' with the mores and morals of the UAE as,
B. You don't live here, are merely a tourist, and know zero about the structure or way things are done here.

As for being 'creative' a glance at someone's FB page stolen from another member of FB tells you what? Jack. As usual you are misinformed and under the misapprehension that anyone gives a flying feck about your views of the UAE, your daily toilet habits or your opinions per se.

Stay on the farm where you can be racist and as prejudiced as you like. Just don't bring it here.

:roll: :roll: :roll:


Yes you did Knighty!! I didn't make any false accusations, it's all there for people to read!! In your hurry to try and put me down you got carried away with yourself LOL!

I didn't steal your FB page either. It's public information that you put online :D

I think i've hit your weak spot! Sense of humour just flew out of the window.

BTW Mohammed the Torso is very well and I'm expecting a visit next week. He's a lovely lad. I'll pass on your best wishes!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Do you think this man insulted the prophet Mohammed? May 21, 2011
Dubai Knight wrote:Because someone important asks me to be.

8) 8) 8)


I didn't think you were married?

-- Sat May 21, 2011 2:55 pm --

Dubai Knight wrote:Because someone important asks me to be.

8) 8) 8)


I didn't know you were married? :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Do You Think This Man Insulted The Prophet Mohammed? May 21, 2011
Hate ???? Naaaa , I wouldn't go that far , see its just like my intco health club that I go to , all my friends are westerns but I don't like all of the westren there , some are nice whom I hang with and some are just stupid and I realy hate them for bringing their kids to the bars with them and those who set in our Olympic swimming pool drinking even though its not allowed . So in onther word I hate attitudes that don't suits me more than nationalities ...
Choc is just a sad person who lost everything in life and trying to take out on us. Choc ithink its time for u to admit ur self into a hospital to put u to sleep, sure no one will miss a person like u and I believe the world will be a nice place without ppl like u living in it.
Yes I am in disagreement with ppl here bcz they never see westerns guilty and its always someone's else mistake more over ppl here tend to focus on news that is bad for the country and never discuss what westrens comitte here even though it is in the same news paper but like always they look the other way !!
If u are true to your self then dicuess all issues that concerns dubai and only the ones that hurts it, after all , you all love it , right ? I mean for god sack bcz of this backword attitude no one is evevn concedring joining this forum bcz of choc and here buddies rather u would see any forum in the www that is like this one, u feel it so dark and empty and has no purpose but bashing and fighting in every single thread ... Yaa , we are the backword ones .
Over .
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Re: Do you think this man insulted the prophet Mohammed? May 21, 2011
Coincidentally, I watched a re-digitised copy of the classic ‘Lawrence of Arabia’ yesterday and found the following dialogue as true today and historically, as it was stated in the film in 1962, at the scene by the water well when Sherif Ali shot Tafas for taking water from one of his wells, and yes, I know it’s a film, nevertheless;

Sherif Ali to TEL: You are angry English! He was nothing, the well is everything, The Hashemi will not drink at my well, he knew that, Salaam.

TEL: So long as the Arabs fight tribe against tribe, so long will they be a little people, a silly people, greedy, barbarous and cruel, as you are.

Society in the Arab world is as tribal today, as it ever was, they just protect themselves and their wealth with different tools today than before, there is rule of law in Dubai, but it’s not designed to protect you or I, if the different Arab tribes don’t even trust each other, what chance do you really think us Infidels have?
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Re: Do you think this man insulted the prophet Mohammed? May 22, 2011
Chocs your point on the legal framework and the lack of accountability and justice is very true and one of the worst things about Dubai.

DK well said, bravo.

BM, all I see you do on this forum is try and start fights and spout your hatred for immigrants particularly pakistani's. Its really quite sad and twisted and DK is right that this type of redneck viewpoint belongs on the farm.
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Re: Do you think this man insulted the prophet Mohammed? May 22, 2011
She's a free range racist :D
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Re: Do you think this man insulted the prophet Mohammed? May 22, 2011
DearJohn wrote:Chocs your point on the legal framework and the lack of accountability and justice is very true and one of the worst things about Dubai.

