Mr BB's ex boss is in town (Mr X) who is also a very good friend. On Tuesday we planned to take Mr X out for a lovely dinner tonight as he was catching his flight home later in the evening. Mr X texted Mr BB that Mr Y would like to join us. Mr Y is also an ex-colleague who Mr BB has kept in touch with and got together with him every so often, so Mr BB, with some reservation, told Mr X no problem. The reservation comes from the fact that Mr Y, in all the years that we got together with him and Mrs Y, never, ever put his hand in his pocket to pick up a tab or offer to even pay for half. He either forgot his wallet in the car, or at home, excused himself to go to the men's room when the check arrived, or his arms were too short to pick up the check. Mr BB for years had a wonderful ability to overlook peoples cheapness, but now he gets really turned off by cheap people.
Anywho, Mr Y called Mr BB about attending the dinner and mentioned that Mrs Y, who is also a former colleague and someone Mr BB doesn't really take to, would also be coming along to dinner!!! Now he invited himself to our dinner and informed Mr BB that his wife will also be coming.
Only one hitch here: Mrs Y and myself have a mutual understanding - we don't particularly care for each other and haven't seen each other in about 7 years. Mr Y told Mr BB that he knew that Mrs Y and I aren't fond of each other and wasn't sure how it would go, and here's the punch line........................but we were still welcome to come along!!!!! Told Mr BB to enjoy the dinner but he informed me that there was no way he was going along. Now, I have to wonder if Mrs Y thought it would be worth it to "overlook" our mutual feelings thinking that as usual we would be picking up the check???? Mr and Mrs Y had a full week to invite Mr X out to dinner and get around to doing it this afternoon on the day he is scheduled to depart!!!!
Now how did we start off hosting a dinner, having 2 people invite themselves, and then to being basically pushed out/uninvited???
Yeah, this is one of those things I just luuuuvvvvvvvv about Dubai. Never been in one place with so many rude and cheap people!!!!