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Bethsmum wrote:Who jumps off a building because he's refused a holiday? Stupid get.
Mahmoud04 wrote:when someone is committing a suicide he doesn't really have much plans to choose from, or caring much about what happens the second he die, as he already has no idea if his death will solve his problems, we didn't meat dead ppl so far to know, did we?
I feel sorry for him that he reached the level of accepting death rather than living another bad day...
I feel sorry to for all those who are left behind, those who saw the body flying, those who will clean the blood, his family, etc...
may be he was thinking that the insurance would pay money to his family!!! never know what was in his mind...
But I want to get the $#it out of the person who made him reach this point...
Ambassador wrote:Before anyone jumps on me (oh, bad choice of words!) I'll just say that obviously suicide is a bad thing...
But here is my question - if this person and the taxidrivers mentioned Kan committed suicide because they were denied leave...wouldn't it be better to just leave - without permission - and face whatever consequence which surely would not be death! I'm I missing anything here?
kanelli wrote:You can't leave if you don't have access to your passport.
Mahmoud04 wrote:Hi BM,
don't know how the insurance thing work here in Dubai, i know there is something like 36 months insurance in case of death, suicide included or not, don't know!
But lets imagine u met this guy 1 hour b4 his death, would he has been miserable, depressed, lost, desperate, etc...? i feel sorry for that.
is he a Muslim? well, suicide in Islam= he will dine in hell
I 100% agree on at the end of the day his fault, but the beginning of the day? I am sure he must could have had better solutions but he is gone anyway...
Bora Bora wrote:There are more suicides in Dubai that you can count. They are rarely reported. In the past 5 years Mr BB was called to accommodations and saw 6 people who committed suicide. None of which were ever reported in the papers.
Depression was the main reason. Some were in serious debt, some hadn't been home for a few years, missing family, marital problems. Just goes to show how we just assume so much because of our own ability to travel whenever, see family once a year, have family visit, save some money, hold our own passports. For most of us "life is good", for others it's a living hell.
Bora Bora wrote:Depression is a common mental disorder that presents with depressed mood, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, low energy, and poor concentration. These problems can become chronic or recurrent and lead to substantial impairments in an individual's ability to take care of his or her everyday responsibilities. At its worst, depression can lead to suicide, a tragic fatality associated with the loss of about 850 000 lives every year.
Depression is a form of being being mentally disturbed or having a mental disorder.