DK well said, bravo.

BM, all I see you do on this forum is try and start fights and spout your hatred for immigrants particularly pakistani's. Its really quite sad and twisted and DK is right that this type of redneck viewpoint belongs on the farm.

Hello John :D You're a bit late in the day for that! Don't you know? BM has changed her mind about the Pakistanis :lol: :lol: It is possible to have a rethink John! BM has found a nice one :D And it ain't DDS.

-- Sun May 22, 2011 12:34 am --

desertdudeshj wrote:She's a free range racist :D

And an extremely profitable one too! British beef is my speciality :D
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Re: Do You Think This Man Insulted The Prophet Mohammed? May 22, 2011
I actually see this country going more easy on westerns than they should , even thought we are num 2 after Thailand in jailing brits .. I think they should be more harsh on foreigners especially those who think they can come here " to have fun " many thinks this is Miami spring break spot and some are so frustrated from their boring countries life style they come here with a barbaric attitude to unleash their sickness, sad our news maintain quite about it but like chocoholic know many things about us we too knows about this the thinks her kind does here too.. its a safe country and many ppl are here for this reason... ppl wants to come here do what they want and get a slap in the hand or apply their own county rules on them which is stupid, yes they might be fair but has many holes for them to slip out of what they have done.

regardless of the punishment or the laws... stay out of trouble and the law will stay a way from you...and please don't give me that non stop BS about locals Vs westerns grap , jails are full of locals for similar crimes ,but if you want to base your judgments only on 7days news so be it.

finally I don't thing the majority of westerns agrees with our backwards DFs members here, if so, you wouldn't see tourism ,visitors keep growing here. some people have a scene in their thinking and some don't.

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Re: Do you think this man insulted the prophet Mohammed? May 22, 2011
Dillon wrote:Coincidentally, I watched a re-digitised copy of the classic ‘Lawrence of Arabia’ yesterday and found the following dialogue as true today and historically, as it was stated in the film in 1962, at the scene by the water well when Sherif Ali shot Tafas for taking water from one of his wells, and yes, I know it’s a film, nevertheless;

Sherif Ali to TEL: You are angry English! He was nothing, the well is everything, The Hashemi will not drink at my well, he knew that, Salaam.

TEL: So long as the Arabs fight tribe against tribe, so long will they be a little people, a silly people, greedy, barbarous and cruel, as you are.

Society in the Arab world is as tribal today, as it ever was, they just protect themselves and their wealth with different tools today than before, there is rule of law in Dubai, but it’s not designed to protect you or I, if the different Arab tribes don’t even trust each other, what chance do you really think us Infidels have?

Very interesting Dillon and quite right really. Sadly things will never change. Arabs are so tied up with fighting amongst themselves most of the time and it's a shame.

-- Sun May 22, 2011 11:43 am --

DearJohn wrote:Chocs your point on the legal framework and the lack of accountability and justice is very true and one of the worst things about Dubai.

DK well said, bravo.

BM, all I see you do on this forum is try and start fights and spout your hatred for immigrants particularly pakistani's. Its really quite sad and twisted and DK is right that this type of redneck viewpoint belongs on the farm.

BM does live on a farm! And I'm betting there's not a black-faced sheep in her flock!
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Re: Do you think this man insulted the prophet Mohammed? May 22, 2011
^^^Well you'd be wrong again Chocs! Now there's a picture opportunity, wait till I get me camara out! :D
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Re: Do You Think This Man Insulted The Prophet Mohammed? May 22, 2011
uaekid wrote:Choc ithink its time for u to admit ur self into a hospital to put u to sleep, sure no one will miss a person like u and I believe the world will be a nice place without ppl like u living in it.

You are such a dis.gusting person uaekid. Disliking someone is one thing, but telling them they should go and get euthanized and try to make them feel like the world doesn't want them is a totally a$$hole thing to say. Maybe you are just projecting how you feel about yourself? Go get some therapy for all that hate and self-loathing that you need to take out on others.

I know this comment is not on topic but I feel so dis.gusted by uaekid. Off to add another jerk to the foe list.
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