British-Ghanian Expat Gives The Bird

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British-Ghanian Expat gives the bird May 12, 2011
Yet another lokal pointing the finger at an expat flipping the finger,
and getting a bit of press,
no doubt due to the stature of the defendant. ... 99241.html

Educated doctor with the best lawyer money can buy (does't necessarily mean 'good' in Dubai) vs arab.

Should almost be an even contest I reckon.

Who wants to bet against the arab and what odds will you give me?

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Re: British-Ghanian Expat gives the bird May 12, 2011
Why isn't the local being hauled in for having a baby sat in his lap whilst he was driving?????

A BS case as always, one word against anothers and his case isn't till June! Another stupid case making a mockery of the justice system here - seriously go and catch the REAL criminals!
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Re: British-Ghanian Expat gives the bird May 12, 2011
I read the story in 7days. Thank XXX I don't need to worry about that kinda cap anymore.
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Re: British-Ghanian Expat gives the bird May 12, 2011
A further example of the UAE policy of 'Guilty until proven Innocent'.

As for catching real criminals, the majority couldn't catch a cold. After all, this would require real investigation, due process, factual evidence, witnesses, objective interpretation of the law and writing and stuff.

Easier to sit at the side of the road and write tickets for people turning perfectly legally at a junction then, if they question it, asking them to prove they didn't. Its their word against a 'cop'. I suppose it tops up the coffers as someone has to pay for the annual Policeman's Ball.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

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Re: British-Ghanian Expat Gives The Bird May 13, 2011
Its all such a joke. I'm glad I'm not living in Dubai anymore either!
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Re: British-Ghanian Expat Gives The Bird May 13, 2011
kanelli wrote:Its all such a joke. I'm glad I'm not living in Dubai anymore either!

aren't we all glad LOL Yet you are still sniffing Dubai news every day and every hour !! this is sad hon, get a life and don’t make DF your only social event and the highlight of your day…

Anyhowww .. British again …oh boy, they just can’t learn. But I’m wounding why is you always exclude the possibility that it’s the British fault for a change LOOOL I mean everyone’s know how an as. They are.
But at the end I have to be honest when it comes to a British VS a local its really hard to know who picked the “the fight” LOL
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Re: British-Ghanian Expat Gives The Bird May 13, 2011
uaekid wrote:
kanelli wrote:Its all such a joke. I'm glad I'm not living in Dubai anymore either!

aren't we all glad LOL Yet you are still sniffing Dubai news every day and every hour !! this is sad hon, get a life and don’t make DF your only social event and the highlight of your day…

Anyhowww .. British again …oh boy, they just can’t learn. But I’m wounding why is you always exclude the possibility that it’s the British fault for a change LOOOL I mean everyone’s know how an as. They are.
But at the end I have to be honest when it comes to a British VS a local its really hard to know who picked the “the fight” LOL

Bearing in mind it was the local who was tailgating the Brit and harrassed him to move out of the way even if there was no-where for him to go, I would suggest it was the local who was at fault. Dubai Police have introduced a ridiculous fine of AED 400 for the 'crime' of tailgating, but do not seem to realize that this is the single largest cause of accidents on the UAE roads rather than high speed.

Traveling at 160kmph can be perfectly safe, but when there is someone sitting 5cm from your bumper flashing his lights and trying to bully you off the road, this is an accident waiting to happen. And it does. Often.

I had one in his 'Toyota Camry-oh-sorry-it-has-a-Lexus-badge' behind me on Sheikh Zayed Road last night. In the left hand lane doing 120kmph, all the other lanes full of traffic, and this numpty on the mobile phone sitting right on my back bumper flashing his lights. I actually wound down the window and waved him to back off. It was not flicking him the bird, just pointing out the fact that he was mentally subnormal and should back off at least 1 car length.

:roll: :roll: :roll:

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Re: British-Ghanian Expat Gives The Bird May 13, 2011
DK, much safer to use your hazard lights. Your "wave" could end up being one finger!!!!!
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Re: British-Ghanian Expat gives the bird May 13, 2011
That tends to be ignored these days too.

I have flicked my lights on before now and they think I am braking, which tends to get them more flustered than anything.

