Man Commits Suicide From The Burj Khalifa

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Man commits suicide from the Burj Khalifa May 10, 2011
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Man Commits Suicide From The Burj Khalifa May 10, 2011
Lets see if the person who was responsible for causing the person's death, is able to sleep at night !
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Re: Man commits suicide from the Burj Khalifa May 10, 2011
Who jumps off a building because he's refused a holiday? Stupid get.
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Re: Man commits suicide from the Burj Khalifa May 10, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:Who jumps off a building because he's refused a holiday? Stupid get.

BM, how do you know what was going on in this man's life! People don't take their own lives just on ma whim! How do you know he hadn't worked for several years without a break? And it does happen here - frequently.

Show a bit of compassion and don't be so judgmental.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Man commits suicide from the Burj Khalifa May 10, 2011
Who jumps from a building because they're told no? Supid bloody get.

My compassion would go to the person he could have landed on, or the poor sods who watched his fall.

I would not have been impressed had I lived in the Burj. I believe it takes weeks for Emaar to clean the windows. Think of all that brain matter, yuk.
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Re: Man commits suicide from the Burj Khalifa May 10, 2011
I used to think that the building was completely enclosed but read the report which mentioned balconies

Guess they'll be sealing those up too
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Re: Man commits suicide from the Burj Khalifa May 10, 2011
BM, you're really something else do you know that? As I said how do you know he hadn't had a break in YEARS!!!!

Show some compassion for the dead and think of his poor family. Someone really has problems to take their own life.

Your attitude is just simply foul.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Man commits suicide from the Burj Khalifa May 10, 2011
There are so many ways to commit suicide. Building or train jumpers do it for the last piece of attention they can get, possibly traumatizing watchers for the rest of their lives. No sympathy or compassion from my side. If you want to go, do not do it public.
Let alone the possible family he leaves behind full of questions. How cruel for those left behind! If this guy had kids he is a complete and utter a-hole!
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Re: Man Commits Suicide From The Burj Khalifa May 11, 2011
when someone is committing a suicide he doesn't really have much plans to choose from, or caring much about what happens the second he die, as he already has no idea if his death will solve his problems, we didn't meat dead ppl so far to know, did we?

I feel sorry for him that he reached the level of accepting death rather than living another bad day...
I feel sorry to for all those who are left behind, those who saw the body flying, those who will clean the blood, his family, etc...

may be he was thinking that the insurance would pay money to his family!!! never know what was in his mind...

But I want to get the $#it out of the person who made him reach this point...
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Re: Man Commits Suicide From The Burj Khalifa May 11, 2011
Mahmoud04 wrote:when someone is committing a suicide he doesn't really have much plans to choose from, or caring much about what happens the second he die, as he already has no idea if his death will solve his problems, we didn't meat dead ppl so far to know, did we?

I feel sorry for him that he reached the level of accepting death rather than living another bad day...
I feel sorry to for all those who are left behind, those who saw the body flying, those who will clean the blood, his family, etc...

may be he was thinking that the insurance would pay money to his family!!! never know what was in his mind...

But I want to get the $#it out of the person who made him reach this point...

Mahmoud, insurances don't pay up if a person kills himself! if he thought that then he must have been really thick!
I don't feel sorry for him at all, suicide is the easy way out. It's so easy to blame your problems on someone else. Maybe he should have manned up and faced his problems instead of wimping out?
Isn't suicide a big no no in Islam?

Why would you want to blame another for what was, at the end of the day, his fault?
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Re: Man Commits Suicide From The Burj Khalifa May 11, 2011
Hi BM,
don't know how the insurance thing work here in Dubai, i know there is something like 36 months insurance in case of death, suicide included or not, don't know!
But lets imagine u met this guy 1 hour b4 his death, would he has been miserable, depressed, lost, desperate, etc...? i feel sorry for that.

is he a Muslim? well, suicide in Islam= he will dine in hell :)

