Do You Think This Man Insulted The Prophet Mohammed?

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Do you think this man insulted the prophet Mohammed? May 18, 2011
Ok the story of the Brit who allegedly insulted the prophet Mohammed??

Well don't really know or have an opinion either way until I read that he was an expat living in Qatar. Now I think probably not. Nobody who lives in the region would be so stupid. I wonder how much the employee asked for, for the case to be dropped?????

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Re: Do you think this man insulted the prophet Mohammed? May 18, 2011
Which man? where?

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Re: Do you think this man insulted the prophet Mohammed? May 18, 2011
What is he?
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Re: Do You Think This Man Insulted The Prophet Mohammed? May 18, 2011
So Pakistani salesmen can go around accusing anyone of blasphemy when they think they can extort money from him ?
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Re: Do you think this man insulted the prophet Mohammed? May 18, 2011
He didn't tell the joke about the exploding prayer mat did he?
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Re: Do You Think This Man Insulted The Prophet Mohammed? May 18, 2011 ... ces-prison

Sorry was in your local papers too. Thought most would have read it and am never sure about cutting and pasting links (am bit of a cyber retard).

It doesn't say that the employee tried to extort money, that was just me knowing how things work out there.
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Re: Do You Think This Man Insulted The Prophet Mohammed? May 18, 2011
I missed it Patience, I'm not a Sun reader, I prefer the Daily Mail! Looks like tha page has been deleted as I couldn't get anything from your link.
May be it's been deleted as the result of an outcry from all Mohammed's (PBUH LOL) fans in the UK.
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Re: Do You Think This Man Insulted The Prophet Mohammed? May 18, 2011
Sorry BM

It is now on the Daily Mail website. I too read DM but it was on the Sun's website a little earlier.
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Re: Do you think this man insulted the prophet Mohammed? May 18, 2011 ... d-row.html

No. I don't believe the story. I'm not going to tell my prayer mat joke in Dubai, though. Not worth it :D
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Re: Do You Think This Man Insulted The Prophet Mohammed? May 18, 2011
Well I heard the company that makes them have reported prophets going through the roof ...
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Re: Do you think this man insulted the prophet Mohammed? May 18, 2011
^^^ :lol:
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Re: Do you think this man insulted the prophet Mohammed? May 18, 2011
It was in 7 Days today as well.

I think it's highly unlikely and just someone on a power trip because he knows he can accuse someone and get a case brought.

It's all a bit silly really. I'm wondering whether there were any witness to back it up?
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Do You Think This Man Insulted The Prophet Mohammed? May 18, 2011
There is a claim that there is [a] witness(es?). Apparently the conversation took place, the man walked away and returned a day or two later and the salesman spotted the man in the mall and then alerted security who called the police.

Why would this man strike up a conversation on such a level with a salesman? :? Maybe he said something about OBL and the salesman took offense?? :o
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Re: Do You Think This Man Insulted The Prophet Mohammed? May 18, 2011
isn't about time UAE stops those dogs from sniffing around the country ? isn't the island big enough for them ?
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Re: Do You Think This Man Insulted The Prophet Mohammed? May 18, 2011
Absolutely agree Kid. I'm sure this man would rather have been stopped entering Dubai than facing your extremely fair and impartial judicial system.

And as for our fair isle it's overun with Muslims. Don't you read the papers.
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Re: Do You Think This Man Insulted The Prophet Mohammed? May 18, 2011
uaekid wrote:isn't about time UAE stops those dogs from sniffing around the country ? isn't the island big enough for them ?

Oh can we kick all of you out then? You;re the reason most of us have left!

It's yet another BS his word against anothers case - haven't the police seriously got anything better to do?

Stuff like this makes Dubai a joke - again!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Do You Think This Man Insulted The Prophet Mohammed? May 18, 2011
Chocoholic wrote:
uaekid wrote:isn't about time UAE stops those dogs from sniffing around the country ? isn't the island big enough for them ?

Oh can we kick all of you out then? You;re the reason most of us have left!

That's a daft statement Chocs!
You're the reason most of us have left
:drunken: Have you been on the lash again?

What are you doing here, exactly? Do tell.
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Re: Do you think this man insulted the prophet Mohammed? May 18, 2011
BM, butt out yeah, Kid is a troll and a bit of a douche bag of the highest variety!

Go back to downing your plonk.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Do you think this man insulted the prophet Mohammed? May 19, 2011
How rude! Don't talk about my friend like that! Where are your manners girl? You are a guest in his country.
If you don't like it I'm sure no-one is stopping you leaving.

You're the equivqalent to those immigrants in England, coming in and sponging and slagging us off! The worst sort.
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Re: Do you think this man insulted the prophet Mohammed? May 19, 2011
Yawn, go find another bottle to down BM. Not interested.