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Re: British-Ghanian Expat Gives The Bird May 13, 2011
My windscreen usually needs washing when someone like this is behind me, purely by coincidence of course.
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Re: British-Ghanian Expat Gives The Bird May 13, 2011
benwj wrote:My windscreen usually needs washing when someone like this is behind me, purely by coincidence of course.

LOL that works "wonders".... The other option is to slam the brakes (for a millisecond) - provided you drive a "tank" (one of our drivers is an expert at it and plays games with these fools all the scratches on our cars!!!!!!!!!!!!)
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Re: British-Ghanian Expat gives the bird May 13, 2011
While driving in Europe on many occasions, I did notice two distinct and totally contrary attitudes to being ‘flashed’ from behind, by a motorist travelling faster than the vehicle in front, regardless of driving conditions and prevailing speed limits. There are a thousand attitudes in between, but by far the two extreme reactions, in my opinion, belong to drivers from the UK and Germany. This is my guess at what goes through the minds and the reactions of drivers from the two Nations;

Drivers from Germany: Oops, sorry, and move over.

Drivers from the UK: WTF! Who the hell’s flames does this pi££ock think he is? Clever Bar-steward, Flash the V sign, you can wait pal until I decide when I want to move over, flash the bird, stay where you are.

Seriously, whenever I get someone flashing lights or tailgating, I move over, I would rather the fool behind posed a danger to someone else, than me. Flashing the bird would be an offence in the UAE, what was that someone said about crime and time?

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Re: British-Ghanian Expat Gives The Bird May 13, 2011
Then you have the fools up your backside flashing you to let you know that he is there. So you hit the indicator showing that want to get out of his way but there is no room to your right - something the idiot behind you can see, but continues to flash!!! :bounce: :bounce:
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Re: British-Ghanian Expat gives the bird May 13, 2011
Move over when you have room!
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Re: British-Ghanian Expat gives the bird May 13, 2011
That doesn't seem to impress Mr Brainless behind you, who can clearly see there is no room in the next lane.

Years ago, in the UK, someone invented a hand held flip board with some standard messages written on them that you could easily flick up and hold up for him to see. Wish I still had one!

Unfortunately it would have to be quite big here to have written (in Arabic)

"Please excuse me, I do not wish to offend you or the size of your genitalia, you are obviously in a hurry but the traffic does not allow me to move out of your path at this time. Please be patient and I will refrain from making a rude gesture at you, but I will switch on the video camera that points out the back of my vehicle and supply the subsequent footage to Dubai Police Traffic Department. Until then, please continue to ride so close and flash your lights so i can get a good shot of your registration plate and face."

An alternate might be:

"Keep flashing, I am just reloading my .45!"

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Re: British-Ghanian Expat gives the bird May 13, 2011
Dillon wrote:Move over when you have room!

I get that Dillon!!! Just need to wait until you have the room!!! When I see some poor soul being flashed, I will slow down to give them the room. I'm also very mindful to allow for a lot of space between me and the cars that have "BOB" on board. They could be more dangerous that the fool flashing you!!!
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Re: British-Ghanian Expat gives the bird May 13, 2011
Bora Bora wrote:
I get that Dillon!!! Just need to wait until you have the room!!! When I see some poor soul being flashed, I will slow down to give them the room. I'm also very mindful to allow for a lot of space between me and the cars that have "BOB" on board. They could be more dangerous that the fool flashing you!!!

You’re exactly right there! The ‘BoB’ brigade appear to me to think the sign is a license to drive with complete impunity to all road regulations, an excuse to drive without common sense and good manners, and the belief that the Chelsea Tractor they drive is either armour plated or invisible to other road users!

Well that’s my complaining over for today, I don’t want to be accused of being miserable again!

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Re: British-Ghanian Expat Gives The Bird May 13, 2011
Oh, Dillon. You're doing very well today as you are showing patience. :)
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Re: British-Ghanian Expat Gives The Bird May 13, 2011
Bora Bora wrote:Oh, Dillon. You're doing very well today as you are showing patience. :)

:shock:... She said it was our secret! :oops:

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Re: British-Ghanian Expat Gives The Bird May 13, 2011
OOh you beat me to it. I was just about to ask you to show me again as I missed it first time around. :oops:

Anyway he's gone home now. But the question is will he keep his court appointment on June 20th!!!!!
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Re: British-Ghanian Expat gives the bird May 13, 2011
patience wrote:Anyway he's gone home now. But the question is will he keep his court appointment on June 20th!!!!!