I 100% agree on at the end of the day his fault, but the beginning of the day? I am sure he must could have had better solutions but he is gone anyway...
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Re: Man commits suicide from the Burj Khalifa May 11, 2011
And left his family and any friends in purgatory, Mahmoud! Shame on him!
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Re: Man Commits Suicide From The Burj Khalifa May 11, 2011
If the guy was already depressed and stressed out by not being able to go home for years, I can see how he'd be in the frame of mind to die rather than keep living the existence he had. Depressed people don't think rationally about the effect that their death will have on others. I wonder how much psychology research has been done regarding foreign workers :(
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Man commits suicide from the Burj Khalifa May 11, 2011
I agree Kanelli.
i knew a canadian who jumped from a 29 th floor in dubai, his passport had been confiscated, he had to pay gazillions of money he never took, no hope, no consular help, wfie gone because they no longer had incomes etc etc...until death
A lot of suicides in Dubai are not reported for politic reasons, this one decided to die and make the news
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Re: Man Commits Suicide From The Burj Khalifa May 11, 2011
I remember several cases of taxi drivers who self-immolated after being denied leave by the taxi companies. Very sad :(
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Man commits suicide from the Burj Khalifa May 11, 2011
Before anyone jumps on me (oh, bad choice of words!) I'll just say that obviously suicide is a bad thing...

But here is my question - if this person and the taxidrivers mentioned Kan committed suicide because they were denied leave...wouldn't it be better to just leave - without permission - and face whatever consequence which surely would not be death! I'm I missing anything here?
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Re: Man commits suicide from the Burj Khalifa May 11, 2011
Ambassador wrote:Before anyone jumps on me (oh, bad choice of words!) I'll just say that obviously suicide is a bad thing...

But here is my question - if this person and the taxidrivers mentioned Kan committed suicide because they were denied leave...wouldn't it be better to just leave - without permission - and face whatever consequence which surely would not be death! I'm I missing anything here?

Many don't have the chance to leave as their employer holds their passports so that they can control them completely. It is technically illegal, however the majority still do it.

:( :( :(

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Re: Man Commits Suicide From The Burj Khalifa May 11, 2011
I hear that 40 rubber neckers were hospitalized after the event with neck strain.
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Re: Man Commits Suicide From The Burj Khalifa May 11, 2011
You can't leave if you don't have access to your passport.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Man Commits Suicide From The Burj Khalifa May 11, 2011
kanelli wrote:You can't leave if you don't have access to your passport.

Herve did!
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Re: Man Commits Suicide From The Burj Khalifa May 11, 2011
There are more suicides in Dubai that you can count. They are rarely reported. In the past 5 years Mr BB was called to accommodations and saw 6 people who committed suicide. None of which were ever reported in the papers.

Depression was the main reason. Some were in serious debt, some hadn't been home for a few years, missing family, marital problems. Just goes to show how we just assume so much because of our own ability to travel whenever, see family once a year, have family visit, save some money, hold our own passports. For most of us "life is good", for others it's a living hell.
Bora Bora
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Re: Man Commits Suicide From The Burj Khalifa May 11, 2011
Mahmoud04 wrote:Hi BM,
don't know how the insurance thing work here in Dubai, i know there is something like 36 months insurance in case of death, suicide included or not, don't know!
But lets imagine u met this guy 1 hour b4 his death, would he has been miserable, depressed, lost, desperate, etc...? i feel sorry for that.

is he a Muslim? well, suicide in Islam= he will dine in hell :)

I 100% agree on at the end of the day his fault, but the beginning of the day? I am sure he must could have had better solutions but he is gone anyway...

They stopped the bloody money/insurance payouts along time ago for suicide cases, because so many guys were running in front of cars and killing themselves, just to get money for their families.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Man Commits Suicide From The Burj Khalifa May 11, 2011
Bora Bora wrote:There are more suicides in Dubai that you can count. They are rarely reported. In the past 5 years Mr BB was called to accommodations and saw 6 people who committed suicide. None of which were ever reported in the papers.

Depression was the main reason. Some were in serious debt, some hadn't been home for a few years, missing family, marital problems. Just goes to show how we just assume so much because of our own ability to travel whenever, see family once a year, have family visit, save some money, hold our own passports. For most of us "life is good", for others it's a living hell.

Bora, I see people every day, in my line of work, that have marital problems and/or are in serious debt. A lot of them never get a holiday, don't have a passport and wish they didn't have to see their families. I have seen grown men cry with all their worries.They don't go around killing themselves though. Everyone has some problem or other and it's life that you have to learn to deal with them. To commit suicide you need to be mentally disturbed. My sympathies lie with the people who have to deal with the death, be it family or witnesses. Suicide is a cowards way out, in my opinion.
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Re: Man Commits Suicide From The Burj Khalifa May 11, 2011
BM, depression does not make one mentally disturbed. Depression can cause people to do drastic things, including taking their life when they don't see any hope. These people leave their countries not for a better life but to give their family back home a better life. There is no government programs to help them, whereas in the UK and the US there are. They go months without pay, many live in conditions that are unliveable. It's one thing to live with your family in one room because you have each other, but depending on the size of the room to live with anywhere from 4 to 10 people who aren't has to be difficult and you are on your own. Most of the people who commit suicide here are "on the bottom of the food chain".