Back ON topic.

Will be interesting to see how this one pans out. But as I said before a complete and utter waste of time and money. The police and courts need to find something better to do with their time and go and catch real criminals.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Do you think this man insulted the prophet Mohammed? May 19, 2011
Back OFF topic.

Nobody is interested in hearing you slagging off Dubai and the locals at every opportunity. It's BORING and friggin repetative.
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Re: Do you think this man insulted the prophet Mohammed? May 19, 2011
patience wrote:Ok the story of the Brit who allegedly insulted the prophet Mohammed??

Well don't really know or have an opinion either way until I read that he was an expat living in Qatar. Now I think probably not. Nobody who lives in the region would be so stupid. I wonder how much the employee asked for, for the case to be dropped?????

It's a good point if he's someone that has lived in the ME for sometime, then you would think he would know better. Who knows the real details. All a bit daft really.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Do you think this man insulted the prophet Mohammed? May 19, 2011
Chocoholic wrote:
patience wrote:Ok the story of the Brit who allegedly insulted the prophet Mohammed??

Well don't really know or have an opinion either way until I read that he was an expat living in Qatar. Now I think probably not. Nobody who lives in the region would be so stupid. I wonder how much the employee asked for, for the case to be dropped?????

It's a good point if he's someone that has lived in the ME for sometime, then you would think he would know better. Who knows the real details. All a bit daft really.

Brilliant! You are actually aknowledging that someone else, barring an Emirati, may actually be in the wrong. This is a ground breaking moment on DF! I'm well impressed.
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Re: Do You Think This Man Insulted The Prophet Mohammed? May 19, 2011
BM I agree with you on so many levels, but a quick look through UAE Kid's posts and I would have to agree with Chocs. In fact I thought the thread MR Douche was about him!!!! His hatred of all Westerners is glaringly obvious and is reciprocated by a few of us on here.
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Re: Do you think this man insulted the prophet Mohammed? May 19, 2011

You don't live here.

The little stamp you get in your passport when you come here on holiday says 'Valid 30 days only'

You cannot make any informed comment on the situation of people who actually live here.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

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Re: Do you think this man insulted the prophet Mohammed? May 19, 2011
Dubai Knight wrote:BM:

You don't live here.

The little stamp you get in your passport when you come here on holiday says 'Valid 30 days only'

You cannot make any informed comment on the situation of people who actually live here.

:roll: :roll: :roll:


So you keep saying, again and again and again and again.

My opinion is as valid as all of you Dubai and local haters. It begs the question why do you stay here?
You are just as bad as all those hangers on in Britain. Come over and milk the place dry while slagging us all off.

Now it's time to roll my eyes. You are a bunch of whinging tw*ts.
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Re: Do You Think This Man Insulted The Prophet Mohammed? May 19, 2011
I don't live in Dubai either. But I really don't understand people who nag about this country and its people so much and still enjoy a tax free life there.
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Re: Do you think this man insulted the prophet Mohammed? May 19, 2011
Oh Mel! Many people living and working here still pay tax in their homes countries. The tax free thing doesn't stand up anymore. Everyone here is taxed in one way or another.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Do You Think This Man Insulted The Prophet Mohammed? May 19, 2011
Absolutely just because somebody doesn't live in Dubai does not mean that they cannot have an opinion and I have met enough people to know that not everbody shares mine!!! But as BM will be the first to admit from her previous posts it is your experiences that shape those opinions. Whilst travelling to Dubai BM's experiences seem to have been pretty positive, who's to say that this will continue. Maybe she will change her mind, but as somebody who comes and goes the chances are she will not. If however she lived in Dubai for a significant period of time the likelihood of her opinion changing increases significantly. Most people on this forum are Dubai haters based on their experiences living in the region and the majority of those negative experiences comes from direct contact with the locals. Until BM experiences any unpleasantness first hand she will of course understandably 'take as she finds', and right at this moment in time that is the smiling, sincerity of the Emirati's. It is no good anybody telling her that it is a crock until they turn on her (and I hope to God they do not). It is however a little naive to suggest that people only find themselves in trouble in Dubai because they break the law, anybody who has been targeted by the locals over some petty grievance knows that the locals realise that the legal system is in place solely for their benefit and they go about using this for their own ends. It is the very fact that the law is weighted so heavily in their favour and that as a non muslim you will be discriminated against that has people so riled.
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Re: Do you think this man insulted the prophet Mohammed? May 19, 2011
True patience but In wouldn't say people are Dubai haters, it's just we've been here long enough to see all the cracks and faults with the place. That's not to say other places are perfect, far from it, everywhere has it's good points and bad points.

And you're right about the opinion of the law, but when you come across the attitude 'The law and police are for expats NOT locals' what can you expect?
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