Bombings By Terrorists Double In NI

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Bombings by Terrorists Double in NI May 13, 2011
The Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) said 99 viable bombs either exploded or were defused by army experts in the year to the end of March, compared with 50 a year ago.
The security threat level stands at severe and police officers -- especially Catholics who have been encouraged to join the force -- have been targeted.

At the beginning of April, a car bomb killed a 25 year-old Catholic constable. One man has been charged in connection with the bombing and a woman is being questioned by detectives.

Ronan Kerr was the second Catholic officer to be murdered in two years, several more have been severely wounded or had narrow escapes.
Thursday’s police figures show that 188 people were arrested under the Terrorism Act, compared with 169 the year before. Those charged rose to 40 from 36.

As well as bombings there were 72 shooting incidents, 33 casualties resulting from paramilitary style shootings and 81 paramilitary style assaults. ... 2?irpc=932



Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Bombings By Terrorists Double In NI May 13, 2011
Better be suspicious of all Irish folks, they are a dangerous lot!
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Bombings By Terrorists Double In NI May 13, 2011
I'll patiently wait for herve to tell us that 99 viable bombs in the United Kingdom (geography lesson: Northern Ireland is part of the UK) - is actually not that important, the fewer actual attacks by other groups (such as Muslims) are the bigger threat. :roll:

eh will probably dig out a few Elder of Zyion rants and memri inventions, I guess, and ignore the facts. Such as it always was. :)

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Bombings by Terrorists Double in NI May 13, 2011
Baiting again I see Shafique! You obviously aren't familiar with the new unwritten rule of DF that you aren't allowed to post non Dubai based stuff and you aren't allowed to bait.

On boarding a plane or a tube train, I wouldn't bat an eyelid at sitting next to an Irishman. I couldn't say that about a Mooooslim.
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Re: Bombings By Terrorists Double In NI May 13, 2011
Wonder how she spends the few weeks in Dubai surrounded by them ! Wrapped up in a blanket locked in the cupboard under the sink, perhaps ?
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Re: Bombings By Terrorists Double In NI May 13, 2011
shafique wrote:I'll patiently wait for herve to tell us that 99 viable bombs in the United Kingdom (geography lesson: Northern Ireland is part of the UK) - is actually not that important, the fewer actual attacks by other groups (such as Muslims) are the bigger threat. :roll:

eh will probably dig out a few Elder of Zyion rants and memri inventions, I guess, and ignore the facts. Such as it always was. :)


Its absolutely fascinating to see how somebody is supposed to ignore others, but shows such great obsession for them.
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Re: Bombings By Terrorists Double In NI May 13, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:^^^
Wonder how she spends the few weeks in Dubai surrounded by them ! Wrapped up in a blanket locked in the cupboard under the sink, perhaps ?

I feel safer in Dubai than I do in London Munchkin. :D
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Re: Bombings By Terrorists Double In NI May 13, 2011
So once again you contradicted yourself. It either is or isn't can't have it both ways.
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Re: Bombings by Terrorists Double in NI May 13, 2011

So, when faced with stats about terrorism in the UK - we don't see anyone disputing the numbers, just the usual 'oh, oh, - but look what's happening in another part of the world' :)

We have a case here of Catholics in the UK targetting other Catholics. With real bombs. Killing real people.

Yes, it is not at the same scale as Pakistan, Iraq etc - but when looking at the UK, there are more real terrorist plots by Catholics etc than by Muslims. (I'm assuming that there were fewer than 99 viable bombs by Muslims in the NI and the rest of the UK - but if the stats show otherwise, I'll gladly apologise).

Therefore, in the UK - you should be more worried about getting caught up in Christian vs Christian terrorism! :shock:

Just saying.


Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Bombings By Terrorists Double In NI May 13, 2011
But NO ! How will they then feed their confirmation bais.
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Re: Bombings By Terrorists Double In NI May 13, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:So once again you contradicted yourself. It either is or isn't can't have it both ways.

Explain munchkin! I feel safer in Dubai. What do you mean by it either is or isn't? Either is or isn't what?
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Re: Bombings By Terrorists Double In NI May 13, 2011
Always knew English wasn't your strong point.
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Re: Bombings by Terrorists Double in NI May 13, 2011
shafique wrote:^LOL

So, when faced with stats about terrorism in the UK - we don't see anyone disputing the numbers, just the usual 'oh, oh, - but look what's happening in another part of the world' :)

We have a case here of Catholics in the UK targetting other Catholics. With real bombs. Killing real people.

Yes, it is not at the same scale as Pakistan, Iraq etc - but when looking at the UK, there are more real terrorist plots by Catholics etc than by Muslims. (I'm assuming that there were fewer than 99 viable bombs by Muslims in the NI and the rest of the UK - but if the stats show otherwise, I'll gladly apologise).

Therefore, in the UK - you should be more worried about getting caught up in Christian vs Christian terrorism! :shock:

Just saying.



Nobody cares Shafique. I'm certainly not worried. and I live in the UK.
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Re: Bombings by Terrorists Double in NI May 13, 2011
tumbleweed_ghost_town copy.jpg
Shaf's Caff
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Re: Bombings by Terrorists Double in NI May 13, 2011
^ :mrgreen:

99 real bombs in NI by Catholics vs the number of bombs by Muslim terrorists in NI over the same period (were you trying to portray the latter number for the less numerate amongst us?)