I don't think there is one person on this forum that could last a week if they had to live the life that any one of these people lived who committed suicide. To me it takes a very desperate person with a lot of courage to commit suicide.
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Re: Man commits suicide from the Burj Khalifa May 11, 2011
I think BM's got it just about right, a high percentage of suicides have one form of mental illness or another and a number of contributing social, domestic, financial, drug/alcohol dependency or relationship problems requiring insignificant triggers such as the denial of applied leave to push an individual over the edge.

My sympathies too, are with the people who have to deal with the aftermath.
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Re: Man commits suicide from the Burj Khalifa May 11, 2011
Sorry but what absolute rot!

It's now come to light that the man was mourning the death of his brother, which obviously he was struggling with. He probably asked for leave to attend the funeral or to be with his family for the mourning period.

BM, I suggest you go and watch the Panorama series on the horrific conditions these men have to live in! With overflowing sesspits, dirty water, cramped rooms, vermin everywhere, living on a paltry amount of money. Many have been abandoned by their companies as they've gone out of business, so these guys are left being owed months in wages, no passport and no one to help them.

Please do not talk about depression when you have absolutely zero clue! Depression is a whole set of emotional issues and chemical imbalances - it certainly does not make a person mentally distrurbed as BB correctly points out. You'd have to add other conditions for that.

And yes before some of you - which I have no doubt you will - make some smart Alec quip, I DO know what I'm talking about!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Man Commits Suicide From The Burj Khalifa May 11, 2011
Depression is a common mental disorder that presents with depressed mood, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, low energy, and poor concentration. These problems can become chronic or recurrent and lead to substantial impairments in an individual's ability to take care of his or her everyday responsibilities. At its worst, depression can lead to suicide, a tragic fatality associated with the loss of about 850 000 lives every year.

Depression is a form of being being mentally disturbed or having a mental disorder.
Bora Bora
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Re: Man Commits Suicide From The Burj Khalifa May 11, 2011
Bora Bora wrote:Depression is a common mental disorder that presents with depressed mood, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, low energy, and poor concentration. These problems can become chronic or recurrent and lead to substantial impairments in an individual's ability to take care of his or her everyday responsibilities. At its worst, depression can lead to suicide, a tragic fatality associated with the loss of about 850 000 lives every year.

Depression is a form of being being mentally disturbed or having a mental disorder.

Nice description - most commonly known these days as Bipolar 2 or manic depression. It requires therapy, support, psychiatric help and in the majority of cases chemical intervention to stabilise/raise the mood.

Do you think this guy had access to any of the above?
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Re: Man Commits Suicide From The Burj Khalifa May 11, 2011
We are all aware of teens taking their own lives because of bullying. Recently there was a young college student, gifted musician, who was gay, and someone videoed him with another man and posted it - he took his own life. These were not mentally disturbed people - they were depressed over their circumstances/lives. When someone has a few bad days and are down, they refer to being "depressed". People fall into depressed states and they stay there or it becomes increasingly worse over time. Half of western civilization is depressed if you look at the sales of anti-depressive drugs!!!

Mental disorder is a term that covers many, many forms of mental health issues, one of which is bi-polar.
Bora Bora
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Re: Man commits suicide from the Burj Khalifa May 11, 2011
Calm down dear, calm down...So tell me how you’ve managed to paint a picture of a construction labourer, sharing accommodation in a room with 6-10 other labourers, with overflowing septic tanks, dirty water, cramped rooms, vermin, living on a paltry amount of money. Abandoned by their companies as they've gone out of business, so these guys are left being owed months in wages, no passport and no one to help them, suffering from depression?

In the articles I’ve read he was a 30 Year old Asian Man probably Indian who worked for a company with premises in the Burj Khalifa, show me where everything else you’ve claimed has been published?

How do you know he wasn’t a well paid middle management white collar worker? How do you know he was suffering from depression? I think you two need to calm down and save your judgement and comment on others until further details, if made available have been released, we’re all aware of the tragedy of suicide and don’t need any lectures about it, thank you very much. The fact still remains, there will be more suffering due to the selfish actions of this particular individual than if he hadn’t have committed suicide, whether he was suffering a mental disorder or not, if you don’t agree with that statement I suggest you make your comments about the subject and not any of the authors.
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