Not if the good Dr has any common sense, he'll stay well clear of the place! he's been warned to expect 6 Months incarceration for the offence, it really is not worth the risk.
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Re: British-Ghanian Expat Gives The Bird May 13, 2011
I have been flashed by a maniac when i was doing 150 kph, that was because he was racing with his mate on the next lane.
I have also been flashed because the guy is doing 180 and weaving across lanes.
And whenever AUH Police pullA one of them over, they appear to be vigorously arguing with the officer....

-- Fri May 13, 2011 1:56 pm --

Dillon wrote: Flashing the bird would be an offence in the UAE, what was that someone said about crime and time?


But what do you do when you are charged with something you didnt do ?
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Re: British-Ghanian Expat Gives The Bird May 13, 2011
Dillon wrote:
Bora Bora wrote:Oh, Dillon. You're doing very well today as you are showing patience. :)

:shock:... She said it was our secret! :oops:


She??? Who is "she"?? I have no idea who you are talking about. :wink:

While we are talking about flashing, did I tell you about the time when this guy flashed me and I .................

I think I'll save it for another thread. :lol:
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Re: British-Ghanian Expat Gives The Bird May 13, 2011
When I was in Dubai a gentleman in traditional garb flipped me the bird because I wouldn't let him bully me into cutting in. I caught his gesture in the rear view mirror. I was not particularly insulted, but just chuckled to myself. Obviously I didn't report it as I knew enough to know it would be me in shtuck!!!

Another time I was leaving a petrol station on Sheikh Zayed road at night and a local gentleman pulled out at the same time but had forgotten to put his lights on. I flashed him and flashed him and could see he was getting more and more irate but still didn't get it, so I pulled up alongside him and wound down the window and got my daughter (who was sitting on that side) to tell him about his lights. He was so apologetic and grateful and waved and beeped me as I turned off.

By far the funniest thing that happened to me was at the same petrol station. It was late and I picked up burger king for the kids on my way home and parked a run of the mill white toyota POS in the parking bay. I went in and purchased dinner!! I came out of the station and went back to my car got in and put my food on the passenger seat. I sat there for a good few seconds trying to work out what was different when I heard laughing from the back seat. Two local women in full black dress were sat there laughing at me!! Yep I had got in the wrong car. I was just getting out, full of apologies when the man returned. I had to explain that I had mistaken the car and sheepishly returned to my own. It was extremely embarrassing but quite funny nonetheless. :oops: :shock:
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Re: British-Ghanian Expat Gives The Bird May 13, 2011
Patience, is this a build up to the story you promised to tell us???

I have to say a local man giving a woman the bird??? Very, very rude indeed. A car chase to let someone know that they didn't have their lights on?? What a brave woman you are. :lol: :lol:
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Re: British-Ghanian Expat Gives The Bird May 14, 2011
Bora Bora wrote:Patience, is this a build up to the story you promised to tell us???

I have to say a local man giving a woman the bird??? Very, very rude indeed. A car chase to let someone know that they didn't have their lights on?? What a brave woman you are. :lol: :lol:

Oh yes, some locals or other arab nationalities are quite fond of flicking the bird. I had one idiot on BB bridge, who was flashing all the cars, weaving in and out and everyone, I literally everyone was flashing and honking at him because he was being such a fool. He wound down his window, pulled along side cars and gave people verbal abuse then stuck his finger up for all to see.

I called and report him, the police officer said 'This is not accpetable, he will be severely punished - lol.'
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Re: British-Ghanian Expat gives the bird May 20, 2011
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Re: British-Ghanian Expat gives the bird May 20, 2011
benwj wrote:His lawyer sounds quite confident.

I've never met one that wasn't! luring their victims into a false sense of security while their accountants are happily racking up their bills!

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Re: British-Ghanian Expat Gives The Bird May 24, 2011
I'm still chuckling at patience getting into the wrong car :D
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Re: British-Ghanian Expat gives the bird May 24, 2011
Well one line in a report that I read wasn't very good. He 'might' come back to face the charges, er ok, so what about the 'friend' who's given in their passport for you to go free?
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