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Re: Bombings By Terrorists Double In NI May 13, 2011
@ Dillon : LOOOOOL !
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Re: Bombings by Terrorists Double in NI May 13, 2011
al shafique....your posts are not worth a reply because they are irrelevant, it is mohammedan propaganda.
I doubt anyone read them past the 3 rd line
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Re: Bombings by Terrorists Double in NI May 13, 2011
Dillon wrote:
tumbleweed_ghost_town copy.jpg

Now that would depend on where this place is. Is is a saloon or a saloon? One you drink at the other you get your hair done. :drunken:
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Re: Bombings by Terrorists Double in NI May 13, 2011
herve wrote:mohammedan propaganda.

UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Re: Bombings by Terrorists Double in NI May 13, 2011
LOL @ herve.

Nice one - so the police in Belfast are part of a Mooslim conspiracy. :mrgreen:

Once again, facts beats hype.

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Re: Bombings by Terrorists Double in NI May 14, 2011
LOOOOOOL at Shafique. Trying to deflect the massacre of 80 Mooooslims today by other Mooooslims, with 99 'bombings' in NI last year whick killed how many Catholics? Err 1?

-- Sat May 14, 2011 2:01 am --

desertdudeshj wrote:@ Dillon : LOOOOOL !

Munchkin! I see there is someone on who is vying for your attention!!!! How dare she claim you as her Munchkin? I was there first, surely? Don't leave me Munchkin :drunken:
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Re: Bombings by Terrorists Double in NI May 14, 2011
I guess the differences in ideology between the IRA and Islamist terror groups shouldn't be pointed out.

Oh no, why let facts get in the way of a good story?

And are the previous excuses that 'X' causes terrorism now being swept under the rug following our Swedish suicide bomber friend, the Egyptian church bomber and OBL's revenge bombing (among hundreds of other terror attacks)?
event horizon
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Re: Bombings By Terrorists Double In NI May 14, 2011
I resisted the temptation of 'un-hiding' the posts by those on my foe list.. so apologies if they've brought up a valid point regarding the numbers of actual terrorist plots in the UK that are carried out by Muslims, vs these 99 carried out by Christians (and targeting other Christians) - last year!

However, the point I've always made is not that people don't BELIEVE, or want to believe, the Islamophic hype/myth about the level of threat in the UK - I've just pointed out that the statistics don't support the hype. The majority of real terrorist attacks are not carried out by Muslim nutters, but rather by Christian, separatist and other motley crews of nutters.

The rising problem of terrorism in the UK seems to be of Christian terrorists. Stats vs Hype - stats always wins.

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Re: Bombings by Terrorists Double in NI May 14, 2011
Your Muslim propaganda cannot hide facts like these. ... es_florida
Muslims feed, support and finance terrorism, others like you support islamic terrorism trying to confuse the general opinion with irrelevant statistics. I can tell you it does not work. Nobody trust muslims, they dont even trust each other.
The Iman himself of this moske was caught funding a terrorist organization
You do not have the courage to show your face and tell your name, you hide behind an avatar pretending to be british when you actually despise the country who was weak enough to grant you a citizenship that you use for your propaganda.
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Re: Bombings By Terrorists Double In NI May 15, 2011
herve - you do realise that Florida is not in the UK, don't you?

Moving the argument to hype that is related to the USA really doesn't help your argument much - as the FBI compile the stats for real terrorist attempts and those also show that only a small minority of real terrorist attacks are carried out by Muslims.

Americans supporting terrorists or extremists is nothing new. There are many in the US who funded the terrorists in the UK who were blowing up fellow Christians - and there are many still who don't regret this position and still support the republican cause.

Were you trying to make the link between US citizens supporting terrorists in Pakistan and the UK - the first happen to be Muslim, but as the OP shows, in the UK the main issue is with terrorists who are Christian (in this case Catholic) who are targetting other Christians (in this case fellow Catholics who have chosen to join the police force etc).

As I said, when stats/facts meet hype, the stats win.

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Re: Bombings by Terrorists Double in NI May 15, 2011
al shafique, get high all you want with your stats, the stats dont win, we win, you lose, muzlims terrorists die or get caught and when they don't they blow up each other.
And those who get rubber gloved before boarding an airplane are not catholics from NI, they are muzlims.
Like these american citizen you mentioned and who got arrested in Florida for funding a terrorist organization are in fact 100% muzlims, treators to he US, infiltrators, just like you using the UK citizenship to pretend you are friend with the West.
You must be very frustrated by the defeats of your brothers all over the world and in the great Israel for you you dig information like the one about NI , that dont even make it to the news.
Give up al shafique, go to the beach , enjoy the sun, you and they, will never win.
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Re: Bombings By Terrorists Double In NI May 15, 2011

Good advice though - I am indeed heading for the beach. :)

(Thanks for sharing your beliefs too, but I'll stick with what the UK police are reporting as fact.)

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Re: Bombings By Terrorists Double In NI May 15, 2011
A famous quote says it all:

Those who would give up Essential Liberty
to purchase a little Temporary Safety,
deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.


The autoritarian state governments provide the 'safety and security' by taking your 'essential liberties'. The divide between a republic/democracy and the autoritarian autocracy.

Religion gets the heads lined up together in some desired direction. It is a means to get things done.
It takes religion to make a good man do evil things

Totalitarian ideology does the rest. Oppression and suppression of the masses, for the benefit of the few...

Revolution baby! We see it around us in the MENA region nowadays. People are sick and tired of being ruled by the elites. Food prices gets people vote with their feet. History confirms.

Enlightenment anyone? Am I still preaching to the choir here? :bigsmurf: 8)
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Re: Bombings by Terrorists Double in NI May 15, 2011
Welcome back Robby!!

Great quotes.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Bombings By Terrorists Double In NI May 15, 2011
Great to be back Shafique! I guess I missed the intellectual battle for Liberty. :D
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